Nothing to be see except light slowly emerging, nothing to be heard except a horrid droning sound. As the light drew nearer, the droning sound grew louder. Some faint sparkling sounds could then be heard on the left, and a bit of air choking on itself to the right. At the peak of brightness, a horn screeched, and they awoke to find themselves aboard a train.
An ordinary-looking train with crimson red seats and a matt-black interior. The engine integrated to the floor coughed and chugged, while wind chimes sand somberly. To their left, the person sitting could spot a glowing sphere of lunar light running with the train through the grey hills and fields, while the stars tried to keep up.
What was strange was the person right next to them, who comically contrasted himself. For his absurdly large head, he had a tiny hat spelling, ‘ENGINE DRIVER’. For an infantile face that seemed incredibly smooth to touch, he had incredibly wrinkly, ashy hands. For a carefully well-dressed uniform at the torso, he had raggedy pants covered in oil.
He was totally focused on his work as he kept an eye on the several meters, scales, and gauges. He then abruptly put down all his work and turned to look at the person next to him with delight.
“Oh, A new passenger? Splendid! So, young lad, what’s your name?”
The passenger just sat motionless. They could not recall their name.
“Well, do you know where you’re from?” The driver continued.
The passenger began to feel a spark of unease in their mind as they tried to remember anything at all; and failing.
“Well, even if you don’t feel like talking, you’re still welcome aboard!”, the conductor comforted. “You are advised to take a seat in one of the back compartments, though.”
“Wait,” the passenger muttered, “how did I get here-”
“How most get here, through the door!” He immediately interrupted, and expecting the passenger to ask any more questions, the conductor elaborated, “and for the record, the train won’t stop at any destination. That is dependent on you on when you desire to get off.”
He then grabbed a ticket from the dispenser to his left and gave the passenger a ticket. Number 24.
“Anyway, it’s time for you to move along!”