I snuggled my face into my green scarf, my face felt numb.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAD5l65as4HG
Hugging my bag. I felt my hands were going to fall off.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAKNnqJKgrfR
"You coming?" Said Wisp, his white hair flowed in the wind as he turned to look at me.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAiCIeJaviDq
"Err.. yeah, just waiting for Nesain to show." I looked at my watch, it's screen lit up and read '10:00 AM, Sunday. October 1, 2045'. I frowned.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAWk5RXGjbR2
Wisp sighed, I could feel like stare dig into my back. "Whenever he decides to show, come in and order with the rest of us." He said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA80Qk52Z7ei
Wisp isn't a very big fan of Nesain, Wisp has been a good friend of mine since grade school. He thinks he's a bad boyfriend to me. But I know he isn't that bad. Even though he never shows up to most of the events I invite him to. But I guess he always has a reasonable reason he doesn't go most of the times.
258Please respect copyright.PENANABonmcOGPHk
"I'm sure he will show Wisp." I said turning to look at him, "He probably is late because he was busy with something." I stared unsurely at him.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAAd76PIxEZo
He paused, I saw his eyes slowly narrow with every word he uttered. "Yeah? Like he did our last double date? He's nothing but a liar Ansonī."
258Please respect copyright.PENANADDEJt4CR33
258Please respect copyright.PENANAzg2yAfuEHa
"if he really did love you. He wouldn't be treating you this way, when will that get through to you?" He bayed turning his back to me.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAOuEtC7cFN8
I watched him go inside the cafe, I frowned.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAsQLZgHd3W7
Some minutes pasted, before I knew it it was 10:00 AM. Nesain seems to get some sort of kick out of doing this to me, saying he will come with me and hang out and he never does. Leaving me like a damn idiot.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfPWKpLXKQR
"Ansonī?" A familiar southern voice said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAP0aQ5WDN8o
I turned to see Yean Ginn, I have known him since we were in pre-school. His red and black hair flowed in the chilly winter breeze. His grey eyes stared down at me, warmly.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAGcB5UcjagC
"What are you doin' here, aren't you cold?" He asked taking his black cowboy hat off.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA0RVAjUw6Ri
"Oh, uhm. I was just waiting for Nesain, he hasn't shown up yet, he's an hour late." I said upset as my teeth chattered from how cold it was.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAxUXnkPl6Sg
"Wisp got upset because of it." I said upset.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAuII2h3bUNh
There was a moment of silence between us, a comforting silence.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA36DpuRdsvu
"Here, have this." He said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAwIXnpWAh1l
Yean took off his jacket, his eyes softened. "I don't want you to freeze to death." He said smiling.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAt8N2KFa5vd
"Yean, you're gonna be cold and—"
258Please respect copyright.PENANAGNTsHaLjPh
"Please Ansonī, it's the least I could do." He said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAxjLdBEezVu
I sighed as I took the jacket and put it on, i smelled the sweet earthly scent from his jacket as I smiled.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAqiloYDFbGS
"Thank you, that was very sweet." I said looking at him. As I looked into his grey eyes he took me by the hands.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfab4go4PFd
"I need to talk to you, is that okay?" He asked. I could see his eyes fill up with a worried stare.
258Please respect copyright.PENANArBipLAWULv
"Oh, yeah of course. When?" I said as felt my heart fluttered.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAmdkddTop2y
He smiled warmly and pulled me into a tight bear hug, i suddenly felt my sadness and my anger built up in heart fade.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAbzr7LEN7Gl
"How about we head on inside with everyone. You must be really cold." He said taking me by the hand, ignoring my question.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAmdE3UtE3AG
As he led me inside I saw everyone sitting at a cycler table.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAHbUGBhfsZ1
Kaiyo, Wisp's date who was sitting next to Wisp looked over at us. I could see she was excited to see me and Yean since we haven't seen her a while because of studies.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA94rGv3c2S2
Wisp was reading a newspaper, ignoring us even being there. He was probably still upset about Nesain setting me up.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAf5IPN4f1oK
"Ansonī, Yean!" She said leaping out her chair. "It seems like I haven't seen you guys in ages!" She said hugging me and Yean.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA5uTSh54Vmv
I didn't notice me and Yean were still holding hands till I had to let go to hug Kaiyo back.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA6IRrrbfg74
"Where is Nesain and Daisy?" Asked Kaiyo, her light blue eyes glimmering in the sunlight innocently.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAmgC2JgwREb
"Daisy said she was too sick to show up, sorry." Said Yean. I heard a little sadness in his voice, like if he knew something and was to afraid say anything.
258Please respect copyright.PENANACivtOvg22D
"Oh, I was hoping she would come." Kaiyo glanced at me then smiled.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAys3A8QzR3X
"And Nesain?" I went quiet, I could feel a lump build up in my throat.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAbjur5C9Bw6
"He didn't show." With a shaken up voice I managed sound somewhat okay with the situation.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAXy9qJiBrek
"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe he's just busy, don't worry about it so much." I saw her exchanged looks with Yean.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAWS5kG3nCeA
He put his hand on my shoulder. "You're so precious, I don't know how he can just do that to you Ansonī." He smiled.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAEIIqRh3L5k
"He's a fool. He might lose a blessing if he keeps this up." He said with a wide grin.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAwHEhjhPCEs
I blushed. "That's very sweet of you Yean, thank you." I said, nervously.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAGurkbdvLyY
"Alright you two." Said Kaiyo through a giggle. "Let's get you guys something."
258Please respect copyright.PENANAUqB5EAN1YM
The cafe was a small cafe, it was around 600 square feet. A small cafe, it was a nature themed.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAlAwCnoOnW5
Walls were a sage green and the wooden floors a light brown, all kinds of plants laying around made me feel like I was in a forest.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAUTjAmnin91
I order a strawberry milkshake with a strawberry on top of wiped cream.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAXQuXehqqwh
Yean ordered a delicious looking pineapple smoothie with a piece of pineapple on top.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA3yMboGVZ5D
We went to sit down.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAvSpXYexXMP
Before I could even sit. Yean pulled out the chair for me.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAZPa8qptPPY
He looked at me with an innocently stare, I smiled and sit down in the chair.
258Please respect copyright.PENANApfTLTzFThC
Wisp looked up from this newspaper as I sat down. A guilty smile appeared on his face.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAf3SmARzoEI
"I'm sorry for freaking out on you Ansonī. I was just mad at Nesain for not being here, he just has to step up to the plate." He said looking at me.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAoNHcQvZ0kM
I saw the guilt in Wisp's eyes, i know he's frustrated with the situation and he was truly sorry.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAz5b9FTY9ic
He was a real true friend.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA1jbU8JMlXe
"It's fine, I don't mind really!" I said trying to sound as certain as I could. But of course Wisp is the type of person that can read through anyone.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAGda0uwu4QU
"Why don't you just leave him? He is just hurting you." Wisp said worried.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAIKW6UeEZFM
Sipping on my milkshake I felt a tight feeling in my throat "It's hard to leave someone you're in...love with." I said unsure.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAxoK64Lu5yB
I don't understand. I feel so uncertain, I love Nesain. Right?
258Please respect copyright.PENANAinpUp5tw1W
"Ansonī you might love him, but does he love you?" Wisp asked, frowning.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAcBnhs7QdlJ
Yean fidgeted with his ring. Staying quiet, listening.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA6fg1ctcve6
"Ansonī you can't make Nesain love you, if he doesn't love you back it's best if you just leave and find someone else." He said looking at me then glancing at Yean.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAaA8bKE118g
I must admit, me and Nesain haven't had the best relationship. It's been very rocky, but doesn't that just make our relationship stronger? I mean that's what he told me.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAcldNqNOFS2
I heard the ding of the bells that dangled from the cafe door suddenly ring.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAvfGGI1odRk
I looked over my shoulder as saw Nesain, with Daisy. Yean's girlfriend.
258Please respect copyright.PENANArZyfznTn89
"Hello Everyone! I'm sorry we're late." Nesain said.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAG94kbRO0nd
He walked over with Daisy, had this wide grin across his face. "I had to go pick up Daisy."
258Please respect copyright.PENANArPgGp7twek
"What do you mean you had to go pick up Daisy? She told me she was sick." Yean said looking at them intensely.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9I3I0Iwao
"I wanted to surprise you and— show up!" Said Daisy, bending over to hugging Yean.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAhsxCxLJZdk
By the look on Yean's face when Daisy hugged her, I could see that he wasn't having her excuse.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfMZSvatbw9
Yean got up from his seat and put Daisy aside. "I don't wanna hear your excuses Daisy." He said gritting his teeth.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAfeUgpJ1KKb
Daisy eyes widen. "So your telling me I come all the way here to surprise you and you treat me like this?!" Daisy said flipping her blond hair.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAVl0M3QCXGk
"I'm sick of your bullshit Daisy." Yean said clenching his fist at Nesain.
258Please respect copyright.PENANASUiA1vZ5ke
"Woah, hold on. Let's not get worked up over nothing now Yean. She was just trying to surprise you Yean."
258Please respect copyright.PENANAJuiLnxfSfd
I got up and looked at Yean.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAcAk6BfdFZw
"Don't act stupid Nesain, I know what you have done. Your such a damn prick." Yean muttered.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAlXYiY7Fj0x
Nesain suddenly went quiet. I saw Yean roll up his sleeve, which is never a good sign.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAbq5iSRjO9m
"God, you piss me off, why don't you just clean and say that you and daisy had road gig." Yean said weirdly tranquilly.
258Please respect copyright.PENANActJD33iBiU
I saw Nesain's eyes widen, I looked at him.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAdRDVEtcVi0
"What— what are you trying to say Yean?" I said glancing at both Yean and Nesain confused.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAkaqLXxx6Rp
Yean stared coldly down at Nesain. "What I'm trying to say is that this bastard, has been having sleeping with Daisy." He said gritting his teeth, holding back tears.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAiGbzajsRh6
Suddenly I felt my stomach hurl. Nesain, with Daisy?! I looked blankly at him in disbelief.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAMr4Ntc4exH
Was Yean really telling me the truth? How does he know for sure?
258Please respect copyright.PENANAarZM9Km9CI
"Bullshit." Nesain said. "You're just jealous."
258Please respect copyright.PENANADQ2Zoitw8q
"Don't act like I didn't walk in with y'all doing it." Yean said coving his face with his palms sitting down.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA02A2PFwtbK
"It was a misunderstanding Yean." Said Daisy crossing her arms.
258Please respect copyright.PENANACa9IZcZ8sx
I felt tears build up in my eyes. Yean wasn't the type of person to lie.
258Please respect copyright.PENANARKa5jfrgvB
I picked up my bag and I turned to look at Nesain, hot tears running down my cold cheeks.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA0awqwSVVKC
"I don't care about you enough to hate you anymore Nesain." I said. "I'm done trying to make you love me damn it." I yelled through the tears streaming down my face.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAGSVmpwhAwF
Nesain grabbed my arm, "it's not like that Ansonī listen—"
258Please respect copyright.PENANAU53oXzjDjJ
"YOU JUST DON'T ACCIDENTALLY STICK YOUR DAMN DICK UP SOMEONE NESAIN." I yelled my voice breaking at the end of each word I yelled.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA29ndhW4Dih
I yanked my arm away from Nesain and ran out of the cafe not looking back.
258Please respect copyright.PENANASPP5MxZ4zt
"Wait Ansonī!" Said a voice. I couldn't make out who it was.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAeR4qoOkq1F
I can't believe Nesain would do this to me. All the nights spent praying to god for him to love me the same, all the times I tried changing him.
258Please respect copyright.PENANA43tpDPJRCm
i wasn't enough for him. I will never be.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAB32JLQNsJK
I could hear footsteps getting closer as I started loosing strength to keep running.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAuviSccFZos
"Leave me alone Nesain damn it!" I said through sobs.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAWooWAKE0zZ
"No Ansonī please, listen—" Yean grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAVqv6gUxLyJ
I turned to see Yean and just started crying more. "How could he just do this to me Yean." I said trying to catch my breathe.
258Please respect copyright.PENANATYmj8pmtlj
"I know Ansonī that's what I was gonna talk to you about." He said out of breathe.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAE7divv6Wx7
His deep grey eyes stared deep into my brown eyes.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAZ49PCzGzJu
"He doesn't deserve you Ansonī." He said tears streaming down his face.
258Please respect copyright.PENANAUaae9FMcVO
"I will treat you better Ansonī, give me a chance." Suddenly falling on his knees. His jeans getting wet is the snow "I'll give you the whole world Ansonī."
258Please respect copyright.PENANAwgiNmPPYrG
I looked down at him, my eyes widen in shock.
258Please respect copyright.PENANArkIMCJaQho
"Run away with me Ansonī, what do you say?" His eyes glimmered as he held my hand waiting for my answer as the wind howled