A coloured man says with slight humor in his voice . He's looks about in early twentys and is abit over weight, with dark hair that' shaved short, he has dark brown eyes. "hello, I am Ian Brown. I'm a doctor have been for the past 8 years, I hope to continue helping people, im glad to see many of you are not severely hurt" Ian says in a deep uneasy voice. He is A broad man looks to be in his early thirtys maybe 35. He has short curly brown hair and is around 5'10 in height same as Jake.
"I'm Rudy O'Connor. Im on scavenging team... was on the scavenging team, I'm 19 I live with my mom who is also on the scavengeing team, I'm not afraid I know we will survive because the world we live in is full of danger and about getting by." Rudy states bluntly yet charmingly. "I'm Leah Kinsley I work in cleaning faction, which doesn't make for a interesting day to day life story but im not the least adventurest, so hopefuly ill get through this, with Lindsey's help" Leah says skepically. Her blueish green eyes show shes fearful of our fate.
"I am Ally Reyna, I'm not a people's person and I'm not here to make friends, just to get past this", The snotty Hindu women with the accent says sharply. Apart of me knew that she would have an unpleasant personaliy as I thought. "My name Erika Colmen. I didn't really get out much, I worked with my mom close to our house, in the clothing unite, sewing and marking sizes and doing adjustments for the towns people". Shes says brittley. Shes a thin figured girl, She looks about 5'4 and maybe 115 pounds give or take and looks to be no more than 16. She has silky chocolate brown hair thats, slighty curly, that flows past her unmatured breasts and she has pretty almond shaped hazel eyes.
"Hi, I am Jackson Tyrian, I came here on a trip with my brother Sam. I work in techinal repair faction with our aunt, sometimes scavenging team." Jackson says in a low rough voice. He has short straight black hair but the sides of his head are slightly staved. He has deep brown eyes. He's in pretty good shape with slighly wide shoulders and you can see his six pack through his blue shirt hes attractive as hell but always seems to have a angry look on his face. He also seems to have it out for me, I'll have to watch my back with him too.