Creeping up on a doe, I pulled one arrow out of my quiver, placing it on my bow, fixing it onto the string silently. Raising it up to my face, I pulled the arrow back, exhaling quietly, then I released. The arrow flew past my face, hitting the deer’s flank with a soft thud.
The deer tried to get away, but I was too quick for it, pulling out my long, silvery, thin blade, cutting the deer’s head clean off. Quickly glancing around, I bent down and started to skin the young, healthy animal.
Drying the meat in the sunlight to preserve it, I packed it into my sack. I was low on food, so I had to hunt. Bringing my meat to a large tree, I moved away some moss, revealing a large wood plank. Moving that aside, I put most of the dried meat in the large underground box. This was my stock of food for winter. Closing it up, I turned around and took an apple from a neighbouring tree.
Making a fire, I began to eat some of the deer meat. Ripping the dry meat off the bone, I heard someone behind me.
Turning around, I saw two grown men, probably in their late twenties. One of the men had a large, black beard with long, black hair. The other man was bald, with a reddish mustache and beard.
“What do you want?” I asked coolly. The bald man shrugged,
“Just checking up on you. The Bandit King wants his payment in full. Now.” The man said.
“I don’t owe him anything! This forest is free!” I exclaimed.
“You tell him that when you’re chained up and beaten!” He yelled back.
I snapped, rushing at the bald man, grabbing him by the collar. The other man with the black beard held a dagger at my throat threateningly. Slowly letting go, I put my left hand behind my back, secretly pulling my dagger out of my sheath behind my back, pulling it out.
“I don’t have to do anything the Bandit King tells me!” I yelled, brandishing my dagger. The two men were taken by surprise, and I quickly dashed up the tree catlike. Both men were still in shock, just looking around.
Taking an arrow out of my quiver and equipping it onto my bow, I pulled back the string, and released.
The arrow flew straight at the man with the black beard, and it hit him in the chest, and he fell to the ground, dead. The bald man fled into the woods.
Climbing down, I went back to eating. Now the Bandit King thinks he can put a tax on a land he doesn’t own. Great. I guess he’ll just have to be taken down. Besides, they have a Bandit Castle, I could attack them there. But how far will I get? I thought to myself.
Well, they certainly do have strength in numbers, I’ll give them that. But where are their weaknesses? I thought, annoyed.
I guess I’ll have to take the guards down with bow and arrows, them I could zip-line myself in and wreak havoc. But then I’ll probably die. Is there even a possibility of living? I thought to myself.
Suddenly, I had a great idea. I could make a way out of the dungeon first, then wreak havoc, and when they put in the dungeon, I’ll have a way out!
“Well, it’s worth a shot!” I said to myself as I began to ready myself, taking several steaks of deer meat with me.
That night, sprinting stealthily through the trees, I made my way around Bandit patrol parties, finding myself up in a tree fifty meters away from the walled castle.
I had been in their dungeons before, and believe me, I almost didn’t escape. I had a broken wrist, twisted ankle, and a small, jagged knife to escape this place. I doubt they didn’t add extra security and made the structure more secure.
Climbing down after two Bandits walked by, I walked to the wall, and took a spade, and began to dig. After only digging one foot, there was an opening. The dungeon.
Dropping down, I was consumed by darkness.
“Hello? Anybody in here? I made a way out, it’s the only way to escape!” I whispered urgently.
There was a moan in the darkness.
“Come on!” I whispered, “You need to get out of here!” I said in a quiet voice.
There was another moan in response.
Heading toward the noise, I found an elderly man leaning his head against a stone wall. Grabbing him by under the arms, I pulled him up to his feet.
“C’mon, we’ve gotta get out of here!” I urged in a hurried voice, putting the old man’s arm around my head and walking forward. Stopping at the mouth of the hole, I whispered to him,
“Okay, if someone sees you, climb a tree. I’ll get out and help you if you get found. Don’t be seen. Okay?”
The man just nodded weakly.
“Here,” I said, pulling out some dried meat, “Take this. It’s food. Deer meat.” I whispered, holding it by his mouth.
He took to large bites of it, chewing, then nodded his thanks.
“Okay, I’m going to boost you up, and you need to crawl the rest of the way up. Got it?”
The man nodded once more. Taking one of his feet, I pushed him upward, and he squirmed up. When he got down, he looked down the hole, smiling.
“Thank you.” He rasped.
I smiled back.
“Anytime. Now go!” I insisted tensely.
The elderly man looked around, then bolted into the woods. Now then… I thought to myself, Let’s get out there!
Climbing out of the hole, I glanced around, then bolted for the tree I was at before. Going up it catlike, I pulled out my bow by it’s intricately carved handle, taking an arrow out, I shot a guard off one of the castle’s eight towers. Then I shot the other two closest guards on the other towers.
Taking an especially long and sharp arrow, I mounted it onto my bowstring, taking aim, then released. The arrow hit the wooden post on the nearest tower. I had already attached a long length of rope to the arrow, and hooking up my bow to the arrow, I zip-lined into enemy territory unnoticed.
On the tower, I unhooked the arrow, reeling in the length of rope.
I might need it later, and plus, I don’t want the filthy Bandits to get suspicious, now would I? I thought to myself mischievously.
Going down the steps of the tower, I found my way to the ground.
Inside the Bandit Castle, it was quiet, with only a few people talking and chattering. It was almost deserted, since it was night.
There were several kinds of shops, like knife shops, bakeries, blacksmiths and fresh produce booths. They, too, were deserted except for half a dozen people wandering the marketplace. There were several dozen houses, but what I was really trying to get to was the keep, where the Bandit King lived.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I got to the keep roof, and, several meters down, was the third story window.
Climbing onto the window ledge, I opened the window as quietly as I could, creeping inside the building.
Inside, there was a long corridor lined with red carpet, and cheerily lit with blazing torches. Heading down several flights of stairs, I found myself on the main floor, the hall where the Bandit King sat upon his throne, talking quietly to one of his advisers. There were no Bandit guards in sight.
I guess it’s something needed to be talked about in private. I thought, creeping closer, hiding behind one of many large stone pillars.
“It’s not by the Pools of Power, my lord. Your men have looked everywhere, sweeping everywhere. But may I suggest one more place?” The old bearded adviser asked timidly.
“Where then?” The Bandit King growled.
“The underground caves. That is the only location your men haven’t searched for the lake of jewels.” The elderly man said.
What lake of jewels? What is he talking about? I thought, creeping even closer to eavesdrop.
“Go!” The Bandit King growled, “I need those jewels!”
The adviser rushed out of the hall. Glancing around, I hurried toward the staircase, and out the window.
“Lake of jewels?” I said to myself aloud, zip-lining back down.
Back at my camp, I opened my meat storage, finding one, single, small sapphire the size of a mouse. There also was a note.
Dear Rescuer,
I am very glad you have saved me from the Bandit King. Here is a small token of my gratitude. Don’t worry, I’m the only one that knows about your food storage.
If you were wondering, I was taken captive while looking for a lake of jewels. The King also was, and they found me. I found where it was, but I haven’t told a soul. It’s underground by the Pools of Power. Stay safe.
I was taken aback. No way a lake of jewels actually existed! But if it did, I’d be rich. I could be a king!
Falling asleep that night, I dreamt of swimming in such a lake, and being king of the Bandit Realm...
* * * * *
Waking up the next morning, I went over to my stash of meat and retrieved the sapphire and some deer meat. I’m almost out! I thought, I better hunt today.
Eating, I got up, taking my bow and my blade, I wrapped myself in my black cloak, and walked into the forest. Setting off at a jog, I travelled through the Bandit-filled forest, passing several streams and riverside cottages.
At the late morning, I found myself at the Pools of Power, where I saw several Bandits surrounding the biggest two.
Making sure they didn’t see me, I went to a small pool of the water, and dived. Swimming through the cool water, I swam through an underground tunnel. The tunnel went downward, then curved back up where the surface was.
Popping my head above the surface, I crawled onto the land. When I was out of the water, I assessed my surroundings, finding myself in an underground cave.
Standing up, I walked toward a tunnel. Pulling out an arrow, I took two stones, striking them, causing sparks, lighting the end of my arrow. Mounting it onto my bow, I walked into the tunnel fearlessly.
No matter who comes at me, I’ll be ready. I thought to myself, slowly walking forward.
After about twenty-five meters, the tunnel opened up into a large cavern. I heard voices. Firing the fire arrow in the direction, it illuminated the cavern, landing beside a group of six men. One was the bald bearded man, four of them were Bandit soldiers, and who the arrow landed beside was the Bandit King.
I suddenly felt afraid. The four Bandit soldiers rushed at me, and I pulled out an arrow out of my quiver, shooting one, who fell to his knees, dead. The other three were closing in, and, pulling out my blade, I slashed one’s arm off, then his head.
There were still two more. I knew I was dead.
Suddenly, two arrows came out of nowhere, hitting both of the men on the top of their heads, instantly killing them. Now I had a new hope. Rushing at The last two men, I took my bow out, and both of them were trying to escape. Exhaling, I released the arrow, and it flew for one hundred meters, hitting the bald man on the back of the head, and he fell to the ground.
Sprinting as fast as my legs could take me, I slowly I gained on him. Reaching him, I lunged with my dagger, knocking him and myself to the ground. Holding my dagger up, I prepared for the kill. But then I hesitated. Am I really this kind of person? This kind of murderer?
Standing up, I dropped the knife in horror. The Bandit King was also in shock.
“Why didn’t you just kill me?” The Bandit King asked evilly.
“I… I don’t know…” I stuttered.
The Bandit King laughed cruelly. Standing up, he took my dagger, and tried to attack me.
I dodged, taking out my blade.
“Don’t even try!” I snarled, taking the dagger out of his hand.
Taking my rope out, I tied him up as securely as I could manage. Continuing, I went through another tunnel, and it opened up into a well-lit cavern, with torches everywhere. But when I looked down, I saw a large pit of jewels.
The lake of jewels! I thought to myself.
Suddenly I grinned. I’m a king! I thought to myself. Diving into the lake of jewels, I sighed. I really found it! I’m a king!
Several days later, I became a king of the Bandit Realm. I was King Xavier. Already I built a large, glamorous castle, storing my lake of jewels in an underground throne room, away from possible thieves.
And it turns out, when I appointed my general, it turns out he was the man that shot those two arrows to save my life. The man I rescued became my highest adviser, and I lived as king for many years.
See ya later, bandit. I’ll see you around the forest!