‘ESME!’ Hero’s voice reached her.
She tried to open her mouth in reply. Yes, she was all right. And yes, she had foolishly jumped off the train as it went down the cliff.
But all that came out was a whimper.
She pushed her eyes open and darkness greeted her. She could distinguish the silhouette of the tree looming over her, whose branches must have saved her life, from the stars easily as the tree was burning, with beautiful golden flames.
She had seen the train go down in flames.
Some of it she must have brought it here.
‘Hero...’ she whimpered. Footsteps rushed towards her amidst the hissing of the flames.
‘ESME!’ Hero cried as he dropped to his knees as he saw her. She could see the relief in his eyes as he helped her sit up. He had been crying. Poor guy. His blonde hair, dyed with brown streaks was plastered to his forehead, with sweat trickling down his chin. His azure-blue eyes, copies of her own filled with tears as he hugged her.
‘I’m all right Hero.’ Esme whispered croakily. Then she remembered why she had jumped from the train in the first place. She asked, ‘Are they fine?’
‘They are perfect. Not a scratch. They landed in the bushes. Oh, if you had only jumped off with them...look at you.’
‘I am fine Hero.’ Esme said and pain shot through her right leg. She closed her eyes in pain as Hero’s arms stiffened. The pain was blinding, and stars shimmered before her eyes. She was losing her consciousness. The last words, she heard Hero say were, ‘Don’t leave me Esme, please, please; we’ll get you to the hospital...’
She couldn’t hear him anymore.