All Brooklyn knew was pain and blackness, especially in his stomach. It was hard for him to open his eyes at first, hearing crickets chirping and an owl hooting.
He groaned softly, eyes blinking open, seeing darkness still with his eyes open, struggling to push himself to his feet, finding a tree to lean on.
Ohh… w- where am I? Brook thought wearily to himself, rubbing his head as well as his stomach, barely remembering what had happened, until small memories entered his brain:
Puck, and a strange spell…
Brooklyn frowned, despair rising in his core. Puck had shot crazy new magic, sending him far away from his clan. His hands balled into fists, baring his teeth. He was gonna give Puck a piece of his mind when he got back—.
That's when worry struck at Brooklyn's heart. What if he couldn't find a way home, and he was stuck wherever he was forever? His body trembled at the thought as he continued as best he could towards the edge of the trees, until he spotted the lights of a town ahead. Small feelings of hope then sprung inside him.
Maybe, maybe I can find somebody to help me get back to my clan here.
That thought became dashed though when he realized the people here have probably never seen a gargoyle before, and would probably call him a monster and chase him away or bring the cops on him. Brooklyn gave a sigh as he leaned on a tree, deciding he would figure out what to do the next night after he turned to stone.
He looked about for any kind of shelter until his eyes fell onto a small shack with part of it's roof missing. Brooklyn grimaced at the sight of it, but decided it was better than nothing. He made his way towards it while noticing the houses in the town looked pretty much the same in design. Looking it over, he finally confirmed it was big enough for him.
He sat in the entrance, readying himself for turning to stone as the sun rose.
The sun rose into the sky. Brooklyn waited at least ten minutes, but he still didn't turn. What was going on? A cold feeling of dread suddenly filled him. Was this some kind of new trick that Puck put on him? Is this why he hadn't turned to stone or human?
Brook growled, talons balled into fists, wondering why he stupidly ran in like that, as he scratched the metal walls of the shack, leaving big marks which took off some tension.
He was not so used to seeing the sun in its full glory which shone like the brightest star. It was rather beautiful, a small flicker of joy rose at seeing a sunrise for the first time, wishing his clan could see it, too. But Brook knew he had to eventually somehow obtain his regular Stone Sleep back, eventually retreating to a shady area in the shack.
I miss you guys. I hope to find my way back to you as quickly as I can! Brooklyn thought miserably as he hugged himself, trying to sleep while he tossed a little due to the 'comfort' of lying on dirt in an old shack. There was probably broken glass and other trashy stuff like that in here. Plus he would have to find a way to get anything to eat tomorrow, too, since he felt his stomach growl.
Brooklyn heaved a small sigh as the red gargoyle did his best to sleep, at last feeling his eyes drift shut, wondering what awaited him in this strange place on Earth he came to.