Ch. 39
vs. 1-6: So not only was Joseph sold by his immediate family but his cousins the Ishmaelites sold him as well. Talk about betrayal. God took care of Joseph. Also it is true that those around a follower of God get blessed too.
vs. 7-10: So Joseph was a pretty boy. Also, the audacity to try and convince your husbands subordinate to sleep with you not once but several times!
vs. 11-18: What a snake! Also that is a cautionary tale to make sure you always have a witness.
vs. 19-23: Even in prison Joseph prospered. God takes care of His children despite what they go through.
Ch 40
vs. 1-4: Joseph is placed over the previous cupbearer and baker.
vs. 5-8: Joseph is able to interperet dreams because of God. God prepared him with his brothers.
vs. 9-15: Joseph sees this chance to try and get out. He has also learned from before to speak wisely.
vs. 16-19: What did that baker do to get killed? I feel bad for him.
vs. 20-23: The cupbearer was rude forgetting like that. however everything is in God's timing. It was not Joseph's time to leave the pit God had other plans. Sometimes we try to make God's plans happen on our own and it's a fruitless endeavor leading to other issues of their own.
vs. 1-8: Mic drop. Jesus is saying that there are times when Sabbath laws are contrary to honoring the Sabbath and that the Son of Man (Jesus) is Lord of the Sabbath.
vs. 9-14: Yeah call them out! They'd rather that man remain a cripple for the rest of the day than for Jesus to heal him then and there.
vs. 15-21: I don't believe they kept quite very long there. Notice how Mathew is pointing to the Law of the prophets showing how Jesus fulfills everything.
vs. 22- 32: They think that a devil is going to cast out devil? Jesus warns them to speak against Him is forgiven but to say that He casts out by the power of Satan is to say that His power is of Satan when we know Jesus came in God's name and operates through the power of the Father. He's warning them not to speak against God.
vs. 33-37: Every careless word you speak you will have to take an account for. So be wise when you speak. You will have to explain how that joke you thought was funny hurt someone else.
vs. 38-42: Jesus is saying he will be buried three days and just like at Nineveh the gentiles will repent and just like the Queen of the south they will come to listen.
vs. 43-45: That's why when you pray against evil you pray that it never comes back and pray against temptation.
vs. 46-49: His brothers rejected his teaching so I understand what they could have been there to say. However it feels harsh to talk about his mother like that. We do know that He ultimately takes care of her though. It is also a good way of teaching this particular message. Your family may not follow Christ but you will have a family in Christ.