Kant writes "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. " This statement went way over the Main Charters philosophical abilities. He chose to turn to his linguist talent to help him digest the knowledge that he had just heard. He crafted a well-thought-out sentence to summarize what he had just learned; "FUCKING PICE OF SHIT CARP THING NONE ONE CARES ABOUT." He then used his strength to rip the pieces of paper into delicate little pieces.
"WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK CARES ABOUT ANY OF THIS?" The unnamed Main character steamed.
Kant's dead corpses upon hearing this deplorable act of savagery against the intellectual and philosophical community, rose from the grave to write a strongly worded letter. Fearing the pain from a strongly worded letter from such a renowned figure, the still unnamed Main Character disrupted the flow of time itself to go back in time and kill Kant.
After he had butchered Kant with a meat clever, and for some reason unnamed main character decided to eat the remains and returned to his original time. Unknown to... Fucking really? No name yet? Can the authors get any lazier? Do I REALLY have to name the poor guy? FINE. I'll name him YN then, if the author would be bothered to name him.
Anyways back to the terrible plot; YN returned to find that he had altered history and now Pripara ruled the world. He shuddered at the bright neon colors that covered absolutely everything.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" shouted YN in a state of absolute rage.
"MOMMY THAT MAN IS SAYING BAD WORDS" screeched an annoying little girl who had more colors than the stereotypical Mary Sue.
This little girls comment furthered YN rage, so he proceeded to carefully remove the girl's head from her shoulders with his butcher's clever that was still dripping blood. He took the little girl's severed head and threw it at the nearest idol. The idol dropped dead from shock.
YN dragged his two murder victims out of the galaxy and lived on eating their remains.
Kat: Yo, its Yune! But this time he's a psycopathic murderer instead of a love interest, lol. Love all the reference btw.