Happy\Yana's POV
Here's something you probably didn't know.. Emotion's aren't just named there Emotion. they have their own names. We don't know why Humans (their the things we help feel things) think this. Mostly because even though we live IN the brain, every part of the brain has a different job. Kind of like in an anthill. Another thing you probably didn't know about our part of headquarters, there aren't only PRIMARY emotions. Even though they were the first emotions to come, there are emotions that break down to bits. Think of it like this:
When you look at an ice burg, you only see the top (AKA the primary emotions) but there is A LOT more ice that we don't see. (AKA the smaller emotions)
And that's it. I am a primary Emotion yes, but not the lead.. My kid's name is Shai. Her lead emotion is.. Sadness.. I wouldn't blame her either.. You see her dad had abused her, mentally, physically, and emotionally.. He also sometimes sold her to other old men.. when her mom found out she immediately divorced him. Her school life wasn't better.. She was bullied for being 'different'.. I think they have a different view of different. They bully her cause she's a lesbian, and she's Transgender (Male to female) she had the treatment a few months ago. Some people say she's still straight because she was a boy at first. her best friend moved to London in the UK. But she lived in Canada.. So it was hard to communicate.. Speaking of sadness, Yashi just came in.
"Hello everyone. The Email Trail just informed me that Shai is moving." Said Yashi. "Boss, do you know where?" Said Yai, she was the twin of fear. her sister, Ayme is hugging onto her for dear life. "Hey everyone! We should think about the good things! Like what it'll look like! Right boss?" I say, trying to think happy. After all I have to be happy. That's the emotion I was assigned. I can't be anything but happy. Because that's the way it works.