Devil's Den, read the neon red sign proudly reclining on a half-meter pole at the top of the roof of the club. The sharpness of the blushing red had managed to grab Dimitri's attention at least eight times since he had started pacing outside the posh building.
Fifteen minutes, that's how long he had been waiting on the sidewalk for his two friends to come out of the noise box. Supernatural creatures have always had super senses which included sensitive ears. However, his friends who were vampires just like him never complained about the blaring music whenever they went clubbing; it was always him. One of those two called him whiny and the other, prissy. Nevermind. He was content staying outdoors. The cacophony coming from inside wasn't abusing his eardrums there.
Fifteen more minutes passed and Dimitri could have gone inside himself, but the stubborn streak in him won. And that streak wanted to seek revenge.
Wandering eyes assessed the area looking for inspiration. They failed. Disheartened, Dimitri gazed at the clear night sky above as if saying "Help me, Devil!" And did the Devil help? He did, thought Dimitri and grinned mischievously. When you have a friend who is prone to easy jump scares and another one who abhors hugs, things get interesting. Also, getting funny reactions from your friends in public was a different level of entertainment. Most of us would agree with that.
Dimitri went inside the club and up on the roof. Taking his position which was hanging upside down a ledge, he began to wait for his companions to exit the building.
As soon as he smelled them near the entrance, he readied himself to scare the shit out of Raine.
Aha! They are coming out. And here we go.
Too late did he realize that he had jumped the wrong gun. He had mistakenly attempted his sick prank on a man who was neither Raine nor Mavin. He was about to apologize when his scent hit his nostrils. It was his sworn enemy - a werewolf, a mutt.
A few men - most probably the werewolf's friends - gathered around and started checking up on him. Brushing their worries, he looked up with some irritation and disarray on his face. He can see someone latching to the roof. Squinting his eyes, he waited for the name to hit him. It didn't. Being the Alpha of his pack, he knew many people but the man who tried to harm him was unknown to him.
Dimitri yearned to laugh at the frustration that was clearly visible on the wolf's face but held it in. Instead, he settled for an internal laugh.
Hating on werewolves was in his blood, his nature...and self-made book of oaths; he couldn't help it.
Werewolves, the sworn enemies of vampires. They were supernatural creatures who were said to be created by a Goddess - Goddess Moon or Moon Goddess as werewolves like to call her. Since they were the children of the Moon Goddess and hence, stronger at night and strongest on full moon nights. They have two forms - human and wolf - and can switch between those two. They have super hearing as they are half animals. Where vampires can hear three times better than humans, werewolves can hear four times better than humans. Dimitri calls them mutts; his favorite nickname for werewolves, or maybe it is fleabag. No matter what he calls them, at the end of the day all they would stay is nasty.
The tiny break the Alpha got when Dimitri was stuck in his own mind was enough to take him back to his calm state. Although he thought it was a waste of time, yet he decided to sate his curiosity. "Who are you?"
The question caught Dimitri's attention, drawing him out of 'Supernatural 101.'
"I would tell you my name but I don't want it rolling off your ugly tongue."
The Alpha laughed out loud at Dimitri's haughty words, making the vampire's brows scrunch at his attitude. Dimitri knew werewolves were weird psychopaths. The wolf proved the point by cracking up at the insult thrown his way.
The vampire looked at the werewolf from top to bottom and then back. Standing tall with confidence and emanating power; the wolf was definitely a high rank. Blessed with the build of an athlete and a height of about 6'3" if Dimitri had to guess. The dark brown hair atop his head was all over the place like messed with on purpose. He has fair skin and deep blue eyes, eyes that have mirth swimming in them.
"You seem very well acquainted with my tongue. Did I fuck you before? Oh shit! Don't tell me you are a jealous one-night stand I didn't look at again. Is that the reason you tried to kill me with a flower pot?" The Alpha had a sharp tongue.
Dimitri bristled when the unnamed wolf cackled once again, but this time the other five too joined like typical lapdogs, making Dima conclude that the blue-eyed man was their leader.
Dimitri saw red. This stupid half-dog! Look at his audacity calling me a one-night stand.
"You stupid mutt!" Dimitri shouted, losing his equilibrium.
As soon as the loud exclamation left his mouth, the wolf was able to place his identity. A vampire. Ever so crude and unnecessarily hateful. He glanced up and took in the appearance of the vampire. Pinpointing physical features such as height and eye shape was difficult due to the position of the vampire, but he made out his eyes to be blue and hair, brown. His build was athletic and complexion fair with a very light coat of bronze.
"Your insult wasn't original, but your position currently is damn original." Clearly, the wolf was trying to control his chuckle. Tilting his head like a puppy, he elaborated. "Hanging upside down at the roof of a club like a bat. Oriiiiiiginal."
"That's because creatures like you come here every day and run for their lives as soon as I say 'Boo.' It's fun to watch. The roof is like the first-class seat at the theatre."
Dimitri mustered as much sincerity as he could before giving out the description, that one would never be able to tell that it was all a made-up story. The werewolf smirked, much to the frustration of Dimitri.
The mutt was crazy, Dimitri could swear on it. Even before the wolf started speaking his next words, Dimitri knew he wouldn't like them.
"I like your position. There are many possibilities with that position, do you know?" the wolf said, and his friends burst out laughing. They were laughing so hard that one even had a tear slip out of his eye. Dimitri just looked at them with blank eyes.
What is he even blabbering about?
"Why don't you try speaking a language other than mutt-y?"
"He is the naive type. The little virgin." The group of werewolves fell into another bout of laughter. "If I must guess one thing about you, I'd say you are obsessed with werewolves. Ain't that cute guys?" The Alpha pretended to ask his friends, in turn making Dimitri glare at him. "Do you know you are intriguing? The batshit crazy bat. I'll make it easy and straightforward. I was talking about the positions, the ones I like to fuck people in. The way you are hanging upside down, I'd say you are perfect for sixty-nine or upside-down."
"What the hell is wrong with you, disgusting dog?"
"Come on, don't be so uptight. I only want you to be tight."
Dimitri cannot believe the nerve of this guy. He was so mad right then that he had to resort to the only aspect that was dearest to all werewolves - Mate. A mate is the other half of a wolf. The Moon Goddess assigns each werewolf a soulmate the day they are born. Mate completes a wolf.
"I see, very faithful to your mate. Aren't you all 'We only have one person for us' and blah blah? Or have you not found them and using that as an excuse to fuck everything with a hole?" Dimitri said the last clause scornfully to rile the wolf up. He wanted to watch the cocky man lose his composure.
"Exactly! I do not have a mate," the Alpha grinned and said.
What the fuck?! How is he so calm after me talking about his mate like that? Either he has good restraint and he is a very calm person or he is crazy.
Before Dimitri could think of anything to say, the guy standing beside the blue-eyed leader hit him on the back of his head and then did some gestures toward him.
"What the hell are you doing? Speak up, boy. Are you mute?" Dimitri remarked in a bored tone to the boy who was doing the gestures.
As the words left his mouth, the psychopath's head whipped towards him. His whole demeanor changed and he looked ready to burst. With anger.
Uh oh! If this got physical, then Dad would know and then he would kill me for starting unnecessary fights.
Dimitri's dad, Lance Putin, too hated mutts with vigor. What he hates more is his son initiating unwarranted feuds. He says that they belong to an elite vampire class with an honorable family and he wants those under his care to act like it.
The Alpha was livid; how dare the vampire insult his little brother like that?! The furious wolf pushed to get to Dimitri, his pack-mates holding him back. He screamed at his friends to let him go, but they didn't loosen their hold. One of them yelled at Dimitri to flee. The vampire heeded; he didn't want to face his dad's ire.
"Next time, lowlife!"
"Fucking batshit crazy bat!"
"Chris, stop. Let's go home." was the last sentence Dimitri heard one of them saying to the crazy guy before he left the way he came - through the window on the side, inside the club and then out of it. Yes, he left his friends. That's what they get for making him wait.
Chris, the vampire repeated in his mind as he was on his way home.