Everyone stood up in falinks’s command then came a young orangru and welcomed the class:
-Good morning class I’m your new teacher most of you probably know eachother so we’re gonna use this class as a meeting soo let’s start with me.Im orangru I’m new to your school I like rain,juice,order and teaching and I’ll be teaching you how to battle now let’s start with you!
A young ralts stood up and said:
-Hello I’m ralts I’m a boy I like philosophy,photography and maths
the floette sitting with him floated up and said:
-Hello I’m floette I like flowers, complaining I’m not grass/fairy and water.
Then the magmar stood up but the electabuzz wanted to be first.They started fighting but oragru was quick to react and said:
-Children stop fighting! Let’s go one by one first you magmar.
Magmar said:
-Hello I’m magmar I like football,fire and pizza.
Electabuzz swiftly stood up and said
-Hello I’m electabuzz I like basketball electric and hamburger.
Then it came to falinks the brass said:
-Hello we are the falinks our names in order are, me the brass falink then we have kris,jack,joe,james and ash but just call use the falinks.We were last years class leaders and still are legally and we like fighting,leadership and watching late night movies.
Then pikachu stood up nervously and said:
-Hello I’m pikachu i like Berry’s,playing and Pokémon battling
Then mimikyu stood up and said
-Heya I’m mimikyu I like sunglasses,the dark and P r a n k I n g
Finally it was squirty’s turn:
-Hello I’m squirty the squirtle I like swimming, late night movies and any ball game.
Then orangru said:
-Nice meeting you all let’s have a good time everyone and see you after break!