If the beast thought he could break him that easily, he was far from the truth.
Physical torture was nothing to him. his body had been painful all his life, starting from his childhood as a slave to all his life in Cang Qiong Sect because of his frequent qi deviations. Life never gave him a moment when he wasn’t in pain. If the demon thought he could do worse than Qiu Jianluo, he was wrong.
Torture through his dreams ? Pah. As if he didn’t already tortured himself in his own dreams. Moeover, he wasn’t dumb and thought of protecting his dream realm from any intruder for a while now. Luo Binghe couldn’t access his memories to torture him with them.
His reputation ? everybody already hated him way before the trial, it wasn’t new for others that he was a despicable man. Even if there weren’t any proof for something, people agreed to describe Shen Jiu as the worst person existing in this world. He included himsel in « people ».
So what did the beast thougt ? that because he was now more powerful thanhim, he could break him ? yeah, it doesn’t work like that. You can’t break an already shattered vase.
Binded by Immortal cables, Shen Jiu waited. What else could he do ? the demon seemed to have given up about breaking him. shen Jiu thought it was enjoyable to not give any reaction to the beast while he tortured him. The beast was so frustrated when this happened. Just like Qiu Jianluo. And when you ignore a man who wants to prove his power, he either gets angrier, or he leaves you alone for a while. Right now, it was a time when Shen Jiu was left alone.
Great. After a little session of getting his legs shredded from his body, nothing better than the silence of the water prison ? he wondered how long he would get to have this, before the demon comes back. But did it mattered ? he lost the track of time a while ago now. Nobody visited him anyways.
It was for the best, he thought. He didn’t need to see anybody. Especially people from the sect. They would all mock him, or worse, pity him. he couldn’t accept that. It was far better, alone in the cold silence of the prison.
Shen Jiu didn’t look up when the beast entered. It was far more entertaining to ignore him completely and to not give him the satisfaction to be aknowledged.
« Shen Qingqiu, still not looking at me ? » the beast said. Of course, Shen Jiu didn’t answsered.
« Hm, no answer either. Ha silly me, that wouldn’t matter if you answered, would it ? since I cut your tongue… » He chickles lightly, holding Shen Jiu’s chin up.
Shen jIu jerked back, not wanting to be touched by that disgusting beast. Nor even looking at him. Luo Binghe sighed.
« Haa, too bad, I had something to show you. I thought you would like it, Shen Qingqiu. »
The demon dropped a few small things that made a loud metal noise on the ground. Shen Jiu looked at it, discreetly, behind the hair that fell on his face. It was a shattered swords. And he recognized the hilt.
Xuan Su.
« Haha, can you believe it, Shen Qingqiu ? I just sent him your legs, and here he was, all eager to fight me and get you back ! Haha ! »
Shen Jiu found himself barely able to breathe, his gaze locked on the shards of metal in front of him.
This couldn’t be possible.
No, no…
« Ah, of course, against me, he could only lose. It was a great fight, and I think it was the first time I ever saw him draw his sword. Too bad he was not strong enough to come to you », the beast added, smirking.
Shen Jiu’s eyes began to burn. This… This stupid, foolish… Why did he came for him ? Why ? Why isn’t he hating him like the others ?
Stupid Qi-ge.
Stupid Qi-ge !
Shen Jiu felt tears running down his cheeks, and he couldn’t even wipe them off.
« Ah, Shen Qingqiu », whispered the beast, looking down at the trembling cultivator, « weren’t you the one saying you couldn’t be broken by me ? Look at you now. "