"What happened..." I muttered. My heard hurt. Although my eyes were open, all I could see was darkness. It swirled before my eyes like some huge black hole. To my confused mind, it appeared to be dancing gleefully, reveling in the chaos and confusion.
"Someone get water..." A familiar voice said. Who was that? Jenny...Or...Nancy?
A few minutes later, I felt cold water splash on my face. But the darkness did not go away. My head pounded...
"Wake up..."
Somebody was shaking me. I tried to move...Tried to open my mouth and tell whoever it was to stop.... Tell them it was making my headache worse....But I couldn't. It was as if my whole body was frozen.
Two red blots blossomed in the darkness. As they moved closer towards me, I realized they were eyes. Cold, cruel eyes...Eyes full of madness and hate...
"How did you know? I saw you...I saw you standing around...I saw you bumping into Jolly...How..." The voice barked. If I could, I would have screamed. I had never felt so much terror. I had never felt so helpless.
More water splashed on my face. This time, the darkness dissolved a little. I could see a mess of colours...Almost make out a face looking straight at mine.
"Amy..." I recognised Jenny's voice this time. Her gentle hands massaged my head, calming my raging headache a little.
"Jenny..." I croaked, feeling a surge of relief to find my voice working again. The mess of colours slowly turned into solid shapes. The world was back in focus.
I tried to sit up, but couldn't. My body felt thoroughly drained of energy. Jenny helped me up and seated me on a chair. It was then that I noticed the crowd of people around me. There was a larger crowd on the stage.
"Are you alright?" Jenny asked.
I simply stared at her. My heart was racing. I was stupid not to have realised it before. The power I had...Whatever it was...It could hurt me.
To be continued...