It was a curious feeling…Slowly the poison was spreading inside me. The thick black liquid of hatred. Whoever the person was knew that I was run over again and again. Yet they said nothing. They could have called an ambulance and possibly saved my life. Yet they did nothing.
They were the reason my poor mother was crying.
They were the reason my father was looking like a dead man walking.
They stole my life, my hopes and dreams.
They killed me. Just like that mystery driver.
The mystery driver…I had to ask myself who on earth did I think I was fooling. It was Mathew. I just…But…Why did he want to kill me? Why? Even if it was his Dad or Mom…Why did they want me dead?
A car halted to a stop just beside me. I recognized the people inside without any difficulty. My Dad and Mom…Both looking like zombies from a horror movie. They didn’t get out…only stared at the place my body had been. My mother said something I couldn’t hear. My Dad nodded.
I stared helplessly as they drove away. They had to know the truth. They had to know that someone took their daughter away from them deliberately.
But who and why?
What had I done in my life to be murdered?
To be continued...