"SELENA!!!" Mom called
I woke up rubbing my eyes tiredly
"Yeah!" I gave a weak respond
"Honey, you're going to be late for school again" she said taking out my dirty clothes from my laundry basket
"I am?!" I asked looking at my alarm clock to check the time to see it was [07:45A.M.] School starts in 15 minutes!!!
My eyes widen in shock
"Oh my gosh! I'm going to be LATE!!!" I jumped out of bed in my pjs
I went downstairs to ear breakfast then back upstairs to get in my school uniform and get my school bag. It was [07:55A.M.]
"Oh, no! Five minutes left!" I caught up with the bus before it could leave without me on it.
I sighed in relief.
I looked around to see if there was a seat I could sit on the bus. Then, I saw a free seat next to my crush, Danny.
I blushed hard
I averted my gaze from his stare and sat next to my Best Friend, Adriana.
"You actually made it on time" Adriana said "I'm impressed!" She smirked
"I actually woke up late so no need to be impressed" I said
"Anyways, tomorrow is the school dance. Have you asked Danny yet?" She asked
I shook my head 'no'
"Well, you better ask him today or someone else will" She said
"I don't think I can do it" I said blushing embarrassed
"Sure you can and I'll help!" She winked at me
______ At School ______
I saw Danny by his locker getting some books
'Ok, Selena you can do this. Just walk up to him and ask him' I took a deep breath and walked over to him
"H-hey, Da-Danny!" I stuttered
"Oh, hey Selena!" He said closing his locker focusing his full attention on me
I shrieked, "Would you like to go to the School Dance with me?" I asked
I saw him blush and look away
"Yeah, I'd like to go with you. I was actually going to ask you" He said scratching his head
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" I shrieked and ran off to meet Adriana
"So, did you ask him?" She looked at me waiting for my answer
"Yeah, he did" I said which made Adriana scream
______ After the School Dance ______
I opened my eyes and saw the stars
"Umm, Danny?" I said his name
He hummed in response "I kinda like like you" I said blushing madly
"Me too" He says blushing too
We looked up and saw the night sky with the stars glowing