Lilith- Lilith had managed to charm the guard at the gate into letting her in, but she couldn't be sure that this would work with the dragon if he showed up. She just had to get in, get the ingredients that she needed for the potion, and get out, without getting caught. Easy.
Leon- Once inside she had a short window as the dragon wasn't currently home but he was on his way home from a trip out of town, so her window would close in just a few moments.
Lilith- She quickly located the greenhouse and grabbed the ingredients that she needed, including nightshade berries and hemlock. She put each in its own pouch and was preparing to grab the final two ingredients: 5 leaves from the dragon's blood tree and 5 drops of the sap. She plucked the leaves and began to drill a small hole in the bark, holding up a vial to catch the viscous, bloodred liquid. Her time was running short, and her tail swished impatiently as the drops slowly slid into the vial.
Leon- As she began to collect the sap her time had run out; the dragon pulled up in his car noticing the charmed guard before he pulled through the open gate and parked in front of the house before the began glancing around, taking in the area. Then, he noticed the greenhouse door was open. Making his way over, he stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he watched her furtive movements.
Lilith- Her ears twitched and she stoppered the vial, turning around and stowing it in one fluid motion. "Hiiiii... I was just leaving..." She looked up, then wings exploded out of her back. She shot up, aiming for the large skylight.
Leon- He watched her silently or a half-second before he shook his head. "That's locked and it's made out of bulletproof glass," he said plainly, referring to the skylight she was flying toward, giving her a warning that it wouldn't be an option to escape that way.
Lilith- She held up her hands, muttering quickly, and the skylight melted. She winced as a drop of hot glass brushed her face, but she kept going, clearing the roof. However, her wing had brushed against the edge and she wobbled in the air before crashing to the ground. Though her window of time had already run out, another hourglass had just run out of sand: Her last potion. She trembled on the ground as her tail thrashed behind her, already talking on the armor of a scorpion.
Leon- He walked around to where she had come crashing down before he yawned looking at her as her tail began to change forms.
"So, now that your wing is injured and your little potion has worn off. Why don’t we have a little chat?"161Please respect copyright.PENANA8t0B7XhbXW
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