Every once in a while, everything comes184Please respect copyright.PENANAeA1aTmCyva
together everyone gathers up and for that one night your life is amazing. “Summer184Please respect copyright.PENANAhygor4VJ6S
End” party has always been a tradition here at Beverly Hills, LA, it’s a party that’s184Please respect copyright.PENANAWTy8Toro1e
thrown on the night before school, every single high schooler who lives here is184Please respect copyright.PENANAtmWFH2ZF4F
invited and tonight is the night for the 15th Summer End party.
“Hey Elli, are you going to this year’s summer-end?”184Please respect copyright.PENANA6kfKD3xcf2
Neely spoke on the phone.
“Yeah definitely, it’s the biggest party of184Please respect copyright.PENANAkb6alwkBKj
the year,” I replied while adjusting my summer-end dress that I’d pre-booked a184Please respect copyright.PENANAAykxjy8sph
month ago,
“Right then, I’ll see you tonight and don’t184Please respect copyright.PENANAZzsw6RStLS
forget to snap me a pic of you in that gorges dress you booked”
“All right, I’ll snap a pic before I leave184Please respect copyright.PENANAplLhhlDYiq
the house,” I said then hung the call as I walked towards my wardrobe again184Please respect copyright.PENANAn0H4lJytnY
trying to find the perfect matching heels to go with my dress and the theme of184Please respect copyright.PENANAzl4ltHwcJz
this year’s summer-end.
It took three184Please respect copyright.PENANAd9QWu7PS50
rounds in the wardrobe for me to finally decided on the heels and it will take184Please respect copyright.PENANAzB6Lo6D6gr
another two to three rounds before I find a delicate purse as summer-end isn’t184Please respect copyright.PENANA32mvWQxSxc
just a party before school but it also allows you to meet new people who’d just184Please respect copyright.PENANAkd6zrBZkEk
moved in and become friends with them, so if you want to be the new ‘popular184Please respect copyright.PENANAEnt3AYnYJS
girl’ in school I suggest you’d better dress yourself up with the fanciest184Please respect copyright.PENANAmInlih3UcP
outfit you could ever put together. I snapped a photo of my look and sent it to184Please respect copyright.PENANASv5OQUXRK9
Neely then headed for the elevator that runs from the fourth floor to the184Please respect copyright.PENANAHb06TaCd3C
underground car park, I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the champagne shelf184Please respect copyright.PENANAZhYEJkvdoY
as I left the underground lounge then headed towards the two seated icy blue184Please respect copyright.PENANAIomKvjdqiI
Porsche 718. This car was originally pink, I took it to the garage just about184Please respect copyright.PENANAaF1mftvhMf
four days ago to change the colour so it would match my dress and everything. I184Please respect copyright.PENANAvtgh87lvRU
pulled open the door, placed my bag and the bottle of champagne on the seat,184Please respect copyright.PENANAc1MEhdULWk
got into the driver’s seat, and started condition-checking, as usual, to ensure184Please respect copyright.PENANAcSm0aXjUaP
the car was safe to drive.
As I drive out of the car park, I called184Please respect copyright.PENANAd8iv8mpoZr
Neely so we could meet up at her house before we head to the party, we had an184Please respect copyright.PENANARucE3h5VBB
afterparty planned and I need to place the champagne in her champagne shelf184Please respect copyright.PENANAjFl2FfYET8
before going to the party as the champagne wouldn’t taste good if it leaves the184Please respect copyright.PENANAIgwgn3cbM0
fridge for too long. About five minutes later I arrived at Neely’s house, I184Please respect copyright.PENANAulPBcOXr4K
parked the car and got out with the bottle of champagne and handled it to184Please respect copyright.PENANAskp9076ekU
Neely’s personal assistant who helped with planning the afterparty today, then184Please respect copyright.PENANAx3CP9IPMns
Neely and I drove off towards the hall where summer-end is held.
“Elli, do you know anything about this year’s184Please respect copyright.PENANAaYGTdYdoIj
new transfer students?” Neely asked,
“Not really, I just know that Jackson and184Please respect copyright.PENANAnEDEa03CJL
Daniel are joining our school this year,” I said,
“Oh, the two guy-best friends of yours.184Please respect copyright.PENANAkN2VPwNLNU
Well, that’s fun” she said,
“Yeah, and I think there are exchange184Please respect copyright.PENANABoXIhkPtAR
students from East Asia as well, my mom got an email about it and the school184Please respect copyright.PENANA1iHGytwQAF
hopes Charli has recovered so she could re-enrol and continue her studies as184Please respect copyright.PENANABiSCX349W7
they say she is a very talented young lady”.
Charli is my older sister; we are Irish twins184Please respect copyright.PENANABQ3DNT7PIc
as she was born in November 2004 and I was born in August 2005. She used to be184Please respect copyright.PENANABOwz5fzxm4
in the year above me until last year she had bad anxiety issues and had to drop184Please respect copyright.PENANA7TErQrxDIr
out of school to recover from anxiety and other issues. Its good news that184Please respect copyright.PENANANjMKrq1x0C
dropping out of school for a year helped her recover as she seems to be like184Please respect copyright.PENANACNy62v8sDY
who she used to be, that cheerful and encouraging older sister of mine. I truly184Please respect copyright.PENANADSThBpgdrg
feel happy for her to be able to recover from anxiety and re-enrol in school to184Please respect copyright.PENANA1NtwlXpm96
continue her studies in the areas that she likes and have a bright future,184Please respect copyright.PENANAhpfK4kgZjH
that’s all I ever wish for her, to be happy and live a calm life with no downfalls.184Please respect copyright.PENANAdFZEvHceCH
About twenty minutes later Neely and I had184Please respect copyright.PENANAKs0xlattua
arrived at the front of the hall I’d say it’s more like a hotel but instead of184Please respect copyright.PENANANDXR9BYVJ2
one ball room for summer-end, the whole of the hotel lobby has been booked184Please respect copyright.PENANAjTkrtP63F8
three months in advance for summer-end to make sure the decorations and service184Please respect copyright.PENANAxPo8wpEaey
is top standard. As I parked the car in front of the entrance, I see employees rushing184Please respect copyright.PENANAD8VM03vD6j
towards the car to open the door for us, I passed the keys to the guy who184Please respect copyright.PENANAleDQAko0uG
opened the door for me as I entered the hotel lobby with Neely.
“Elli, you look gorgeous today!” said184Please respect copyright.PENANAykQPa8tvHn
Jackson as he walked closer,
“Hehe thanks good looking guy in white, you184Please respect copyright.PENANAVc1o8eMyxQ
sure will get a lot of girls attention tonight,” I said, laughing but also184Please respect copyright.PENANAzf95JtPzjp
giving him a compliment,
“Hey, let’s find a seat in the hall first”184Please respect copyright.PENANARmZw1eQP44
Daniel joined to remind us of going into the hall and finding seats for184Please respect copyright.PENANAAli36HcisO
“I agree with Daniel,” Neely said,
“Right then, lets go in” I said as we all184Please respect copyright.PENANArVlYoINXfD
walked towards the door and scaring off some other high schoolers, which is184Please respect copyright.PENANA1t4qMu91oD
reasonable as whenever the four of us walk around together it seems like we are184Please respect copyright.PENANAXBFAwMpObf
gang members plus the fact that we all go to very expensive international high184Please respect copyright.PENANAbqTztYNjKb
schools and drive around the neighborhood whenever we have time to do so.
Surprisingly we weren’t the first ones to get184Please respect copyright.PENANAAh1UXcbE9C
there as Anastasia and Victoria were already at a table with bags on the chairs184Please respect copyright.PENANAPLLyTxdMpa
around them,
“Looks like we have a booked table184Please respect copyright.PENANA5I3eIxW5Gl
already,” I said while walking closer to the table,
“Elli! Come here let me give you a hug”184Please respect copyright.PENANAy4TRR6fC35
Victoria said as she approached to give me a hug,
“Hi Anna, I haven’t seen you in a long184Please respect copyright.PENANASPuXk0qeTc
time,” I said after hugging Victoria,
“Hi Elli, how was summer?” Anastasia asked,
“Mine was okay, how was yours?” I replied184Please respect copyright.PENANAT02raZc8jB
while throwing my bag on to one of the empty seats, “so where is everyone?”
“Oh, they went on walks around the lobby”184Please respect copyright.PENANAm5fgg3fmCo
said Vicki, that’s short for Victoria,
“I called Ann, he said he’ll be here within184Please respect copyright.PENANA5GvnTlcwEL
ten minutes,” I said,
Ann is another male member of our group, he’s184Please respect copyright.PENANAUgzx6nNyWN
IBC which stands for Italian-born-Chinese which is quite different to Daniel,184Please respect copyright.PENANAGUr7wbarPc
Jackson and I as the three of us are ABCs which stands for184Please respect copyright.PENANAZlRVHZDaJx
American-born-Chinese so yeah, I guess its somehow self-explanatory why Ann’s184Please respect copyright.PENANAkFse7nmlLL
full name is Antonio Piazollo as apart from being an IBC he also is a quarter184Please respect copyright.PENANAE2auba8hAz
After about twenty minutes or so we finally184Please respect copyright.PENANAj828O7WyCU
gathered everyone up at the same table for a group reunion and gossip sessions184Please respect copyright.PENANAEbYEU5hDO7
as the host started the opening speech of summer-end like what they did184Please respect copyright.PENANAI1G7Q3STQU
previously every year with a,
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, thankyou184Please respect copyright.PENANAyqddmYIWDQ
for attending this years summer-end I whish you all have a wonderful night and see184Please respect copyright.PENANAehHDvrytsq
you next year.”
The lights went off after the opening184Please respect copyright.PENANAIDvf0IAA4L
speech, well not exactly off but just a bit dimmer so the LEDs and the disco ball184Please respect copyright.PENANAP8Ravb9iPl
could do it’s job. We felt so insecure for a moment as everyone got up from184Please respect copyright.PENANArCTzioDHul
their seats as soon as the lights went off to dance but we just wanted to sit184Please respect copyright.PENANAniGGwZakfw
and chat, well I’m not sure about Ann and the others but as far as I know the184Please respect copyright.PENANAQsbZO6y1Ys
girls and I wasn’t really in the mood of dancing until later that night.
“Cheers to summer-end, Cheers to a new school184Please respect copyright.PENANApOioHu5u0f
year” we say as we raised our glass and drank the champagne.
I could tell that Daniel only came to184Please respect copyright.PENANA8maTrw7JtH
summer-end to party and dance as he left the group to dance as soon as he put184Please respect copyright.PENANALNGwuq2lII
down his glass, I was actually shocked that Jackson followed Daniel to the184Please respect copyright.PENANA0q5q676iAp
dance floor as all these years I’ve known him for I’d never saw him dance.
“I thought Jackson would invite you to184Please respect copyright.PENANAiTfSYTRoUx
dance,” said Marianna,
“He’s not the type to invite others to184Please respect copyright.PENANAhfAFFgE384
dance, plus we’re only close friends” I replied,
“Yeah Anna, they’re just ‘friends’” Neely giggled,
We sat and talked about how summer has been184Please respect copyright.PENANAuOquIdqxW8
while the boys danced, the host came into the room after an hour or two to184Please respect copyright.PENANAxbEix3fMWV
announce that the buffet next door was ready, so we moved next door to have dinner184Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ6wHV31IL
then came back and danced till about 11pm.
Neely and I waved goodbye to the others as184Please respect copyright.PENANAcoPb7aeBzf
we drove off to her house after summer-end, we both contacted our assistants to184Please respect copyright.PENANAtfviT9H10B
make sure that one the guest room at Neely’s house was set up and two, the184Please respect copyright.PENANAY4HRwJ7lt0
things that I need for tomorrow has been delivered to Neely’s house so Neely184Please respect copyright.PENANAxiUbN2bSa2
and I could go to school together in the morning. By the time we got to Neely’s184Please respect copyright.PENANAYfNhMFvqKt
house it was already pass midnight so all that we did was skincare routines and184Please respect copyright.PENANAnKPYp2CEtp
watching Netflix while we had some champagne, the so called afterparty wasn’t really184Please respect copyright.PENANAYccDoUwGIG
a party as we didn’t do much, but it was relaxing and good for the night before184Please respect copyright.PENANAdb1WQ0XRpf