Disclaimer: blood and gore
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I knew joining something like this was a bad idea, and loving someone while doing it was a worse idea.
I guess I just needed money, and they took advantage of the fact I would do anything. Other than physical skills the only requirement was lack of morals.
I hated being an assassin
And I hated myself even more for doing it.
After a series of health problems and a lack of insurance I was sent into severe medical debt. And my only way to turn was loan sharks, waiting at my door for their money.
But whenever I told myself it was necessary, just survival. The guilt was worse.
We were standing in our discreet white car, old generic model, basic paint job. Basically it looked like every other car in the parking lot. We looked like normal people, so we never got caught. We were victims too, to them.
"Are you ready?" Evrin asked, loading his gun.
"Am I ever?" I sigh apparent shame in my voice.
"Hey, it's just survival. We just got to get the money and start a new life in the Bahamas" he jokes.
"We wont have that much money, but hopefully enough that this is our last job." I hope at least.
"Yeah" he replied nonchalantly.
"This guy, hes a victim of a loan shark. Hes no different than me. What if it was me who had a hitman after them? Hes no more guilty than I am. And were taking his life, and ruining his family's lives." I rant.
"Sariah, this isnt about guilty and innocent. This guy was just unlucky, in the wrong place at the wrong time. And hes forced to pay with his life. Lifes just unfair" he reminds me. I sigh.
"I think I'm ready to do this" I say looking to evrin.
He pecks me on the lips before we run out into the parking lot of the warehouse.
"I'm quieter, I'll go in from the back and hold him back. You take the shot." I order.
I make my way to the back of the warehouse. Just hoping its quick and no one sees us. But for some reason something felt wrong. My nerves wouldn't stop, and my heart wouldn't stop racing.
I silently open the door, the victim hums while moving boxes. I sneak up behind him and place my hands around his mouth and I hold him in place. He mumbles and screams in fear.
"Evrin, take the shot!" I scream. He dashes forward and points the gun at the victim with both hands. Tears drip from my hand to the ground.
I felt sympathy for the poor man
'He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time' I remind myself.
"Just make it quick" I say softly.
Blood splatters on my clothes and pools on the floor. The terrified man fell to the ground and shook, feeling the hole in his head before going limp. Shivers went down my back.
It wasnt the first time I'd killed but I hated it nonetheless.
"Put your hands up!" A deep voice yelled before 5 police officers poured into the buildings, each of their guns pointed at us. I dropped my weapon and froze, letting out a terrified squeak in horror.
Evrin didnt do the same but instead pointed his gun at the one in the middle who was obviously at a higher rank from him ordering around the other cops.
"Dont make this hard" he said eerily calmly. Overpronouncing every word.
"Sariah, I cant let it end this way" evrin hissed gripping the handle of the gun a little tighter.
"Hes resisting too much, take the shot" the officer whispers to another. Before I could contemplate I ran in front of him hugging his neck to be a human shield. The trigger had already been pulled.
Smoke emerged from the barrel. I fall to my knees, shaking. I put my hands to my chest to feel a wetness. I pull my hand back to see it was red. The second I realized I was shot it began to sting like I was being burned alive. I swallow the lump in my throat.
"I'm so sorry" I stutter out.
"Just hold on Sariah, please dont die." He says tightly gripping my hand. His tears fall onto my shirt. The tips of my blonde hair now tipped with red.
"Evrin, I dont wanna die, I want to start a new life with you. Away from debt and all of this" I sob, my eyes blurry from tears.
"You saved me, I wont let you die" he says passionately.
"Evrin, I won't survive. Run, get away from this. I cant have you dying here too." I order.
"I cant! I'll die here protecting you if that's what it takes" he hugs me and cries into my shoulder. I feel my limbs become heavier.
"Please... run... live.. for me" I plead, trying not to jumble my words.
"I love you" I whisper.
He stood up and stumbled before running.
"Thank you Sariah, for everything" he whispers.
I felt my chest move up and down. I tried to keep my eyes open, I fought to stay alive
Watching his figure run off
"I love you too" he yelled back.
That was all I needed, I stopped fighting as I felt my eyes closed. I smile as I watch the world fade away. Hearing only the sound of his running feet.
Life is so unfair
Bad people doing bad things get away all the time
But good people doing bad things are the ones that pay for it all.