A television show host, Belinda [Lins] Faiwen, goes missing while filming the 100th episode of her popular ghost hunting show, 'It's Out There'. The venue was located in her hometown exploring a local legend she'd promised her younger sister, Belladonna [Bell], she would never investigate because of how their parents were murdered. Belladonna, with the help of Belinda's best friend Trey, works on finding her by contacting Belinda's source Caleb. He's not only the last living male descendant of the satanic Dead Cult priests, but he also is a scholar on the Faiwen family history. Joined by Yana, a genius parapsychologist, and her piercing-obsessed, psychic lover Min Ah, they re-enter Dead Cult Manor to find Belinda but come face-to-face with true paranormal horror.