Water flows. Even when a rock stands in it's path it simply goes over around or under it. People do not flow. We do not gracefully move around a problem with ease we face it head on and destroy others to make our lives easier, but is it really? Our lives are full of flashbacks and memories that I for one don't want to face, at the end of the day we cringe at the things we have done, we cringe at the things we have to do. Or do we really have to do them? We never search for another solution to a problem. Us as humans either go about trying not to hurt others and hurting ourselves and them in the process, or we hurt others seemingly not hurting ourselves, but in the end everyone gets hurt. The way we face these things define us. It always has a different outcome no matter if someone else tried to do the same and sometimes sympathy and understanding comes with our decision, but no one wants to be pitied. With the expression that comes upon ones face maybe it will be anger, pity, understanding, recognition, amusement, or fear. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it’s most likely disappointing. Then maybe we don’t understand why that’s their reaction and that’s how the frown is found upon our faces. It isn’t because they are mad, but what made them feel that way. Maybe you expected a different emotion if it’s recognition you want to know why they have felt so badly to know what you’re going through. We always expect the worst answer there is always that sliver of hope though that maybe you read them wrong or they read something. For me that isn’t possible I have never been wrong with my predictions before you can tell by the intensity of their eyes. There was once a crystal blue and now you can see a terrible storm brewing tears threatening to spill and a faint quiver throughout the body. These signs are everywhere I deny the feelings I distract myself for as long as I can. I’m the rock the one you never expect to see emotions from and maybe sometimes I feel a little lonely. Then I remember that my inner gears cannot function with the tears of another that my mind can only take so much. My heart has been broken forever and this is where we loop around because, People do not flow, words do. That’s how people work we try to make the words flow the way we want to but sometimes our carefully dug out river overflows and they are everywhere and you don’t understand why. We only know how to break things and thats the reason I cry.