Earlier in time…
Sin stood by his friend's open bedroom door and observed him without a word from there. He had been prepared to go to school for a while now yet Rouen was still on the process of getting ready. In fact, he looked like he was not a bit interested in going to school tonight and his thoughts were obviously somewhere else like all the previous nights before. They are not one of the official Night Class students of Hillcrest Academy. They only attend classes once in a while disguised as one of the students to monitor the activities of those enrolled in them. After all, they had taken it as their responsibility to keep the students from doing something irresponsible which would put their existence at risk especially when most of the students are Blooded vampires - those they call 'Gentry' and 'New Bloods'. But because they are hiding from the vampire's court for a long time now, they are using Rouen's ability to erase the memories of those who might expose their whereabouts to the King, his father. Not to mention, the School's Chairman is also working with them with regards to that matter because they are helping him in return.
When Rouen finished tying up his tie, he picked up the crystal flute from the table which contained a red liquid, a wine mixed with blood, before he went over the window. He sipped a little as he stared at the moon and as the moonlight shined over his eyes, they glistened beautifully before turning back into their original color. He has been restless for a week now and the only thing that is keeping him calm is the blood he drinks occasionally and the moon itself. He was a Gold Blood vampire, a hybrid: with a First Blood vampire for a father, and a mother, though once human, has werewolf blood in her lineage.
Since Sin grew up together with him, he knew that Rouen's vampire blood was more dominant than the other. It has always been like that for more than two hundred years. But for a week now, he observed that his friend's werewolf blood, which they thought was dormant, seemed to be slowly awakening and blending in with his more dominant blood. He could tell it by the slight golden specs in his eyes whenever they glistened. But why now? Why not then? After all, Rouen is already two hundred and forty-eight years old.
Sin knocked on the door though he knew Rouen was already aware of his presence right before he went in.
"Are you ready?"
Rouen nodded then drank the remaining blood in his flute before putting it back on the table. They both went out to the balcony which overlooks the forest surrounding the villa. From there, they leapt using their ability as vampires and went straight to Hillcrest Academy using their speed. With a few minutes to spare, they both landed in the Japanese garden within the school's premises. But without Sin's knowledge, the moment they arrived, Rouen could faintly hear someone's voice which was making other voices fade to the back of his mind until all he could hear was that particular one.
"Were your parents aware of the changes you're going under?" Sin asked out of the blue as they are walking towards the Lunar Hall, the building which was built exclusively for the Night Class to use when they are attending their classes from 8pm to 4am the next day.
"We have been hiding from the kingdom for quite a while, so I doubt the king and queen are even aware of it."
"Can't they feel you? You're their son after all."
"Hmm, I doubt. They would have forced me to go back at the palace by now by an order from the king himself which I myself wouldn't be able to ignore since they would surely send the royal sentinels after me if I do that. They'd scour the kingdoms if it meant they would be able to bring me back on Laudicea just to make sure what was happening to me because my mother, the queen, would certainly be the first one to worry if only they could feel the changes I'm going under."
"Ah, I forgot. Her majesty sometimes still treats you like you are not already over two hundred years old."
"Well, in a vampire's existence, that is still young. Purebloods existed over a thousand years before."
Sin nodded in agreement. They may have reach the age beyond one century but compared to the Noble Bloods whose existence reach a millenium before the lower vampire society was established after the Blood War, they really are still young.
While they follow through their responsibility to watch over the students who belong to the Night Class, they work with the school's Chairman to keep their presence hidden from the kingdom. Kaien agreed in exchange that they would both help him with his other tasks at hand.
"Do you think they might know the reason why your werewolf blood started to slowly awaken after all these years that it had stayed latent? Or should we consult the Chairman? He might know a thing or two."
"I don't think so. But my grandfather Aureus might know something so I'm planning to visit the pack one of these days before I return to Aceldama."
"One of these days? Don't you mean one of these years?"
Rouen only smiled at that.
Hillcrest Academy is not like any other schools out there. Sure, it is regarded with high academic excellence along with its modernized school facilities, but it has a secret only a few knew. It was divided into two classes - the Day and Night, for certain reasons. Day for human beings, and Night for the vampires. The Cross', a family who owned the school, is not what you can consider normal either. All of those who became Chairman also worked as vampire hunters. And the current Chairman, though he may be the youngest to take that position, was the most dangerous out of all of them. However, Kaien was not as active in vampire hunting as his brothers and other family members.
Rouen did not say anything but he stopped in his tracks just after they turned into a corner. He focused his attention on the other side of the courtyard where he saw an unfamiliar face who was walking side by side with Wisteria Hansgrove. A Day Class transferee? But what are they doing on the school grounds at this time of the night? He is certain that Wisteria knew it was forbidden for the Day Class students to be roaming around the school grounds when the Night Class students arrived because there is a high probability that they'll fall victim to the vampires who are still easily enticed by a human's blood. And those vampires belong in the Night Class.
"What are they, supernaturals or something?" He heard the new girl ask Wisteria.
It was at that moment when her curious violet eyes met his and he felt like something invisible entangled them with each other.
Sin followed the direction where his friend was currently looking and he saw a woman with white hair and violet eyes. She blinked, then broke eye contact with Rouen when Wisteria called out her name.
Eona. The four-lettered word that made a home in Rouen's mind.
"You're being influenced by our research paper."
Eona frowned. "Says the one who mistook me for a vampire."
"Well, you are literally avoiding the sun and you get burnt immediately by it. Can you blame me?"
The woman with the white-blonde hair playfully smacked Wisteria's arm, at which the latter only laughed in return.
Rouen could hear her heartbeat raise a tempo or two and fear passed through her eyes for a moment when she saw him and Sin looking towards her before she averted her eyes and ignored their presence.
"Do we have an unknown vampire in our midst?"
"She is not one of us." Rouen could at least tell that.
Though he could not tell if she was really human because she didn't have a presence like those naturals around them. In fact, she doesn't have a presence at all and it seems like Sin can feel it, too.
"It is odd. I cannot feel her. It is like she is not there at all, though I can see her. She looks like an empty shell that deceives us who can easily differentiate naturals and supernaturals. And her mind is an endless black satin sheet like that of an unending sea at night."
"She is her and at the same time she is not her."
When Sin tried to read her mind deeper, an unknown force stopped him, cutting off his access immediately, which made his head hurt like something just hammered it. He cursed.
Rouen then glanced at his friend. "Are you alright?"
Sin nodded. "I'm fine. Something just prevented me from entering her thoughts deeper."
Sin is a vampire whose ability is rare. He is a night walker. He could enter someone's mind and erase memories easily. He could also torture and kill anyone by entering their dreams. It was his gift as a Silver-born vampire. But in his entire existence, never, not once, can a human block him whenever he reads their thoughts. It was the first time this happened to him.
Rouen watched the girl until she disappeared from their view. If she was his beloved, Rouen should have known, he should have felt it. For a vampire, sensing the other half of their soul if it's near is imprinted on their brain from birth. They'll always know who their other half is if it's within their reach. It is within their blood to know - it's an instinct. But he never felt a pull towards her. Just a certain attachment he couldn't give a name to. Why is his dormant blood starting to stir from within him just as when the violet-eyed girl came into existence? Did she have something to do with what was happening to him at the moment?
"Is Kaien in?"
Sin looked at the prince and then nodded when he felt where the chairman's presence was. "He's in his office."
Instead of going straight to the Lunar Hall to check on the students' whereabouts, both of them took a detour and headed towards the Cresian Hall where Kaien's office is located. Upon entering, Kaien greeted them with a blank stare while Martha, one of the vampires who is in charge of the Night Class Department, looked stunned before she lowered her head and raised her fisted right hand towards her left chest as a sign of respect.
"I greet you, future ruler of the kingdom of Aceldama, crown prince Rouen Einzbern," she acknowledged Rouen's presence before she said, "and I greet you, House of Edelweiss' successor, lord Sin Edelweiss," in acknowledgement of Sin's.
Rouen just looked in her direction without saying anything before focusing his attention back on Kaien.
"That is one long greeting, I tell you," Rouen told her in a friendly manner but Martha did not say anything back.
Not long after, Martha excused herself for the reason of checking in on the Night Class but they all knew better. She was afraid she might displease Rouen, who had the ability to end her life in an instant.
"You are scaring your own subordinates." Kaien told Rouen when the vampire woman was no longer in the room with them. "When are you going to stop acting like that towards them? You're the crown prince, Rouen. Shouldn't you be acting all friendly with them?"
Rouen sighed as he sat on one of the couches in front of Kaien's table. "I am not even doing anything for them to fear me in the first place," he responded without a care in which Sin only chuckled.
"Your mere presence in the room scares them because they know you could end their precious life in a blink if you just wish to do so."
Rouen has a power not many knew of, not even those in the court. But because of Kaien's job as a hunter, he found out that the prince can kill anyone with just a word from his own mouth even if it was spoken in a whisper. It seems like it was the power that accompanied his blood upon birth and the rest of the powers he possess at the moment only came in after that. Those who knew Rouen fear him but the reality is that they aren't even aware as to why. They just do as if their blood as vampires makes them aware of the threat the prince possesses over them all.
Instead of retorting, he completely ignored his statement before Rouen looked at Kaien directly and asked, "The Day Class has a transferee in the middle of the term. I didn't know Hillcrest accepted anyone even in the middle of the year. Didn't you say it will have an impact on the student themselves if Hillcrest accepts them at the middle of term because of the difference in curriculum?"
"You saw her?"
Rouen remained silent, so Sin answered for him. "We saw her a while ago with Wisteria Hansgrove. But…"
Kaien raised one of his eyebrows in question. His eyes focused from Sin to Rouen and then back.
"Is there more to her than meets the eye?"
Kaien smiled knowingly. He really could not hide anything from those two. They were, after all, Gold and Silver Bloods. Born vampires in their race who hold two of the highest titles below the reigning royalty - a Crown Prince and a Dukedom Heir. They look as young as he is, but they are older than he will ever be. He was, after all, just a mere human being, a natural that could die any minute. And they are beings who were born with a semi-immortal life, supernaturals who find peace by drinking blood, vampires.
"The girl has circumstances which make it hard for her to stay in the Day Class. I actually planned to throw her in your midst but Martha opposed it so strongly. Hence, why she is here a while ago."
"I would have opposed it too if I were here. The presence of a human, one that is new, amongst us vampires, will obviously cause disruption and that is the last thing I wanted to happen. Not all of those who attend this school in the Night Class have a total control over their thirst. After all, most of them are New Bloods. And the very few who belong in the Gentry won't be able to hold them all back if something happens."
"Don't worry. Eona wished to attend Hillcrest as one of the Day Class students."
"Is she one of the blood donors' children?" Sin asked.
If Rouen wasn't curious enough, Sin is. Because knowing that he can't read her mind and that she doesn't have a presence at all like those naturals around them intrigued him. If he hadn't known that she was human, he'd honestly think she was a supernatural being like them. Maybe not a vampire, but a supernatural nonetheless. Most of the Day Class students were children of those who were working for the vampires in the lower vampire society as blood donors. Though they knew that everyone in the Night Class were vampires, they were forbidden to tell a word about it to those who didn't know that fact.
Kaien nodded. "She's the sole child of Helena Lorentz. The one who works for Cohen Lohengrin."
The Lorentzs have served Cohen for almost a century in different generations. Who would have thought that the girl they saw earlier was from that family? They met Helena a few times when they visited Cohen at his home a few years back without the court's knowledge. But, they didn't know she had a daughter.
"But, it seems like she has not been informed of the secrets of this world," Kaien continued.
"It seems like she's a different case compared to the sons and daughters of those who serve your race. She has been left in the dark by her own family about your existence. Meaning, she has no idea her family has been serving one single vampire for generations."
"Well, that… is something," Sin said, sounding disappointed. "We can't freely approach her then."
"And why would you do that?"
"For reasons only we know, Kaien."
"She has been under my protection the second I accepted her admission. Any harm that comes to her because of your race will all fall on you two."
Sin smiled. "We know that. And I swear, we will not do anything that will bring her harm. You have my word."
Kaien could only nod at that. What else could he do but believe his words? If matter comes to worse, he can freely confront them with his strengths and skills as the vampire hunter he was trained to be since he was but a mere child. Not long after, Rouen and Sin found themselves sitting on the guests' chairs in front of Kaien's table. Both of them looked like there was something going on in their minds as they remained silent.
"Okay, what is it that you both wanted to talk to me about?" Kaien broke the silence as he leaned back on his seat, his hands clasped right in front of him. He knew they still had something to say. And he knew they were just thinking of the right words to say to him. "I know you didn't come here just to ask me about her."
"Lepers are on the run," Rouen stated without beating around the bush. He has been like that ever since the first time he met him.
That got Kaien's undivided attention. "In Aceldama?" He asked, pertaining to the vampires' kingdom.
"No, here in the world of the living," it was Sin this time.
He stated that fact while obviously trying to distract himself with the ornament situated on the mini-table in front of him, as if it was something interesting.
"Isn't it your job to make sure that doesn't happen?"
Sin brushed his hair back with his fingers and his irritated look couldn't have been worse. "Actually, it's the reason why we haven't been coming here for a few nights already. They've been keeping us busy in more ways than one. If you could actually suggest a way where we can eradicate them in a single night, please do so. We will gladly appreciate it."
"You're hunting them down?"
"Yes. Because if we let them be, they'll surely bring havoc which naturals have not been ready to face. Victims have been reported in the media these past few days and deaths will surely pile up if we do not do something about it."
"How on earth were they able to pass through the Astral Gates in the first place?"
"The sentinels that are guarding the gates did not notice any irregularities there, so we're starting to think that someone was behind the appearance of Lepers here. Someone who has the ability to open up portals that could connect places divided by the gates."
Kaien frowned at what Rouen had just said. "A witch?"
"It could be a demon. Who knows?"
"Has the Vampire Hunter Association been notified of the incidents yet?"
"Not that I'm aware of. But with victims being reported on the news every now and then, I'm sure they have already noticed and they're doing their own jobs to eradicate the cause. VHA is not as dumb as the rest of the naturals who think the deaths are caused by an animal." Sin frowned. "Are you not supposed to be the first one to know about their movements since you are one of their hunters?"
"I haven't been reporting to the headquarters for a while now, so I'm asking. Besides, I have not received any orders from the higher ups yet."
They all fell into silence. If they can't contain the Lepers immediately, it's going to cause them a big problem later.
"If they start attacking unsuspecting humans in large groups, it will raise a suspicion that your race exists and they are freely mingling among them. The human organization that is targeting all supernatural beings, the Alliance, will take it as a chance to start the war that has been put on hold for a thousand years. You know all they needed was a single mistake from your side to - "
Kaien stopped what he was saying when he noticed that Rouen was suddenly distracted by something as the prince suddenly looked towards the closed door of his office like he was seeing something far beyond it. His aquamarine eyes glistened and specs of gold appeared in his irises.
"What's wrong?"
Without saying a word, Rouen stood up and disappeared in a blink, leaving only the door of Kaien's office which was forcedly opened behind him. It was then when Sin smelled the scent of fresh blood. It was so fragrant like flowers turned into perfumes; it was like nothing he had ever smelled before, and it was coming from the forest on the northern side of the school. Has someone's blood ever smelled this way before? As if it is not supposed to be leaked from its owner. The scent will entice every vampire that will have a whiff of it, but at the same time, warns every supernatural that it is the kind of blood that should not be spilled.
"Check if all of the Night Class students are in and put the entire school on lockdown. No one is to leave the school's premises."
"What happened?"
"A strong scent of blood is coming from the northern forest and I'm sure it will drive the students into disarray. Rouen must have gone there to check. Call me if someone from the class is missing and bring us the perpetrator immediately if it is one of the students."
Kaien nodded in response before Sin went and followed his friend. He caught up with Rouen in the forest. He was moving fast, as if time was running out. Under the moonlight his eyes were glistening even more. They were electric. A few kilometers away from the school grounds, they arrived in an open field below a cliff. The scent of blood was so strong it already inundated the whole place. Any vampire who can't withhold their lust and thirst for it will surely drive them crazy.
Sin saw two individuals above the cliff, both of them were basking in the scent of blood carried by the wind.
"Lepers…" he thought.
So the Lepers who have been able to evade them are starting to hunt for their prey. He could smell them from that distance. The smell of dead blood is leaking from their bodies. By the way they were focusing on what was below the cliff, the Lepers didn't even notice they were there, standing beyond the field below them.
Rouen's attention isn't on the Lepers above. His eyes were looking for someone and when he found her, his world crumbled at that instant. He didn't know what was happening. Though she was not his beloved, he knew they had some sort of connection. A connection which he himself wanted to know because it was too strong for him to just simply ignore it. He could literally feel her pain as if they were sharing the same body and he didn't know why. He wanted to spill blood. He wanted to kill. Eona, the girl Rouen saw a while ago, was just lying there, unmoving and her blood now covering the grass below her. She was breathing but barely enough.
Sin's eyes widened when he glanced at his friend beside him. Rouen's eyes have completely changed colors as his fangs elongated. His usual aquamarines are now completely mixed with gold, both of which are electric. Rouen doesn't seem to be aware of it and his presence even became more dangerous. Did his dual blood completely harmonize with each other, awakening the hybrid he was born to be? But what triggered it?
"Sin Aragorn Edelweiss…"
To Sin's amazement, his vampire blood immediately answered Rouen's call. When he'd become aware of what happened, he had already submitted to him. He recognized Rouen's superiority by him simply calling out his name.
"This is an order to you. Kill all the Lepers before us."
Sin wanted to answer him normally but his blood as a Silver-born, didn't let him. "I have received your order, your highness."
When Sin went ahead to deal with the Lepers, Rouen went towards where Eona was lying. He couldn't care less about what is happening around him. He knew Sin could handle the Lepers on his own even if there were two of them. His heart wept in agony and pain. The devil in him wanted to be let out. It can't accept that this woman's blood was spilled. How could he be this affected if she was not even his beloved? He kneeled and held her body close to him, not caring if her blood tainted his clothes. She was still breathing but he could tell she was starting to lose consciousness. Aside from the very visible scars and wounds, he knew she had a few fractured bones. Two of her broken ribs punctured her lung and blood continuously flowed out from the side of her head.
"Eona, stay with me."
Eona blinked but Rouen could tell she had never heard a word of what he said. Her senses are leaving her.
"Please, you need to stay awake," he begged, for the first time in his life he did. He continued talking to her but his words fell on deaf ears.
When he saw her eyes slowly close as she lost consciousness, he froze. In his entire life, this was the second time fear engulfed him like a nightmare would to a mere child. The first one was when he saw how his mother was going to die one day when he was five, and it was a couple of hundred years ago.
By the way her heartbeat slowed down, he knew Eona would die if he didn't do something. He didn't have time to think about the consequences that would follow with what he was planning to do. Consequences be damned! He needed to save her. While holding Eona in his left arm, he raised his right hand towards his mouth. With his fangs lengthened, he bit his wrist and sucked his own blood before he lowered his lips towards Eona's and made her forcefully drink it. He made sure it was not going to transform her into one of them. He gave her enough blood to just… heal her.
After a while, Sin appeared beside them. His clothes were smeared with blood but overall he's okay. He looked down at the two but didn't say anything. He knew Rouen had just broken one of their laws - a law that forbids them to share their blood with anyone but their other half, but who is he to question his friend? When Rouen saw that Eona had already started healing, the devil in him settled down and his eyes turned back to their normal color. Sin felt that Rouen's hold on his blood loosened and he could only blame Rouen's sudden change on what just happened between them a while ago. He was literally subjected to him and was compelled to follow his every word.
"How is she?"
"She'll live," Rouen answered as he fondly tucked Eona's hair away from her face.
She looks serene under the moon. Even though she's covered in blood and dirt, she's beautiful. For a human, she's actually too beautiful.
Rouen stood up and he carefully carried Eona, who was covered in blood, in his arms. "Tell Astrid to come to the villa immediately."
Sin nodded and after Rouen disappeared along with Eona in his arms, he dialled Astrid's private line and the latter answered immediately.
"What happened?"
"We came in contact with a few Lepers in the northern forest. Rouen requests your presence in the villa."
Without waiting for her reply, Sin dropped the call. He didn't know what was going on with Rouen but the way he cared for Eona, a woman whom they didn't know anything about, he could at least tell that the two had a connection, though it was certainly unknown. But, he promised himself to find out what kind of connection it was. Sin was about to leave the place and follow Rouen who went on ahead when he saw the silhouettes of two individuals. Both of them were just standing there while facing his way. Have they been there for a long time? They were blending in completely with the trees, making it hard for him to recognize them from that distance, but he could clearly see their eyes. One was a pair of glistening reds and the other a pair of gleaming golds.
He frowned. A vampire and a lycan together? But that can't be. Both races had been known to have bad blood since the beginning of time and only Rouen's family had an exemption because of his mother's origin. And those red eyes - the only ones born possessing them, are supposed to have been gone after the Blood War. Before he could gather his thoughts, both silhouettes disappeared completely as if they'd never been there in the first place. Instead of checking the place where he saw them, Sin decided to head straight to the villa. He knew he couldn't find anything if they weren't there anymore.
But who are they? And what are they doing there in the first place?