In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
The world is burning, and Ash is already dead inside. When a deadly virus turns the world to ash, she’s left with nothing but the weight of her family’s death—and the desire to let everything go.
Eve doesn’t care about anything except survival. Tough, ruthless, and hiding secrets darker than the world she’s trying to outrun, she’s everything Ash isn’t—but the two women are forced together by a world that’s crumbling faster than they can keep up.
Their bond is nothing short of combustible. Desperate, angry, and undeniably drawn to each other, they clash with every step—surviving the apocalypse only to destroy one another in the process. But as the undead close in and the line between love and hate disappears, their fight might be the only thing keeping them alive.
The Eve of Ashesis a pulse-pounding, heart-wrenching tale of survival, obsession, and a love born from the ashes of the world. Will they survive the end of everything—or each other?