Day 1: Carnegie realizes she's dead.
A ghost and still trapped on Earth, Carnegie doesn't know what to do when she's still roaming and no one can see or hear her. Until a man looks at her -- not through her -- but at her.
Carnegie meets homebody Davis Schumer, who is seemingly the only person who can see the ghost of Carnegie Hall. The two form a very unlikely friendship, between a ghost and a living human.
Carnegie tells Davis about all the things she wanted to do before she passed away. Davis decides that she needs to finish this bucket list -- renamed a life list by Carnegie -- and maybe she'll be able to leave the Earth peacefully. And maybe it was Davis' job to help her.
From being in a parade to dancing under the stars, Davis is prepared to do it all with her. Maybe this ghost could teach him a little more about life after all.
(Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 - very unedited!)