Every level I'm on my grizzycause I know the devil busy. If I was to perish I know they wouldn't miss me.The church is the marriage why Babylon tryna kiss me. Stay away from me. Pray away for me. I was stole from the night. Received my soul in the light.
Better wake up no double. Worldheaded to Jacob's trouble. I've been dreaded since I came out the rubble.Society is wild. To heaven walk the extra mile. The wind got that beautifulsmile. Don't you see it's all the same. You got to be free from the game.
Folk having a feast with thebeast. I'm in the streets with peace. You don't want to be considered with theleast. Endure and don't quit cause the devil will decease. You can fight backif you act right. Folk don't fear you cause you can't see thru.
I've been honoring my God. I'vebeen wondering in my heart. How will the righteous be saved. Make no deal inthe crisis even if you're facing the grave. We're officially entering the wave.The world will be enslaved. Endure until the end to be saved.
I'm backed up by scriptures.They act up for riches. There's no misinterpretation. We all know this is awicked civilization. I glow cause I ain't with that ticket immunization. We gonsee what I mean when folk at your door. Very indeed in the scene is war.
They tryna ride on my energy.I'm tryna slide into heaven's street. They want to hide all that leaven'swheat. Don't include me in your theatrics. You can't exclude me from thepractice. It's imperative you don't agree with the narrative.
Don't let the game fool you.Don't let the fame rule you. If you say you have faith why do you fear thegrave. Repent and endure until the end to be saved. Do you have theimperishable seed. The truth of wrath is the nourishable need.
The Spirit of God poured out onall flesh. They fear it cause the soul is called for the test. Everyone willget that opportunity. Only the Word can offer immunity. Take heart cause theywill try to break your heart. Why you so intrigued. I ain't fatigued.
The power of sin is tragic. Theflower of jinn is magic. In this hour folk can't grin cause they savage. Thingsturning sour cause you can't live evil and lavish. The only thing you should care about issalvation. The holy wings of truth for every nation.
This world is in for a rudeawakening due to the spiritual crimes. The Word is good awakening for thesebiblical times. If your heart is receptive then you'll see the dark isdeceptive. Think no evil. Link with no evil. Don't shrink in the face of evil.
I'm flowing thru the waters.I'm glowing like a starter. For The Gospel I'mma martyr. What's more importantthan salvation. That's for every nation. Be biblically correct instead ofpolitically correct. This world headed to the worst the Word ain't cursed.
It's a different version.Christ the gifted surgeon. The dimensions are merging. New World Orderemerging. Folks politicking and churching. The body is the temple. TheIlluminati will be made an example. We don't party for no sample.
I'm seeing the game clear view.I'm freeing the name real truth. One eye symbolism. That gun gon cry in thatexorcism. Don't put your Lord God to the test. I got my boots in the war and myheart in the vest. Jesus rose. They can't defeat us we been chose.
The world ain't right that'swhy the Word folks fight. A lot of things you should not be involved.Everything on the wood was solved. If you don't believe in the Lord then youbeen deceived in the war. What's in store if you really explore.
They don't know how I made it.They won't glow now cause they paid it. The light is in pure hearts. The nighttried to cure the stars. Hollywood crashing out. The game clashing out. Jesusname is the passion against any opp. What folk claim God will stop.
Don't you see how people don'tbelieve in God at all. Don't you see the vow people took to deceive hearts ofall. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your prime. Thank the Lord for openingmy eyes. Folks blank in the war cause it's soapening the lies.
The fruits don't resonate. Thetruth don't hesitate. Watch the roots levitate. Store up your treasures inheaven. Don't score up your measures in the leaven. Wars of all kinds. Doors ofall minds. Things heating up. Everything speeding up.
There's so much havoc cause theworld is out of touch with what God banished. The Word will crush evil and itwill be vanished. Wickedness won't prevail. Limitless is on presale. Get yourtickets now. They bet the crickets in the vow.
The miracle of light means thebiblical is right. No breath is guaranteed. I glow in the wealth of eternity.Jesus rose cause the moment was chose to save souls. The holy spirit is to beborn again. They only fear it cause the world will be torn again.
They took a vow to bepolitically correct. They shook asking how cause I'm biblically correct. Folklisten to the hog. The yoke got them kissing the frog. Enlightenment is the newwoke. They frightened cause your spirit ain't broke.
Lot of folk faking like theyreading the chapters. That's why they got a yoke for whoever they needed to becaptured. God is working thru you. My heart is searching for you. They didn'tknow who I was. The glow ain't that sauce. Carry your own cross.
It's a set up. You better getup. Folks I met up. Now the yoke is the bet up. God let you up. That's whydevil won't let up. Folk upset got me fed up. My faith ain't giving up. If yousaved why you ain't living up. Stay jetted up. They tried to set it up.
Elevated status. Meditatedmalice. That's why I pray for the atlas. They mix the clay with the cactus.We're dealing with the Bible. We're healing with the Bible. We're feeling withthe Bible. The bridal service turned to idol worship. Notice the purchase.
The matrix was set up todestroy every soul. They can't face it when we met up to restore every soul.How can you say you know God but don't have love. The vow folk planned is toslay the glow cause they won't count on the One above.
Where's the love of people whoare so called enlightened. There's no dove in the ego so the truth in my soulgot folk frightened. My heart is universal. They talk commercial. Your actionsweighed. The gnashing is slayed. The passion is prayed.
I ain't chasing a bag. Thesaints facing the tag. Talking about the mark. Walking without the dark.Unlocking the key to the heart. Always rocking with God. You ain't stopping meeven it's hard. I'm dropping 30 a night like a point guard.
I come against all demonicactivity. I'm from the lens of all atomic ability. Wake up, this is reality.Don't fake up have a tea. Don't be a casualty. God watching over me. My heartwashed now it's the sober me. Mind clean. I'mma kind being.
The royal law is to love all.You may be wise but the truth saved me to rise. Noahide laws. Ain't no hidinglaws. Yes I believe in Jesus as Lord. Life is test, exam and a war. Give noroom to the devil. The way I live they try to doom on every level.
God is in charge. No heart I'mgon dodge. Every department is for ultimate law and order. The darknet is tocultivate the web secrets in a camcorder. The outlet is to alter the fate oflife's border. The price is for you to fall. Christ reign over all.
We all have our own talents.The staff and the throne is balance. Are you taking share of the firstresurrection. Who cares about the election. If you living right you should haveno fear. The true living light is they would but God is here.
Washing of regeneration. Takecaution with information. Illuminati watching in every nation. Helicopters withthe scope. Teleprompter with the oath. A bizarre turn of events. The dark willburn when you repent. The situation. I guess folk was hating.
Peaceful souls have no fear ofbeastful souls. Only God I dread. The holy heart always has bread. Talkingabout the Word. I ain't walking with the world. It's very crucial you'rebaptized in Christ. Ain't no neutral when they zip tie our rights.
Give people love and peace withno force. Live legal in the dove not beast of course. It's hard but always havefaith in God. When you're saved they act odd. Time is telling. Why are youyelling. They won't give bail cause they want the world to fail.
I put God first can't go inreverse. I know they want to see the worst but I wrote the law on my T-shirt.So many times I've been hurt. I rose from the dirt. The lust of the eyes.There's rust in the lies. The wind blush in the skies.
Tryna downgrade my efforts. Iwon't sign the crown fade of my fervor. They blind the ground raid cause of theserver. There's still hope. There's still dope. Stay sober. Pray the game over.Folk will slay with the cobra. Barack, Kamala, Oprah.
We back on business. I'mma afaithful witness. Don't be a hypocrite. Won't be in a crypto pit. Heaven gates.Leaven rates. This turn you must discern. Pray you learn cause they want you toburn. The oil of gladness. Folk soiled with madness.
The fruit of the dove is the rootof love. Life is truth ain't nothing made up. The flock shouldn't care aboutthe glock. The energy got them shocked. The enemy got them clocked. The game ischalked. They tamed and knocked.
Be kind to every mind cause we'reall on God's line. Jonah is the only sign. They tried to stone her but Jesuswas on time. The world is entrenched in spiritual crime. The Word benched thosewho not in their biblical prime.
Raised up in consciousness.Graced up by the love of her kiss. Wisdom is my bride. The system can't hide.Rainbow means fire of destruction. When the pain glow the choir has theinstruction. Close the door. We chose this war. The souls of the Lord.
I'm the stronger me. I conqueredthe sea. I got a hunger to be free. How much longer we gon be. Wait on God'slovingkindness. Folk hate on God so they defiling in blindness. Change theformat. They treat you like a doormat. The streets is more stats.
Silence in peace. Violence inbeast. Folk want to hear gossip. They tryna haunt cause they fear they lost thedrip. I'm saved by the blood. The grave wants you to die with no love. Nothingis above God. Stop fronting cause you make it hard on the dove.
God work. Hard work. What's itall worth. Before the fall make sure you talk to earth. The Lord about to takeyou to church. Everything happens now. They pulling string by trapping in avow. They won't tell. Illuminati wants you in hell.
The world is choosing it'ssorrows. The Word is choosing it's marbles. Crowned with salvation in anyground of all nations. You can't drown in salvation. We're all beingtested. With the call I'm invested. Withthe fall they infested.
Progression in my profession theconfession. Society has an obsession with possession. For those who love God.They chose the devil how odd. Christ is the moderator. The price of theoperator. Folk roll the dice to offer the hater. One life, see you later.
I was built for the grind. Allthat filth in their mind. They try to embarrass me. I just call it heresy. Folkliving like a pharisee. Jesus Christ is the connect. Use your own intellect.You confused if you think hell is respect.
I won't keep quiet cause theworld on a diabolical diet. The Word got folk on a psychological riot. Betterstay in the heart meditated on salvation. The weather is what folk pray tostart the medicated of every nation.
If it ain't God then it's odd.The world don't feel that way. The Word won't steal that plate. The birds knowwhat's the real state. It's absurd to think the deal is my fate. I won't signto no luciferian. Lion mode I ain't scared again.
So many being misled by race. Howmany freeing the misled to grace. From here on out we're in a different space.Folk got fear cause they can't step to me I'm shifting the place. We all knowthe deal. They know I healed. The glow is a testament of real.
Stop chasing clout. Start facingGod. The spiritual abominations is cause the world can't unlock the biblicalcombinations. The Word is parabolic. The world is demonic. Even the birds areastonished. This is pure carnage. Make sure you in knowledge.
We ought to please the Lord. Theythought I would cease my heart in the war. So many lost. How many carry thecross. When your foundation is Christ then you own the rights. From darkness tolight. Come to the harvest of life. Sinner's fable. Winner's table.
Take caution in my energy.Marching on the enemy. They tryna put an end to me. Folk checking for me. Youcan't rich or poor me. I ain't backing down even when they cracking the ground.Christ brought the Good News. There's a price if you press snooze.
I got them fatigued like I'm inthe league. I'mma say it God is all I need. Jesus is the imperishable seed. Forthe world Christ bleed. If you have the holy spirit we're agreed. They fear itcause salvation is all you plead.
Purity of heart you will reallysee the dark. No fear surrounded by the shark. No year to be astounded by thespark. Hope you realize before the world steal the wise. You can play the foolbut you get slayed if you play by their rule.
Heart anointed with love. Thedark is appointed to the dove. We're in a war of great proportion. We're in theLord cause society in a mass abortion. Nothing is a game. Stop fronting we'reall the same. The Word is what they blame. Jesus is that name.
The world is crashing out. Thehigher ups are cashing out. Don't get sidetracked. Won't get hijacked. Allnations getting paid. The ancients ain't betting the raid. There's gon be atakeover. Where's the sake of being sober. On the stake it was game over.
Freed my mind and I seen theskies open. Behind the scene is cries of hoping. They blind the movie screenwith doping. They play with magic to make the world havoc. If you savage thegame you can have it. I'm in a different realm. God gifted me the lamb.
If you want the treasure withoutmeasure then you have to go thru pressure. The game is pleasure. Jesus name isfresher. Heart lighter than a feather. The dark is a fighter of weather. Thenew stars are time setters. I ain't going to Mars in tether.
Why is the world scared if youliving in Christ. I cried for the Word cause how rare was the giving of theprice. Your investment in truth is foul. Who you messing with when the fruit isfor the owl. No matter the president the roots is a vowel.
Sipping on that pineapple. Theygripping the time ammo. I don't need a wine sample. I won't feed the swinejambo. My heart charged with the grind of soul. The dark charged with the blindof soul. Return to the light. Discern the night.
Dedication to Christ. Educationof price. The world is expiring. The Word is inspiring. They say I'mma target.I pray I don't buy or sell in the market. The beast is in the field. The peacewill be in the real. Cease from evil to be healed.
Keep pushing toward the finishline. It's deep pushing forward the scrimmage mind. They got the audacity tothink they varsity. Feel like the MVP. Been real that's why they envy me. Ihealed my energy now they turned to my enemy.
You can't live how you want. Youcan't give how you want. Repent with intent. Jesus was sent cause the devilbusy to invent. Ask God to cleanse you. It's odd but they can sense you. It'shard cause they try to fence you. My Rock is my defence of truth.
The journey is real. The returnto Me is to heal. Detox the spirit. Sea rocks they fear it. Sodom and Gomorrah.They bought them with the glow of aura. Don't get comfortable. I won't forgetmy cup is full. All will be known. The fall is in stone.
Straight up to every nation. Thegates is up in salvation. All races are included. No faces is excluded. If yougot a problem then you want to rob the lamb. Wake up for the sake of. There's asecret agenda. Have no regret even when you remember.
There's no new testament. Where'sthe glow of the true investment. They grow the rules of flesh sin. Protect theinnocent. Connect with discipline. The world is lost in Babylon's enchantment.The Word can't be lost cause they acting wrong for the ascension.
The gift you have is for God.It's not a myth that life's wrath is hard. Hollywood is an abomination. If theycould they'd unlock the combination. The alliance is the Illuminati. Thescience is the healed body. My faith is stocked up so they shocked up.
Quantum computers. I don't wantthem cause it's from Judas. They taunt them with shooters. They stunt withlooters. Stolen goods. They holding the woods. The world is crashing out. It'sabsurd how folk passion out. The Word ain't dashing out.
We got to collaborate in Jesus.We can evaporate if God don't increase us. We're a mere breath. Don't feardeath. Regardless of who's in office we supposed to do our work so folk can'tstarve us. Seers, disciples and prophets. If you ain't real stop it.
Know who you are in the spirit.The glow of truth in heart they fear it. Let God take over your vessel. Theytaking shots cause the game over it wasn't special. We must learn the trustwon't burn. Wind of gust in Cern. Don't be in dust when it's your turn.
Crossed over to a new conscience.The new stars are sober with no new nonsense. I'm asking you cause they busylaking up. Now if you play folk is tasking up. The world took a vow til thecasket drop. Let's unite in Jesus. Any moment is the seize up.
Don't deny the name of Jesus.Won't lie on the name of Jesus. Salvation is available now. Every nation made avow. Rare ones ain't scared ones. No fear of any human or beast or fallenbeings. Every year folk consuming in balling by skiing.
It's been a while since I have last been here and I'm back with an announcement.
So, I genuinely don't even know how many people have been reading my books or are reading them but I just wanted to say thankyou!
Coming back here to see so many views, makes me really happy to have reached this far.
I have shifted over to Wattpad now for sometime with my first novel December 4 which is a thriller/mystery and was also briefly published here in a draft version.
I won't be publishing anything anymore here as I haven't in a long time and i want to focus on my first novel on Wattpad.
But thankyou very much for giving my books a chance!!
If you want to reach out to me and talk about my books or anything. Just message me on my Wattpad. My username is @dyingfrominside or just shoot me a dm here and we can talk on discord as well.
Needlessly to say, I love this site because it was the first one I published my works on but now I want to gain some more exposure and learn more things.
Thankyou so much again!!
Love y'all <33
Live accordingly. Give supportingly. Stop participating inthe evil crimes. They gon drop in the midst of hating in the ego times. Peopleclaim to have it figured out. It's still legal to claim you're saved even iffolk is triggered out.
Industry plants. Ministry plants. Different lanes but stillshifting gains. If you're involved in one or both make the sorcerers starve bynot taking an oath. Wake up and be real with God. Don't fake up to heal theheart. Stay focused. I don't need a bonus.
Faith in Jesus over everything. When you're saved God won'tleave us for anything. Political correct is a religion in itself. Biblicalcorrect is a decision in itself. God is in charge of the civic of all. Ain't noheart I dodge cause the wicked will fall.
Sunshine times. One time for the rhymes. My lonely nightsare gray. My only rights are to pray. When you got the holy light folks trynaslay. God is always right so don't play. The doorways of night is the bones ofclay. Thank the Lord for a new day.
It don't matter your skin color. We gotta love our sistersand brothers. We're fighting evil not people. We're all equal in God's eyes.Folk blur what's legal in hard times. The planet is spiritually invaded. It'sgranted biblically life is end dated.
There's an opportunity for us all. There's an offer forimmunity to all. Salvation is for every nation. God hearts you. God starts you.Jesus redeemed you. Increase us cause we need you. Folk try to deceive us tobleed us. World vestige. Word Message.
Making fun of someone is not cool. Faking the sun is fromthe one who tryna fool. All skin colors wear shades so miss me with that. Thekin is sisters and brothers who ain't scared of the gritz of facts. Know thedeal. I glow cause I heal.
God is a not a fan of evil. The dark got the plan of people.Light up the work. Night up is bezerk. Right up in that church. The only timeis now. They made a crime and took that vow. Illuminati's rule is for a littlewhile. Now folk have a brittle smile.
Walking contradiction. Talking like they official. You don'twant to live for God cause the world is a diamond of lies. I want to live forGod cause the Word is perfect timing for the skies. Second coming ain't no morenumbing. Turn the page. Burn the rage.
Got to shift the paradigm. Who I'm with got folk scared intime. I don't think we get the severity of eternity. A lot of people link to bea celebrity not knowing they in jeopardy. I was naive but God I alwaysbelieved. Price tag. Christ is the jag.
We in the future past. Ain't no neutral in the clash. It'scrucial you don't get dashed. Revelation like Angola. Every nation got thelawyer. We call him the Advocate. Look at what we inherited. That's what thesin merited. Christ is the heart's price.
Why would you bring a shovel for a bubble. Thought Iwouldn't make it out the rubble. Now they seeing I'm getting paid double. Thevow they took got them in said trouble. Be baptized in Christ name cause thislife ain't a game. Miracle of the biblical.
I already knew this. Watch out for them shooters. But yougot to pay close attention to the Judas. Folk in detention cause they therudest. Keep a psalm on me for the intruders. Nations got just and unjust. Thecall of salvation is a must cause folk is sus.
You are not under law but under grace. The truth is a starthat thunder the raw in any space. Apply the biblical. Reply to the miracle.Presenting your body as spiritual service. Repenting of the body cause yourheart could turn hysterical to disturb us.
Put in your hard labor when God is your only Savior. Theexaltation of the beast. They want to X all nations cause of peace. Be preparedfor the son of destruction. Don't be scared of the gun of disruption. Don't getturnt out. Won't get burnt out.
Faith working through love. The grave searching for thedove. Being saved ain't made up. The road is narrow. The episode is pharaoh.They use goat and sparrow. Christ is the atonement. Said price is theappointment. Night of the world. Light of the world.
We gon see the world status. Free song in me is the Wordatlas. Tree is strong for the bird not the cactus. Prickling with fear. Ain'tno more tickling these years. Anybody can be racist. The devil's poison I won'ttaste it. Judgement Day is real face it.
God is speaking cause the world's heart is tweaking. TheWord is to give you faith cause we're being weakened. Watching the birds notthe grave cause the truth is seeking. See the earth quaking cause in therebirth ain't no faking.
The peace system is not in fear of the dust clot of sin'select. The beast prison is already here just not in effect. Get in touch withthe holy spirit. They bet you crutch cause people feeling it. Any day could beanother quarantine. See behind the scene.
The free is forgiven in Christ repent of the knot. If we notliving for Christ then what. You can get triggered all you want but you ain'tfigured it out what the devil want. Be right to see with light cause we headedto the night. Continue to fight.
Now reality hitting like bricks. Wow ain't no validity causefolk spitting ticks. Hollywood is crashing out. They probably could but I'mflashing out. If your aim is for the riches of the world then in the nameyou'll try to find glitches in the Word.
The regime of the ashes. It ain't what it seem with themasses. The world trying to get a slice of the devil's pie. The Word is cryingcause the price of the level of all who died. But know Jesus rose. This iscrucial for all souls.
God is what I attract. The devil tryna attack. With my foesis no contact. The Gospel will keep you on track. The Word is my stack. I heardthe price is a snack. They absurd if they think I'mma get smack. Love is myshield. My heart is sealed.
The Word is not invent but truly God sent. Repent and endureuntil the end. The trajectory is muted. Ain't no injecting me with the rooted.The game been infiltrated. The name been simulated. Only the real Jesus. HolyGod increase us.
See their face when you freed by grace. They want to giveyou a taste of their medicine cause your space is rare heaven sent. Thebiological and psychological warfare. The diabolical and chronological requiremore prayer.
Nothing is impossible with The Almighty. Fronting is theobstacle of all piety. Don't underestimate the power of God. Folk try to put usunder the hate cause the hour of heart. This is for all believers. We gon seethe fall of deceivers.
Heard you calling. The world is falling. My heart answered.The start of sin is cancer. Pray for those who have no voice or no choice.Don't play with the rose when it glows cause the devil coming with the noise.To cancel out. The war is always fought.
The holy spirit is crucial. Ain't no neutral that's why theyfear it. Worldly habits. The Word ain't magic. Stop playing savage. Folkpraying for havoc. Take what you need. Don't fake what you need. The dove ispure. God's love is the cure.
We must be sincere. They have free trust in fear. I'mtalking to anybody who going against God. I ain't walking with Illuminati mytruth is glowing in the presence of God. Folk scared of the devil. They starecause you're on the love level.
I'm in the fight cause what's in sight is the skit. Nightpit cause what's right is legit. Tight knit cause the light ain't quit. God isnot to be tested. The heart ought to be rested. Keep your thoughts investedcause the drought is nested.
Love is the building block. The dove is the shielding rock.The atmosphere is changing. The atlas is in fear of the ranging. You don't knowbut the world is praying. You won't know but the Word is staying. What God saysremain. In Jesus name.
Teach the youth discernment. Reach the youth cause this isconcerning. Get baptized and receive the holy spirit. Folk can't act rightcause they been deceived so they fear it. Learn when to say yes or no. It'syour turn to repent in the test of soul.
We need a better view. They released the weather flu. Noplague shall come near your tent. The glow ain't fake cause they want to ballbut won't repent. Tyre and Sidon. Why me but I still fight on. That shouldrhyme. Hollywood should be a crime.
We're provided for. What's the hiding for. Theworld is suffering. The Word is covering. We live in a cruel reality. Folk givea fooled duality. It's a myth of neutrality. If you invested in your flesh thanyou infested with more stress.
I got that loyalty mixed with that oil tea.Turned me to a royalty. They know my heart is love. They show the dark to thedove. Open your eyes to open the skies. They was hoping the wise would behypnotized. Dollar crash cause of the crypto rise.
We need a better view. They released the weatherflu. No plague shall come near your tent. The glow ain't fake cause they wantto ball but won't repent. Tyre and Sidon. Why me but I still fight on. Thatshould rhyme. Hollywood should be a crime.
Prehistoric codes. We explored the road. Foundthe guide. The sound can't hide. Music, movies, sports, politics. They can'tmove me in the court of that 6. Pray that can't prove me cause the Lord is inthe mix. The world is chaos. The Word is no days off.
We all need to repent. See the fall of those whoneed to invent. Talking about plots of evil. Walking with no doubt cause mythoughts are legal. Meaning I think from the love. If they scheming folk willshrink from the dove.
God wants all to be saved. The devil wants allto be in the grave. Jesus is the only and last hope. Tryna delete us in theholy land with the blast scope. This is for all races. The kiss of dove is forall faces. They blitz love in all spaces.
This is to encourage you to open your heart.This is to nourish you for hoping to God. One opportunity. The Only BegottenSon is immunity. You rather perish cause you couldn't get the treasures. I'drather cherish cause I wouldn't forget the precious.
The Gospel is crucial. To every soul can't playneutral. Better get ready for torment and torture if you claiming Jesus Christif it gets to that point. The weather is heavy for more rent and scorcherblaming the vistas price you don't get the point.
The earth is the Lord's. They have the nerve toblitz your heart cause you in the doors. Folk don't want to see you. Folk knowGod freed you. But guess what I'm in Christ. My love is blessed cause I'm readyfor any price. It's a test I ain't roll the dice.
Keep Jesus commandments. It's deep cause theytryna deceive us from standards. We fight not flesh and blood. The light is atest of love. All races can believe The Gospel. All faces can receive TheGospel. I don't relate to the real hate.
The world hoping for years. The Word said openyour ears. The bird coping with tears. Absurd with the fears. Only God I dread.Only God I ask for bread. Taskmasters. Glass plasters. Cash pastors. Stay outof religion. Jesus is love's decision.
The Gospel is colossal. I'm flowing likePicasso. I'm seeing the secrets with my eyes closed. The world's gold is notworth more than the Word's soul. The dove is innocent. The love is medicine.First resurrection. Worldwide insurrection.
Every moment is tested. Look what I've beenbless with it. I'm the wrong one to mess with. Sing the Lord's song to makethat exit. We on thin ice but I got Jesus Christ. Guillotine. You can't editthe scene. Latch them curses. Match them verses.
The world stage is from prehistoric. The Word inevery page you can't ignore it. The frogs is jumping. The smog is numbing. Youdon't know what people are on. It shows who sees we're equal cause the evil waris on. Faith in God. Saved in the heart.
Hope you ready for an EMP attack or FEMA campsor Jacob's trouble. The way I cope they dread me cause my energy attract the rhemastamp no makeup or double. Man of lawlessness. They tryna ban raw awesomeness.Stay in the faith. Pray you endure to be saved.
The holy spirit is a gift. They fear it causeit's not a myth. The world is prideful. The Word said why you lied for. Jesusis the truth. Folks act like you pulling tooth. The atonement of our sins. Thesnowman of the dark is a jinn. The devil can't win.
The Lord I'm facing. I'mma lion not me youchasing. That iron bring the ether to the masons. A lot of crying when you seethe shell casings. Please stay away cause folk out here lacing. Pray for thesouls in all nations. Can't play, no time for vacation.
The will of God. Be still in God. Do what'sright. I knew my light. Cease from evil. There's a leash on the ego. Free fromthe chains of bondage. We come with grains that you make astonished. They gamebeen crafted. MVP and I wasn't even drafted.