January 13, 2134
Jennings, Louisiana
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The next morning, we began cleaning up around the airfield. We had successfully secured the airfield and the area around it. Reinforcements, which were a part of Assault Group Two and Three, arrived as well. We built fortifications around the airfield and set up heavy weapons.
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We also received more tanks. Six more Abrams and eight more LAVs. We utilized a lot of the Confederate weapons lying around. They had two 65mm mortars, four MG-60s, and a 20mm flak gun.
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Now that we had a foothold in Jennings, we could push further into the city. Assault Group One suffered 65% casualties, so they would be out of the fight for a while. A Division, Valkyrie Division, from AG1 would stay with us and aid us in securing the city.
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Valkyrie Division was well known throughout Louisiana. Their Commanding Officer, Lieuteniant Valkyrie, was a feared man throughout the TUC and NCC ranks. He was once a Colonel, but purposely demoted himself to lead men in combat. It wasn’t so much fear that made the men underneath him disciplined, it was more so his innate fighting and leadership skills. The man was mad. I’m just thankful he was on our side.
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Our Lieutenant, Ryans, was killed a few days before the Jennings assault. It sucked not having a CO, but I was thankful for Lieutenant Valkyrie taking us under his wing.
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Lieutenant Valkyrie came by while Tyrese, Anton, and I were placing sandbags around a foxhole. He propped his foot on a sandbag and looked at the city, “everyone okay?”
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Tyrese nodded, “yes sir.”
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Valkyrie shook his head, “quit with the sir shit. I ain’t your pops.”
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Tyrese nodded, “okay.”
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“That’s rule one. I’m not a sir, I’m your LT. I’m just like you. Rule two- no one quits, everyone fights. I don’t want you around my men if you’re a quitter. Rule three- give me your best, that’s all I ask for. Rule of three gentlemen. Don’t forget them.”
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He walked a few feet, but turned around, “get formalized with my men. I’m going to be folding you into my Division. Until Valhalla gentlemen.”
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The three of us met his team at a pile of rubble in the hangar. There was Carter Moore, a rifleman, Kelly Makes, the marksman, Savannah Brown, the medic, Anne Riley, the support gunner, and John Nova, the auto-rifleman.
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I sat beside Carter and we started talking. We talked about where we were before, what we had at home, and what we wanted to see. Carter was deployed to Cameron and was one of the few Rangers who defended the town from the TUC. He said they hit them at night, and killed a lot of Rangers in their sleep before anyone was alerted. They fought house to house, but couldn’t keep them back. Eventually, they resorted to bombing the town in order to gain some sort of advantage.
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It was nice to get some sort of closure. At least I knew we didn’t just hand Cameron over to the enemy. I wanted to burn every city down. But even I knew after that I wouldn’t feel any better.
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Lieutenant Valkyrie came by and said, “gather round.”
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He took a knee and laid a map down. He pointed to an airfield, “we’re here-”
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He drug his finger down a road, “we need to push through this road and secure the North Church. They have a very high anti-air presence there. Once we handle the AA, fly boys will come in and make this city a quick capture. All clear?”
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No one said anything. He cleared his throat, “let’s get to work. Until Valhalla men.”
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We began by loading up our vests with ammo and extra equipment. When picking up a mag, I accidentally dropped it to the ground. Kelly bent down and picked it up. She handed me the mag.
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Dirt stained her face, up and down, side to side. Her eyes were bright blue and her skin was light brown. She smiled, and I was stunned by her looks. I took the magazine, “thank you, my name’s Matthew.”
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She shook my hand, “Kelly. Hopefully you’re not an asshole.”
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Tyrese nudged me, “only when he’s hungry.”
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I chuckled, “I’m always hungry dude.”
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Dave smirked, and said in a mocking voice, “Matthew hungry. Matthew need protein.”
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Kelly opened up a side pouch and gave me a protein bar. She said, “I’ve got a few more to spare.”
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At about 1400, we moved out on foot. Assault Group Two, about seventy Rangers, moved North-East with almost all of the tank support except two Abrams. Assault Group Three, nearly eighty Rangers and Marines, shifted half their forces to defend the airfield while the other half pushed South to secure Jennings South-West corner.
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As we were moving down the downtown street, civilians began coming out of the shops and looking at us in despair. A woman walking on the street towards us held her hands out and shouted, “stop! Please stop the killing!”
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We walked around her as she kept shouting at us. Ben chuckled, “what a fucking joke dude, nobody wants us here.”
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I turned my head to him, “yeah they never do.”
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His face caved in and all that was left was a bloody pulp. I looked towards where the shooter would be, and saw two Confederate soldiers held up in a shop front. I raised my rifle, but Kelly pulled me into a store doorway. Another round hit the wall where I was standing. It would have hit me were it not for Kelly.
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I moved her behind me and shielded her with my body, just in case they decided to fire a grenade or came around the corner. Valkyrie called out, “Marks are you hit?!”
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She yelled back, “negative LT! I’m good!”
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Que yelled, “Rogers?!”
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“I’m good sir! Dylons is down!”
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Anton yelled, “what’s his status?! Can you get to him?!”
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I leaned a little bit to see his body on the ground. There was a massive bloodpool surrounding his head and his legs kept jumping from cadaveric spasms. Anton yelled, “Matthew?! Is he okay?!”
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I mumbled to myself, “fuck man. Fuck!”
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I yelled back, “he’s dead!”
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Kelly tried opening the door, but it was locked. She shot the doorknob to no avail. She stuttered, “shit- it’s wedged!”
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I saw the hinges on the outside and chuckled, putting my fingers into the blown knob and opening it up. She laughed, “nice dude!”
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We moved into the store, which looked like a clothing store. Two ladies were cowering behind the counter. I held my hand up and told them, “keep your head down. Don’t move.”
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Kelly jerked her head to a door in the back, kicking it open. We moved out to a back alley. There were trash bags filled up the walls in eight foot high piles. We got to an angle of the shopfront, and I put a few rounds into the windows.
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I heard the slight thump of a grenade launcher, and the front of the shop exploded outwards. Kelly and I sprinted across the street to the shop. I made my way through the hole in the front. Kelly followed behind me.
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I saw one soldier limping away, flailing his rifle behind him. He managed to fire off a shot. The shot snapped past my head. I shot him twice in the back. The second soldier was holding his face and slowly backing away from the destruction. He held his hands out and pleaded, “don’t shoot!”
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I shot him twice in the chest. I lowered my rifle and looked around to make sure it was secure. There was another body on the ground, with rubble covering half of it. His face was pure, no facial hair, bright blue eyes, and golden hair. He wasn’t a day past sixteen. His jacket didn’t even fit right and his ranks were much higher than any boy could ever be.
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We moved out of the store and joined our team. Savannah threw a blanket over Ben. We continued down the road, hoping he would be there when we got back.
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“Keep the fire on those sixties!”
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I lifted my rifle above the window seal and put a few rounds on the trench line. Tyrese pulled me down after a few seconds. A burst of machine gun rounds shot through the window seal. Tyrese pulled on my sleeve and pointed to the door. I nodded, following him out. Another burst of machine gun rounds shot into the window, ripping apart the ceiling banister above us.
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Tyrese tripped over a dead woman and I fell with him. Dave ran by and kneeled down to help us up, but a third burst of machine gun rounds ripped through his torso. His upper half was torn to shreds before he even hit the ground.
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I slammed my fist into the ground, “fuck! Goddammit!”
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Tyrese shouted, “fuck you!”
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Tyrese and I got into a different room, which had no windows towards the church, but one towards the South road. I looked out of the window and saw three Abrams making their way down the street. One Abrams crushed down a house wall and rolled all the way through. Once it did, it fired towards the church.
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We shifted our position to a third room, where Lt Valkyrie and Carter were. Carter was loading grenades into his M32 Multi-Grenade Launcher. Lt Valkyrie was coordinating his troops via a radio phone. Carter backed up from the wall and shot six grenades out the window.
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Tyrese fired a grenade from his underbarrel M203. I kneeled next to Valkyrie and asked, “what’re we supposed to do Lt?”
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He responded, “get outside and push up with those tanks! Take out those fucking AA guns!”
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Tyrese and I got outside and joined a squad from AG2 near the tanks. The lead tank began to push through a gap in the houses, knocking down the white picket fence that divided them. Another squad from AG2 were moving up with the lead tank, and got a few feet before the tank stopped. 20mm rounds began to bounce off the tanks front armor.
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The church was surrounded by a series of trenches connecting to bunkers. Two 20mm guns were set up at an elevated position. Those guns were keeping us pinned down, and the machine guns in the bunkers were keeping everyone from getting close. No anti-tank guns or weapons were spotted, so Valkyrie called in a few tanks and extra men to aid us.
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Beside the church was a small barn or warehouse, which was our secondary target. Once we secured the church we were going to use the secondary structure as a base of operations.
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The lead tank moved up to the first trench line, breaking down a wall of barbed wire. The second tank, the one which drove through the building, pushed up on the right flank. The third tank stayed behind and protected our rear.
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Tyrese and I moved into the first trenchline. A Ranger was already dead, with a rifle round to his chest. Another was wounded, holding his shoulder and grieving in pain. We followed the trench until we found three Rangers at a bunker door. They were placing explosive charges on the door.
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A Confederate soldier collapsed into the trench behind us. Another one fell shortly after. One got up and charged at me with a shovel. I raised my rifle, but he knocked it down. I grabbed the shovel handle with my hand and used my other hand to grip his throat. I twisted him around to my left, and shoved him into the wall.
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A second soldier hit me in the head with a wooden plank. I fell backwards, dazed by the hit. He swung again, but I ducked underneath it and punched him in his rib. The first soldier wacked me in the leg with his shovel. I dropped to one leg, reaching for my pistol as I fell down.
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I caught a glimpse behind me, seeing Tyrese fighting off three Confederate soldiers. One soldier stabbed him in his hand with a knife, and the other had his arm wrapped tight around his neck. The third was punching him in the gut, and wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
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The first soldier hit me in the face with the bladed side of his shovel. It left a deep cut in my cheek. A river of fury and anger began to flow through my veins and my skin began to turn a hot red. He went to swipe at me again, but I caught the handle. I used my foot to kick his feet out from underneath him. I punched him in his elbow, getting his grip to release from the shovel. I tossed the shovel from my left hand to my right, and swung at the soldier with the club.
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The first swing gashed his arm. I spun the shovel to the blunt face and hit him in the head. He fell backwards, reaching for a rock on the ground. I spun the shovel again, this time to the bladed side, and lodged it in between his eyes. I pulled the shovel from his face, stretching out bits of brains and fragments of skull.
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I turned to the second soldier, who was on his knees begging. Blood from my cut rolled into my mouth, and the taste of my own blood mixed with one from a Confederate fueled my anger more. I raised the shovel high above my head and hammered it into his neck. Not once, not twice, but four times before his body fell forwards, his head barely hanging on.
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The soldier who stabbed Tyrese ran at me with his knife. I ducked my body and grabbed him by his wasit, pushing him towards his comrades. He stabbed me a few times, but my vest took most of the blade. I knocked him into Tyrese. All three of them fell down, and I dropped my legs around one. As he was pinned, I swung the shovel back and forth over his chest. Like a swing ride I once saw at a country fair.
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I always loved that swing ride. My mother used to take me every birthday. Every birthday we would go to the swing ride and get cotton candy afterwards. My father never went, because he didn’t like the loud noises and large crowds.
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Tyrese pulled me off the soldier, “stop! It’s alright!”
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I kept swinging until his chest was opened. His heart was still beating by the time I had cut through his wool jacket, through his white skin, and through his bloodied chest bone. A Confederate soldier ripped me away, and tossed me to the side.
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I raised the shovel at the soldier, his battered black hands showing towards me. That’s when I stopped. The TUC didn’t allow black or colored men into their ranks. I stopped for a second, realizing it was Tyrese.
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I lowered my shovel. He chuckled, panting heavily, “holy shit dude. You almost killed me.”
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I sighed, panting as well, “yeah. I’m sorry.”
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He slapped me, “don’t be sorry mate. I owe you one now.”
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I helped him up and said, “you owe me quite a lot.”
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He bandaged my face and we moved down the trench, following dead Confederate bodies until we reached the three Rangers. They were at a turn in the trench, taking massive amounts of fire from a machine gun down that trench. Each time a Ranger tried to engage it, they ducked back into cover.
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One Ranger got the brilliant idea to signal to an Abrams where the machine gunner was. The tank adjusted it’s barrel towards the trench. The Ranger dropped back into the trench and yelled, “cover!”
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I dropped to my knees and covered my ears, as did everyone else. The tank fired a shell into the trench. Shrapnel, body parts, and dirt shot up into the sky. Blood, bones, and clumps of dirt slopped on the ground around us. Once that stopped, we stormed through the trench.
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We jumped over the sandbags blocking the path and revealed what was left of the soldiers. Their bodies were plastered against the walls and spread out over the mud.
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We pushed up to just below the left 20mm gun. The crew had abandoned it. One of the Rangers pulled the detonator fuse on a satchel charge and tossed it up towards the gun. We moved down the right, where a small lift in the ground led out the trench. We took the lift, shooting down two soldiers whilst we went out.
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I sprinted into the church door, seaking cover. The doors blew open to a floor of boxes, crates, and radio equipment. There were a few soldiers moving into cover behind a pile of crates. They shot around the crates towards us. One round caught a Ranger in his stomach. He fell to the floor and began to cry out in pain.
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I slid to a nearby pew, and drug him to it. I flipped the pew over, giving us more protection. Tyrese fired a grenade over our heads.
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I sighed, “motherfuck!”
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He dropped beside us and said, “not a place to swear gentlemen.”
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Kyle and Anton ran into the church as well, taking cover at pew next to us. Tyrese smiled, “hey. Fuckers! Where you been?!”
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Kyle mounted his M240 on the pew and began spraying it over the room. He lowered down and shouted back, “been picking up your dirty laundry RoughNeck!”
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Tyrese shook his head and said, “I’m gonna move around this right side. You followin?”
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I nodded, switching the mag in my rifle for a fresh mag from my vest. I nudged him, “five seconds.”
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I turned to Kyle and motioned him that we were moving right, and they should move left. He nodded, moving the sling up the barrel cover on his LMG so he could hipfire it better. He held out the sling tightly, making it it’s own mobile bipod.
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Tyrese crouched around the pew and I followed behind him. He shot a soldier’s foot. The soldier collapsed into our walkway, and he shot him again. We got to the crates and checked behind it. There was one soldier left. He held his hands over his head and muttered to us, “please- stop! I’m unarmed!”
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Kyle gunned down a retreating soldier. He shouted, “whoo! You see that shit Rogers!”
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I looked around the church, seeing no further movement. I asked, “are we clear?”
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Tyrese ran down the walkway and checked everywhere else. He came back shaking his head, “yep. We’re good.”
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Kyle saw the surrendered soldier, “got one left.”
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I held my hand out, “he surrendered. I’m taking him back to Lt.”
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Kyle chuckled, “lemme see this bitch.”
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He grabbed onto the soldier's arm and dragged him to the center of the floor. I went to grab the soldier but Kyle pushed me back. He said, “I just wanna have a lil fun with the guy Rogers! Lemme have a lil fun!”
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Lt Valkyrie came in with Carter, Kelly, and John. He asked, “what’s going on?”
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Kyle twisted the soldier's ear, “we got a Fed prisoner here Lt.”
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The soldier cried out, “please! I’ll do anything- just stop! Please!”
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“Stop playing with him, Ranger. We have a mission to win.”
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Kyle chuckled toying with the soldier again. Valkyrie drew his pistol and shot the soldier in the back of the head. He spit on the ground, “we have a mission to win, Ranger. Let’s go.”
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He glared over at Anton, “Riley and two men from Assault Group Two are dead. Sort out their tags and gather the wounded here. We’re standing by for further orders. Clear?”
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Anton nodded, “crystal. I’ll sort it out.”
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“Good. Good. You two-” He pointed to me and Kyle, “fix whatever bullshit you got going on between you. Don’t fuck my Division up with your petty shit. Clear?!”
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I nodded, “clear Lt.”
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Kyle sniffled, “yeah. Loud and clear.”
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Valkyrie left with Carter and John. Kelly reached for my face, “you okay?”
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I nodded, laying a finger in the gash in my cheek. It was quite deep, it almost broke through to my mouth. I also checked the cut in my leg. It wasn’t as bad as the cheek cut, but it was still bleeding.
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She said, “you should go see a medic. That could get infected.”
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Her fingers were incredibly soft and pleasing. Just feeling her touch made me happy. Made me feel alive for a brief moment.
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I got checked up by a medic from AG2. When he was done, he chuckled, “hopefully your right side isn’t your good side.”
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I smirked, “I hope it’s not my good side.”