Jackson woke up and though it felt like a normal day, Jackson felt something unreal. It felt as if he lived this day before. He was in a house filled with decorations.
He walked past the living room. It was ornamented with photos of a child and what seemed to be its parents. There were candles and a chandelier hung from the ceiling. Was he kidnapped? He saw a rifle next to the chimney, which had more photos. Jackson picked up one of the photos and looked at the parents.
“Dang! I’d kill to have parents! It looks fun.” Jackson then frowned and put the picture back in its place. “Actually, never mind. I heard that parents are annoying and boss you around. Doesn’t sound cool now that I think of it.”
He continued walking and stepped into the kitchen.
“Ooooooh! Are those cookies?” Jackson ran to take a cookie but paused before grabbing it. “What if I get yelled at?” He laughed. “I’m a kid! They’ll just think a cute little boy needed some food!”
He reached for the cookies once again and paused again. “But just in case.” He looked around to make sure no one was watching him. Safe. He reached for the cookie a third time. He paused again but realized he didn’t have any excuses, so he reached for the cookies for the final time.
As he reached, he paused. This time, it was because he saw something outside through the window near the fridge.
“Stalkers?” He rushed to the window and looked out to find a group of about 5 people who knocked on the door. “Visitors.” Jackson said to himself. He forgot all about the cookie and started walking toward the living room to open the door. He stopped as he saw a couple at the door. He froze, not wanting to be caught in their house, but they didn’t seem to notice him. The couple opened the door and welcomed the group. However, Jackson could feel something else going on. The couple seemed to be worried. Maybe even scared.
“Where’s the kid?” asked one of the ladies of the group. Probably the leader or somethin’.
“Which one?” the man asked worriedly.
“You know which one. You know what has to be done.”
“Can’t we just wait to see if anything serious happens if you can’t find him?” asked the man.
“If something serious does happen, then that would be one thing too much. We’re trying to protect everyone. I know it seems wrong and all, but which is better? A couple of lives? Or everyone’s lives?” said a guy of the group. He looked extremely young. Barely an adult. Yet, his words sounded like every annoying old guy Jackson’s met. “Your selfish needs? Or the good of world?”
Jackson didn’t understand what was going on, but he could feel that it wasn’t good thing. The couple’s guy looked down in dissapointment. “Follow me,” he said.
“What are you doing?!” the couple’s woman yelled. “He’s our son! Don’t give him away!”
“I’m sorry, honey, but they’re right. As much as it hurts, we can’t interfere.” The man and the group walked away, leaving the woman weeping.
Jackson quietly sneaked past the woman to follow them. He wanted to know what was going on.
He caught up, but no one seemed to notice. The leader lady of the group walked up to a crib, reached inside and...
Everyone was gone.
Jackson woke up to yelling and screaming.
“I wonder who’s dying?” Jackson wondered as he got up from bed. He expected some unscheduled party or something when he walked out the door. He froze, expecting Biobi to speak out of nowhere, like he always does.
Nothing was said.
“Hmmmm. Must be gone again.”
Jackson stepped into his bathroom and closed the door for a quick shower.
He came out ready to start his day. “Time for my daily mac’n cheese! Then I’m gonna go chill with Lucas. Maybe go to the library or Lucas’s house.”
He went for the door and stepped out. He walked through hallways filled with rooms of other children. He made it to the cafeteria to get some food, but was interrupted by some random dude.
“He’s gone! We’ve searched and can’t find him!” yelled the guy.
“Biobi! We did our daily checkup on you guys and Biobi was gone!”
“He’s always gone at night.”
“Yeah, but he always makes his bed and leaves a note, but last night, his bed was a mess of fur and no note was left! We tried to wake you up, but you’re just a heavy sleeper. Everyone’s looking for him.”
“Don’t worry! I’ll help.”
“Thank you! Maybe you’ll be successful in the search.”
Jackson walked off and forgot about his food and went on a journey to find Lucas. He could help wth the search. Jackson walked off hoping he would be the one to find Biobi.