Emberclan was a clan founded by ten cats: Larchstar, the patient leader, Roseleap, the loyal deputy, Cloudspirit,the strange medicine cat, Mantispelt, the thoughtful mentor, Petaltooth, the patient fighter, Aspensong, the playful warrior, Lowpaw, the calm apprentice, Juniperpaw, the strange adolescent, Fuzzyears, the altruistic elder, and Flaxkit, the charming kit. The eleventh founder passed away just before Emberclan was founded- Basseyes, the careful guardian. She watches over the new clan from Starclan.
The founding of Emberclan, however, is a terrible bloody tale that all started in then 'old' clans of Oakclan, Reedclan, and Moonclan. Those three clans had slowly shifted away from the old warrior values, especially Moonclan, who placed an emphasis on strength and bloodthirstiness above all else. Starclan had abandoned those clans, and cats were dying all of the time. It was a dark time, a dark place. And things got even worse when Moonclan’s leader, Shredstar, decided to launch an attack on the neighboring Oakclan, most peaceful of all the clans at the time. Reedclan stepped in to defend Oakclan, but there were still so many casualties. That battle killed nearly all of Oakclan, Reedclan and Moonclan. Even Shredstar died, as his warrior ancestors took away his other lives when he died in battle.
However, there were survivors: The ones that fled. Larchstar, Lowpaw, Juniperpaw, and Basseyes escaped from Oakclan in the middle of Moonclan’s invasion, running into the forest around them and living as loners for a moon. Mantispelt, Petaltooth, and Aspensong managed to survive by entering Reedclan’s camp, warning the cats there, and then running of into the forest to live as loners for a moon. Roseleap, Fuzzyears, and Cloudspirit were members of Reedclan that stayed behind at camp and were warned by Moonclan warriors to flee. The Reedclan cats lived in the Twolegplace for a little more than a moon before Cloudspirit received a sign from Starclan.
The Oakclan cats met up with the remaining Moonclan warriors completely on accident, running into eachother in the forest. After meeting up, they decided to travel together with the hopes of finding a new home to live in peace. Then, only a few days later, the seven cats met up with Roseleap, Fuzzyears, and Cloudpsirit who had left the twolegplace due to a sign from Starclan. Starclan led the Reedclan cats to the other survivors and they all joined together as one group. Many cats, especially Larchstar, Roseleap, Cloudspirit, and Mantispelt, were hopeful that they could form their own clan once they found a new home.
Cloudspirit, a former medicine cat, received another sign from Starclan that led the whole group of cats to a small cave opening that opened up into a large, hollow cave with many smaller dens and even a small waterfall and pond. The cats of Oakclan, Moonclan, and Reedclan, all decided that this would be their new home. Then they elected Larchstar as their new leader, Roseleap as their deputy, and Cloudspirit was reinstated as medicine cat.
Larchstar, while chosen by her clan, had not received her nine lives or her true leader name, and they were miles away from the Moonstone where former leaders had received their lives. However, Basseyes received a vision of a beautiful flower in a hollowed out tree and led her granddaughter Larchstar to that flower, which was actually the Moonflower, a way for Larchstar to enter Starclan to receive her lives. Shortly after showing Larchstar the Moonflower, Basseyes grew weak and passed away. She was laid to rest in a calm glade, underneath a weeping willow. The whole clan mourned the loss of the strong, kind elder, especially Larchstar herself.
The new clan was named Emberclan, for it rose from the embers of the other clans to become a beautiful, blazing fire. Despite the loss of one of its’ founders, the clan managed to find a small she-kit who they named Flaxkit, who they raised as one of their own. This is the story of Emberclan.331Please respect copyright.PENANAuMVvI8RIPx