Trigger warning:213Please respect copyright.PENANAFuXUEmBCuQ
mentions and depictions of of domestic abuse and near death experiences.213Please respect copyright.PENANAj67iqZrO2H
__________________________________________________________213Please respect copyright.PENANAEuDMqzXb7x
Thanatos ,Anubis, Donn, Nergal, Hel, Shinigami, Yama ,Pluto ....i have many names the most recognisable or dare I say popular name of mine is Death . I also appear different to different people , be it a relative ,a friend ,lover it differs from person to person . I find these different persona's of mine help sooth the dead in letting go of the living and to move on ,hence i don't mind it much .
I have delt with many deaths of all ages but the death of a child somehow affects me the most when I do my duties . No I do not mean in a ' children are annoying ' way it's quite the contrary actually as most children view me as one of their trusted adults or a sibling they adore ...But till this day never have I once transformed into something this ridiculous ...I mean who finds comfort in a WILD BEAST ....A WOLF? REALY ?
her bedsheets pooled around her as she lay silent ,she curls tighter into herself as the noises outside her room got louder and louder . She has never seen mother so angry before, she does not understand she did all her chores and was quiet all day long - something crashed to the floor followed by a thump .she is quick to her feet as she races out her safe haven ,her shakey hands twists the doorknob and she tip toes down the hallway .there is a weird queesy feeling in her stomach .
~"It's called being scared my little peanut ,breathe .You're ok"~
She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly . as she quietly moves towards the living room the queezy in her stomach is worse then ever ,as her eyes are drawn to a figure on the floor .
"Tati..."her voice is barely a whisper . her throat closes up and her heart drops .her hands are shaking as she staggers forward . there is red on the floor near him .Blood .she thinks . "tati."she calls again .he doesn't move . she is shaking him now ,the red is on her hands now ,she is pressing on the hurt on her tati's head .
~" shh...calm down now ,how about we put a bandaid on your cut ,i'll let you choose the colour ."~
she stands up .she knows where tati kept those stickers .she rushes towards the cabinate near the T.V. she grabs a hand full of the stickers and staggers back to her father . the stickers aren't helping at all .red is sill seeping out .there is tears in her eyes now .she is scared . desperate . she cries her small hands bundling the fabric of his shirt .she whimpers as a hand roughly pulls her away .
"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BRAT! " it's mother . she falls back . mother is angry , she feels herself choking .tears blurr her vision . the hands on her throat grow tighter and everything goes black.
”PUPPY!!” The child screams as she hugs me . Her small hand clump my fur as she burrows her face into it . She giggles.
as I was saying I turn into the the being the dead adores or trusts to escort them on their journey to the afterlife or rebirth. With kids and children how ever the path to the ‘light’ also changes to fit the child’s fantasy.
This one seems to like the old classic ‘ red riding hood ‘ a lot . She tugs on my fur once again. “ UP” she screeches kicking her feet as she hangs one leg successfully on my back . She squeals as I shift her up to my back . “NOW GO ! “
I sigh it’s not stopping me from doing my job so might as well play along right?
-a few moments later-
“FASTER!” She yells again for the millionth time tugging my fur .
“No “
“because I said so “
” NO FAIR ! even a snail is faster “
That little shit . You wanna play it that way huh I’ll show you fast !!
-a few more moments later -
She giggles holding tightly onto me as the wind whoosh’s past us . The woods are dense now the path amis crooked and narrower a lot narrower. I have seen this happen before , it means one thing , this child is not dead at least not yet . We jump over a tree trunk as we continue on our journey. Is running around like this seems to buy her time . Now that’s hindering my job .
“ 911 what’s your emergency “
” ah .. um one of our neighbors were having a screaming match . I … ah.. it -it got bad . The wife was yelling about something and then there was this huge noise oh no oh god the child ,she- she's crying “
" mam please calm down tell us where you are located . we will send an ambulance and the police if needed"
" o..ok , yeah I'm currently on their porch on XXXXXX-street , 5th cross and about 5 blocks down the turn .I've rung the door bell twice .the screams o my lord those screams "
" we are on the way ,they will be there in no time please remain calm .what is your name "
" all right Chloe what i want you to do is get more people out and cause a scene stay out of sight and do not engage "
" oh ...ok..yea i -I can do that "
" we have located and caught the asultant . the victims are a 6-year old child and a man in his late 20's . the man has a serious head injury and has lost a lot of blood he is being loaded into the ambulance as we speak , the child appears to have been strangled may have few damaged tissues around the neck .she had no pulse when we arrived at the location the medics are performing CPR"
we stopped for awhile under a tree . she has been restless ever since .she has been ramblin about ' how it's getting late and HoW HeR TatI MuST Be SoO WoRRied and on and on .
"Tati said nina and tati will move soon ..and that nina will be away from mommy .safe...NINA CAN'T STAY ! NINA HAS TO GO TO TATI ..NOW!!!!" she yells tugging on my fur once again as if she would miraculously gain the strength to move an apex predator .sucks to be her .
i can't move even if i wanted to. as long as the blood inside her body is pumping i can't do anything . a true neutral cannot save a life cannot end it either . don't loo at me like that i don't manage death i'm just the taxi driver assigned to pick you up and drop you at your destination . i move my tail around .it is distracting enough that she ceases her whining in favour of trying to catch and imobalising it instead .
the child finally splutters and gasps after 2 rounds of CPR . an oxygen mask strapped to her face as she too is whisked away in an ambulance like her father .
I jolt awake as she screeches .the path and woods are disappearing . 213Please respect copyright.PENANAUVwM6OrQgg
" PUPPY?" i turn towards her .I am no longer a wolf . I wonder what she sees me as now . she is glowing .glittering flecs of her are scattering as she stood there watching . observing the anomaly that is her vanishing hands . she looks up at me .
oh guss I'm her grand mother now
" It's ok Nina " i hear myself speak " I can wait longer ...go on now and go don't come back too early again."that voice , it's different . soft ,reassuring ...elderly.
she nods .soon she is engulfed in light and then she's gone. I guess she lived ,good for her i say under my breath
" hope you have a nice life you little shit."
Nina moves in her sleep as she drifts back into consiousness . she is on a bed .but it's not her bed she thinks to herself . There is something warm holding her hands . she shifts once more before she opens her eyes . there is a white ceiling over her and big T.V's beeping beside her . there are tubes attached to her .they are a bit itchy . and her throat feels weird . still she crokes out something barely over a whisper.
the warmth on her hand shifts slightly ...but it doesn't let go as another is near her cheek .
"little peanut I'm so glad you're ok .I'm so sorry peanut .I'm so sorry tati couldn't protect you properly..I.."
little droplets of water fall on her as she is being hugged .Tati is crying she thinks to herself . why? Nina is ok now . there is no need to cry .
" She's gone now all locked up . She can't hurt you anymore peanut .I.-I sware . we'll go ....we- we will go somewhere she will never find or be able to hurt you again and -"
Nina gently wipes the tears with her palm. which seems to surprise him as tati stops talking .
" tati. hurt too" she says.
her father huffs out a chuckle ." pfff- this thing ?" he points to his head wrapped with a white cloths. " that's nothing it'll heal quick ...Mr .Doctor man said so" he smiles .
Nina smiles back as her father hands her the stuffed puppy her Bunica had made for her . nina's eyes feel heavy . tati tucks her into bed with the stuffy. and nina slips into a peaceful slumber as tati plants a kiss on her forehead.213Please respect copyright.PENANAYmtHBJBKP3
____________________________________ END.
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