Eona sat unmoving as she faced the windows of the train she rode that afternoon while she was on her way back home from Hillcrest. The whole day passed by like a blur while she was distracted by everything that was happening around her. Wisteria had already informed their teacher about their chosen topic with regards to their output on vampire folklore and their teacher's reaction was a sight to behold. He looked like he wanted them to change their topic, which made Wisteria want to pursue their choice even more because, as she said, she felt like their teacher wanted to hide something when they mentioned the words "Monarch" and "Blood War", so she wanted to know what it was. She will find out what it is.
She didn't know how many times her mind drifted that day and the scenery the train was passing by as the sun slowly set down on the horizon was not being registered in her mind at all. Her thoughts were jumbled from all the happenings last night and all the truths she heard this morning. Though fear is still there as she remembers all the things she went through at the hands of those beings who wanted her dead, excitement and curiosity overtake everything and she wanted to delve into that world deeper now that she knew it really does exist. There must be something wrong with her. Her family had all the right reasons for wanting to hide everything from her, but deep inside, she wanted to discover what the world where supernatural beings live, has to offer.
"I wonder what's pulling me in?" she thought to herself.
With a blank stare, she looked at her reflection in the glass window. Using the collar of her uniform, she was able to hide the bitemarks on her neck but the filigree lines were slightly peeking. Her mother and grandmother couldn't seem to see it and so did everyone else around her. It's like she's the only one who can. Is it normal for vampire bitemarks to produce such lines that look like a fading tattoo? On the other hand, it even looks like it was an incomplete mark. She raised her hand and touched the side of her neck where the lines were peeking at from above her collar, only to frown and put back her hand on the window sill where it was before. She leaned back in her seat with a sigh and closed her eyes.
"I see your arm has healed. I'm glad."
She opened her eyes with a fright and she gasped when she saw who was talking to her. Blaze. His silver hair was messy as if a strong wind made it unruly and he just let it stay that way, but it somehow only added to his looks. And his golden eyes were as mirthful as she remembered them to be. He was right. Her arm, which was burnt by the sunlight when she first met Wisteria, healed along with all the injuries she sustained last night. How? She doesn't have any idea at all.
Blaze chuckled as he gazed down at her. "Breathe…"
It was only then that Eona noticed she inhaled but never exhaled her breath and so she did breathe out.
"Can I sit here?"
She nodded unknowingly.
He smiled. "You shouldn't do that."
She followed his every move until he sat on the vacant seat in front of her. "Do what?"
"Agreeing unknowingly. It might put you in danger if it's anybody else."
Eona remained speechless. She didn't know if she needed to retort to what he said. What was he doing talking to her as if they'd known each other for a long time anyway? They've only met each other once and it was only yesterday.
"So, how are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I know what happened last night," he started. "A friend of mine knew the moment you were in danger, so we went to track you down as fast as we could despite the fact that we are keeping our distance due to some circumstances."
"You are keeping your distance? From whom?"
"From you."
Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?"
"For certain reasons I was not allowed to tell you yet." He answered, which made her stop asking regarding it. She kept silent, so he continued. "We followed you and we ended up in the middle of the northern forest, far away from the metropolis. Your blood was already spilled when we reached the place you're at and someone else went to your rescue before us, so we decided to stand on the sidelines. We can't risk them knowing our existence. Not right now anyway."
Eona massaged her temple. "You're a vampire too?" She whispered, fearing that someone might hear their not so ordinary conversation but Blaze only laughed at what she said.
He shook his head 'no' and smiled. "I don't have fangs but… I do have canines."
She stared at him. Unblinking. Until what he said registered on her mind.
"You're a Lycan," She stated.
"Hmm, Lycan is the general term people use to call our race. So you are quite right. But if I distinguish myself from the lycans who are living today, I am a werewolf belonging to the higher hierarchy of that race, the ones that existed during the Golden Age - the Great Wolves."
So they were already around her. These supernatural beings. They're mingling with her and she just recently became aware of it. If she had stayed ignorant, would they have kept their existence from her hidden?
"When we reached the place you're at, two Night Class students were already there at your rescue. They must have thought the incident was caused by one of their subordinates who is presently attending Hillcrest."
"Oh, you didn't know? One has to be a vampire in order for them to be admitted as a Night Class student in Hillcrest."
Eona almost said something incoherent about what she had just learned. So the Night Class students really are not normal people?
"Though on the other hand, they must have suspected Lepers whom they are currently hunting down," Blaze continued, which perked her interest.
Blaze nodded as he went on to explain further. "They're mutants - creatures who have no control of their thirst for blood and their existence is forbidden even in Aceldama. They are monsters who are neither a vampire nor a human. They are currently being hunted down by the sentinels and a few have found their way here in the world of the living."
"So, the ones who almost brought me to death's door were one of those who have been forbidden to exist even in their world?"
"Yes. And a good job for killing one of them. We couldn't get to you on time and that almost brought about the end of this world."
"What?" Eona interrupted when she heard what he said, even though he only whispered the last few words.
"Oh nothing." Blaze simply brushed off before he continued on to the topic at hand. "We have chosen to hide our presence as we watch everything taking place. If those two became aware that we were there, another fight - one which should have been unavoidable would have taken place and that's the last thing we wanted to happen. We were after all lying low and avoiding the radar of everyone, naturals and supernaturals alike. If anything went amiss, we were always ready to give a hand. But what would you expect in a fight like that? If it's against those two, Lepers will surely end up dead, especially since the prince seems to have just awakened. We don't want the lower vampire society to know about our presence here in the world of the living. It also applies to any werewolf pack there is in the Tempestra right now. Also, there is this human organization which we do not want to become aware of any of our activities. They might hinder us any way they can and we don't want that."
"You're a renegade?"
"Not exactly. But we have been branded as traitors by the current leaders of our race due to wrong and twisted information passed down to them from the past. And until we get rid of such misunderstandings, we will remain as such. Though we don't give a damn about it anyway. They're after all kids who didn't have any idea what took place during the Blood War."
She didn't know if Blaze was aware of it but he had been giving her information which was not written in any books of folklore she read regarding their kind. Is he doing it on purpose?
"You just haven't found the book where everything about our past was written. Though we have in our possession the book that will give you all the answers, I'm sure Kaien Cross is safeguarding a few books that contain some of the information you need with regards to the answers you seek."
"You can read my thoughts?" She asked, shocked.
He nodded. "A privilege I've been given being his friend and it was after I'd proven my worth."
She raised one of her eyebrows at him. "I see you don't seem to be working alone."
He chuckled. "No, of course not."
Eona studied the man in front of her before she voiced out what'd been bothering her ever since he mentioned that they tried to get to her when they realized she was in danger. "Why would you try and rescue me anyway? We don't know each other. Besides, we've only met once."
"You're too keen for your own good," he whispered.
Blaze stared directly into her eyes and for a moment his golden eyes gleamed. "Simply because it's you," he answered vaguely. "That makes a lot of difference."
She furrowed her eyebrows because she had no idea what he had just said. Eona was about to ask him something but there came an announcement through the speakers on the train that they'd already arrived at her station. Blaze gestured for her to exit the train first while he followed behind her, but before they went on separate ways, Blaze whispered something in her ear.
"Until next time, fengári (moon)."
Upon hearing that unknown language that had now become familiar to her because she could understand it, she turned towards Blaze but he was no longer there. She looked around but she couldn't see anyone with striking silver hair. He was gone.
"My father called. He was asking if you would be able to attend the soiree which Cohen is hosting at his manor in Laudicea next weekend."
Rouen turned the page of the book he was reading and ignored the words of Sin, the Silver Blood who ended up being his best friend after he stuck with him through the highs and lows of their unending existence.
"Rouen, I'm serious."
He closed the book before he took a glance towards Sin. "I'm sure you're aware that I don't have any intention of doing that. It's not like the soiree this time is different from the ones that were held before. It's still the same no matter who the host is."
"They're expecting you to go," Sin reasoned out.
"When didn't they?" He countered.
"Maybe you could appear for a few minutes and disappear for the rest of the night?" Sin suggested.
It'd been a long time since Rouen disappeared from the court and he needed to appear at the soiree even just for a few minutes to ease the worry of their people. They are starting to suspect that Rouen denounced his title, especially since false rumors about his disappearance are spreading like a wildfire and they are starting to cause chaos in their society. After all, he is the crowned prince, next in line to the throne. His father, King Mikhail, was about to pass the crown to him before, but Rouen said he was not ready to take on that responsibility just yet, not with a prophecy still lingering on their lives stating about an upcoming war and Rouen standing in the middle of it. Since he was but a child, he'd been hearing about a certain prophecy regarding the Golden Blood. Being the only one ever born as one, they all deemed him the one mentioned in the book. But even his parents didn't know the whole context of it. Though he was aware that there was one council member within the vampire court who knew every word written in that book. He just has to find out who and force the words right out of his mouth.
"You know the queen won't let me do that."
Rouen put down his book on the table and stood, taking a position near the window. They are currently at Sin's villa in the middle of the northern forest, which is surrounded by trees and it was so far away from the heart of the city that no one bothers themselves to know about it. It was in the world of the living - the mundane world where naturals live, but the villa was secluded from everyone. Its design completely blended in the forest so no one will be able to see it from above. Sin likes the seclusion it offers, and he himself likes it more.
"She has not seen me in such a long time and there is no way she will let me out of her sight that easily." Rouen continued.
"Then at least visit your parents at the palace before the event."
Rouen didn't say a word. Instead, he glanced at the full moon which was glowing softly. It shines on the surroundings in a way that makes the forest less dangerous at this time of night. As the moonlight came in contact with his eyes, his aquamarines glistened, though it was only for a moment.
"How is she?" A little while later, he suddenly asked.
It took Sin a second or two to realize who he was talking about. It was Eona. The girl they found bleeding and near to death on a cliff a few kilometers south from his villa last night. Rouen, who lost control of himself, had to force feed her his blood because she wouldn't have done it if he had not done what he did. It may be a miracle that she survived the fall but she couldn't have made it through the night even if they had taken her to the nearest hospital. They both knew it was against their laws to give their blood to someone without the court's approval. But Rouen didn't have any other choice. It was like his subconscious took over and did whatever it wished to do. Sin does not plan on telling anyone about what Rouen did, but the moment someone from the court meets Eona within the span of a week, they'll immediately know that Rouen's blood is entangled with hers. It will, after all, stay with her for a while before its trace disappears completely.
"Astrid was able to send her home through transport magic and your blood cured Eona almost immediately without leaving a bruise. The Chairman confirmed her attendance at school today when I called him on the line."
It's uncommon for a vampire to have a witch for a friend, but for both of them, it serves them a great purpose of having one. Astrid was a lone witch. She doesn't belong to any coven and doesn't associate herself with any of them. In fact, she lives in a very human populated area, which made it hard for anyone to track her.
"To tell you the truth…" Sin glanced warily at Rouen, waiting for his reaction to what he was about to say. "Even though Astrid was able to erase the physical tracks of what happened, I failed to erase her memory of it."
Rouen frowned when he looked back at him. He knew Eona was half conscious last night and she knew everyone involved wasn't human beings. In order for her life to not be affected by what happened, he needed Sin to erase her memory of it. Especially when her own family is keeping her away from their world.
"I left the responsibility to you because I thought you'd be able to do it without any problems." Rouen massaged his temple as he thought of problems that would start to arise with Eona being aware of their kind. "I should have done it myself if I knew you would fail to do so."
"I can't erase her memory no matter how hard I try. I can't even access it in the first place. And even though your ability to wipe memories is much more powerful than mine, I doubt you'll be able to do it successfully if it's her."
"What do you mean?"
"There's a barrier set deep within her mind that acts as a defence mechanism against anyone who would invade it and I think that Eona herself was not aware of it. It prevented me from entering and it doesn't matter whether she's conscious or not. I can't read her thoughts, so I surely cannot erase them either. The only thing I saw was an unending darkness. The same darkness I saw when I tried to read her mind last night when we first saw her on the school grounds." He explained.
Rouen thought of the reasons as to why Sin's ability did not work on her, a mere human girl, but he could not find any. Humans in general weren't immune to their abilities. They can compel them no matter how long they want and they can erase or reconstruct their memories however they want. Yet, there's Eona, who was completely different from the rest and they have no idea why. There's also this other thing which bothered him the most. After meeting her, his premonition about his own mother dying came back to him in full force after he stopped seeing it for more than a hundred years.
"Did she unconsciously set it up herself?"
Sin shook his head. "I don't think so. Besides, I felt a certain force that's keeping the barrier inside her mind intact."
"A force?"
"Yes. It's a blood power, though I have no idea who the caster was. He or she must have been someone powerful enough to be able to put a barrier that strong inside Eona's mind without it affecting her." Sin explained.
"A Noble?"
Sin shrugged. "I am suspecting the same thing. But if the caster was a Noble Blood, then does that mean we have been thinking wrong all this time about their existence?"
"Who else could do something like that if not one of them?"
"Then what's a Noble got to do with Eona, a human, if that's the case?" Sin asked back instead of answering him.
Rouen went silent. He tried to think of various reasons as to why would a Noble be helping a human, but none of them made sense. Nobles are pureblood vampires and are known to be quite distant from everyone else, even if it is someone with the same blood as them. They always give a hand if it is asked of them but they don't associate themselves with anything that's around them, especially the naturals or human beings, so he could not think of any reason as to why a Noble would get personally involved with a mortal by protecting her memories.
"Should I kidnap her?"
"I was obliged to save her, Sin. My blood as a hybrid awakened the second I felt she was in danger," Rouen said honestly, even though he himself didn't know what exactly happened. "I feel like I'll end up killing you if you just as much seriously plan to do that."
For a few seconds, Sin's mind drifted to what happened to Rouen that night. He looked and felt different. It was like he'd been possessed by someone else, someone more powerful. The crown prince in his awakened state has an overwhelming presence that his vampire blood immediately submitted to him.
"Aren't you acting like she's your beloved?"
Rouen chuckled. "A child? Really?"
"Does it matter?"
The look on Rouen's face softened. "No."
If his long awaited beloved was a child, he'd wait for her to grow up. He waited for a long time, he could wait for her a little more. But Eona isn't her.
"Then - "
"She's not, Sin. I would have known if she was."
"But you said you were obliged to save her." Sin insisted. Could fate be playing with him?
"Yes, and I don't know why. I have this feeling deep inside that the devil in me felt at peace knowing that she's safe and sound."
"So if I'm planning to dispose of her - "
Rouen's eyes glistened dangerously as they immediately changed colors. They are glowing, murderously lethal. And when he spoke, his voice even sounded different. Like he was suddenly possessed by something more dangerous than he naturally was.
"Don't even think about it."
"Well, shit!" Sin thought as he raised his hands in surrender.
Rouen shook his head as he reigned the devil in him back. The color of his eyes returned to their normal color and his lengthened fangs slowly receded. "Sorry…"
"Meeting her really did awaken the sleeping devil inside of you, eh? And you're saying she's not your beloved? Then who is she to you if she's not?"
Rouen remained silent. He himself didn't know and that's what he wanted to find out.
"Were you aware that your eyes change color everytime you think Eona is in danger?" Sin asked before he stood.
"The golden specs that appear every now and then have completely mixed up with your usual aquamarines. It first started when Eona was on the brink of death and the second was just now when I threatened her." Sin smiled as if he knew something his friend didn't. "Maybe you should give your relatives on your mother's side a visit before going back to Laudicea. Your great grandfather might know what is happening to you."
Rouen was left alone in his own thoughts. Visiting his relatives on his mother's side means he's going to step onto the werewolves' territory in Tempestra, particularly on his mother's pack, the Black Moon.
"I'm visiting earlier than I previously planned…" he thought.
A few days passed and the two decided to depart from the world of the living in separate ways. Rouen travels fast through the vast forest using his speed as a vampire, jumping from tree to tree, which blurs in the background because of how fast he's moving. Sin went back to Laudicea first, while he decided to drop by his mother's pack on his way. After passing through the Astral Gates, he immediately went towards the direction where the pack of Black Moon was located. Upon reaching a familiar steep stone cliff, Rouen stopped and looked down. Black Moon's pack is hidden by the cliffs and the forests. Only those who knew the different routes towards their territory could enter it safely without meeting danger, aside from the threat that is the guardians themselves at the end of the entryway. The place he's travelling in is the direction towards the shortest way.
He jumped down without care and followed the river up North. When he found the cave which was hidden behind the waterfall, he entered through it. It was an actual labyrinth. Since he knew where he was going, he exited the cave on the other side easily but was immediately met with sharp nails on his neck, ready to tear it open or completely tear his head away. Two werewolves were by his side, both were facing him, ready to take him down if needed and their arms were partially shifted. The Black Moon is said to be the closest one to resemble the Great Wolves who existed before the Blood War and their ability to shift partially is just proof of that.
"State your business, outsider."
"Guardians…" He thought.
Though they were aware that he's a vampire, they chose to use a word that generally refers to anyone who does not officially belong to their pack. And instead of attacking him without a word, they questioned him. They were trained well. And for Black Moon to have only these two watching one of the entrances, they must be strong.
"I'm here to see my grandfather, Aureus Vaughn Heister."
Both werewolves stepped back to have a clear look at him and when they recognized who he was, they bowed down and raised their fisted right hand to their left chest as a sign of respect.
"Prince Rouen, please forgive our rudeness."
"You were just doing your job, don't worry about it. Besides, I came here without prior notice."
After making sure that he did not pose a threat to anyone, one of them offered to take him directly to where his grandfather was at. They found him on a hill overlooking the whole Black Moon territory. After the guardian excused himself, Rouen stood beside Aureus without a word and looked over the pack's homeland. It was beautiful.
"Aren't you going to say hello young man?" the old wolf asked, using the tone of a pack leader, an Alpha.
"I'm Two Hundred and Forty-Eight years old. Calling me young is quite inappropriate, don't you think?"
Aureus smiled. "You haven't been here for so long and you still haven't changed."
He shrugged. "A hundred years isn't that long."
Aureus just laughed before he focused his attention on his grandson. "I know you didn't come here for sightseeing, son. What is it that's bothering you?"
He took a seat on the large boulders and invited Rouen to do the same.
After contemplating, instead of explaining himself, Rouen decided to show him his awakened state. It is easier that way. His fangs lengthened and his aquamarines glistened before they turned electric, completely mixed with gold. As Rouen's human-like appearance changed into what he really was, Aureus immediately felt his presence also changed to a more dangerous one. In his awakened state, Rouen's physical attributes were enhanced as if to easily lure his prey towards him without doing anything.
"Alpha, did you feel that?" His Beta, Andrews, asked through their link.
So they could feel Rouen's presence up to the center of their territory, which is considerably far from where they're at. That must have been the reason why panic suddenly filled the link he had with his pack. Being their leader, Aureus could feel their uneasiness.
"Order everyone to settle down. It's just my grandson, Rouen."
After a minute or two, when Rouen's hybrid blood receded, so did the presence that accompanied it. His eyes changed back to their normal color and so did his teeth.
"What happened?" was the first thing Aureus asked.
He needed to know. Because the last time he saw his grandson, Rouen didn't have any signs of awakening. His vampire blood remained dominant while his werewolf gene remained dormant inside of him.
"I met someone. A human girl. I felt her before I even met her. And I heard her voice in my head without me even seeing her at first. The night I had a glance at her for the first time was the very same night she was put at death's door and it awakened the devil that was sleeping inside of me. I didn't have a choice. My body was moved by an instinct while I subjected Sin to do my bidding. I gave her my blood even though I knew I'd be breaking our laws. She'd die if I didn't and I can't let that happen."
"You found your beloved?"
Rouen smiled bitterly. "No, just some random girl with white-blonde hair who possesses those very rare and beautiful amethyst-colored eyes. As I told Sin, I could only feel a certain connection towards her - an attachment I couldn't give a name to."
Aureus frowned. "Then why did you save her?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt the need to. Or maybe it was all because my subconscious knew something I didn't. And when Sin tried to threaten her in front of me, I almost hurt him, my own best friend, because of it. My subconscious cares for her and that is a fact I can't comprehend."
"What about you in your normal state? Do you feel anything for the girl?"
"No." He answered without a pause. "If I hadn't woken that night, I'd consider her as a collateral damage in our operation to hunt down the Lepers who are on the run. I won't hurt her but I will never attempt to save her."
Aureus could see how Rouen was perturbed by the situation. His grandson was torn.
"If you cannot trust your blood, leave it to your soul to recognize the one in front of you."
Rouen frowned and looked at his grandfather. "What?"
"If her existence is the reason that awakened you after all these years, then isn't it enough proof that she's not just some random girl?"
Is he supposed to nurture the attachment he has for her then?
"Let her in, Rouen. Do not close your heart because you can't feel the spark of a beloved towards her. Our world is vast and many things happen without our knowledge. Don't keep her away from you. Instead, know the reason why she's making you feel that way as you keep her close to you. Answers will show themselves to those who seek it."
Rouen didn't say anything. Instead, he looked beyond the Black Moon's territory, but his thoughts weren't those of what his eyes saw. His mind processed what his grandfather had just told him.