The night was warm but windy .I think it going to rain soon . I was about to close the front door when my neighbor Niki came by. She knew me ever since she move here, we were close like two pea in a pot . I am Hannah a 19 years old girl . Just an average girl with curly hair.I just finished high school. I describe Niki as a kind hearten person .She love cut animal just like me . Niki and I always hang out together to watch anime in my house every weekend. I asked her what Happened to you?. She replied it all started this morning when I wen to work.
When the story begin , Niki was going to work ,her car broke down.But her car was in the house, when it broke down .So , she called for a taxi. she was so busy with her hands are filled with all her stuff like her files. She accidentally left her phone inside the taxi. As she rushed back ,she experienced a terrible incident at the middle of the road. It was an accident between three cars that crash to a huge lorry. As it happened all the people who are in the car went out . the road was filled with blood.
She saw the cars were upside down , the tyres were missing,the doors were broken and the windows were smashed.She was so shocked .The accident made a huge traffic jam.Now , Niki was really late for work as a doctor.Then,she found her phone it was in the bottom of the taxi‘s car seat . Meanwile ,the incident was stil there, with all the people who were so puzzled .
After a few minutes , the ambulance came to safe the people who are injured. They managed to save five people.One of them was a cute baby .when Niki saw that ,she can bear to see it because the baby was filled with blood all over the baby‘s body and the eyes were poping out .Niki can not get the picture out of her head.
The a crazy killer came by, he was going towards Niki. the crazy killer was driving a car. the killer was wearing a black hooded coat. He nearly hit her.When a man save her. He was handsome with his blue eyes Niki said to me with a smile.But it does not start there when she was save by him , the crazy killer pulled a knife in his pocket to near her neck to steal some stuff like money. At that moment she was so afraid . Thankfully there was some police , at that time. They send the killer to jail. The killer was actually was involve with the incident . This is because the ambulance saw a cut that was similar to Niki's neck on one of the people at the accident.
Niki saw her parents car .She started crying . There she met the handsome guy again ,but know he is comforting her to stopped crying. He started to get to know her a little bit. She was crying it is because her mother was dead at the incident. she was also not that close with her mother. She was feeling guilty. The guy was still with her .He tell her a joke to make her stopped crying . But it work a little bit , she just smile and stared at him. She kept thinking how beautiful his eyes are. Then ,she went to her father. He was laying down . She was blessed that her father was alive. The guy said to her you always be carefully someday with meet again, wait a second you forgot your phone ...oh Niki is your named is it and my named is Adrien bye.The he left with a smile . Niki check her phone there was his phone number. she stopped her story and saide thank you to me for listening to her story. we are best friend after all. Then we talk for hours. I said so what happen to Adrien then is he your boyfriend.I smile to her. Niki said no we just friend OK as we chased each other.