Steven Scriptum, a 14 year old student, has just moved from his home town in Veterra, to Noterra. He is about to start at Magula High. Magula High is a boarding school, so the students are going to be living there for the school year. He’s a bit nervous, since it’s gonna be his freshman year and he doesn’t have any friends there. Despite this, Steven has something that he believes may calm his nerves. The School Almanac. A notebook, one with 150 pages. One page more than the number of 9th graders that attend the school. From this fact alone, it should be easy to realize that Steven intended on getting all of their information in the book. You see, for his whole life Steven has been a hyper analyst. He was constantly consumed by data and numbers, which had shaped him into his current personality. So Steven, now outside of the school gates, said goodbye to his parents. He’d miss them, but knew that this new life would be grand. He walked through the gates, eyeing the school around him. “A whole year…” he said to himself. Though the school was small, the buildings were still quite a sight for Steven to behold. The courtyard’s ground was covered in a nice sleek cobble. Steven then walked to the tallest building at the school. It was 5 stories tall. He said to himself, “Kinda sticks out. This has gotta be the dorm building.” He entered and saw a bunch of other students with suitcases as well, “Bingo.” Steven saw telephones on the walls, administrators helping lost students, and a plethora of other things common in a lobby area. He walked up to the administrator that was at the front desk. “Hello,” She said to him, “Are you lost?” Steven told her, “Oh, no. I just need my key. My room number is 2-129.” The administrator dug through a cabinet and then took out his key, “Here you go.” Steven took the key, “Thank you,” and then headed to the elevator. When he walked up to it, and saw a sign taped on the doors. It read, “1st Floor - Lobby. 2nd Floor - Freshmen.” Steven didn’t bother reading the rest, and thought to himself, “You’d have to be kind of stupid to get lost…” The elevator door then opened. Steven went up the elevator, and found his room. He opened the door, and he grinned, “Oh yeah…I’m home.” A bathroom, a kitchen area, and a sleeping area. Though the school was small, it had a lot of government support for the success of its students. Steven started unpacking his stuff. From his suitcase he pulled out clothes, canned beans, notebooks, and other things he’d need for his time at the school. Once he was finished, he laid on his bed. He scrolled through his contacts list, “Huh…I really don’t know that many people…” He watched anime for the rest of the day and then went to sleep. The next day he got up and got ready for school.
Period 1, Algebra 2
There were four classroom buildings, each with 2 floors. The buildings were labeled A, B, C, D. Pretty simple. The Algebra 2 class was in the A building on the first floor. Steven’s algebra class was an advanced one due to his intellect, and not a lot of students at his grade had a class like that. So he ended up being the only 9th grader in the class of 10 people. The classroom itself wasn't too bad. It was about what you’d expect from any other math classroom. The teacher was an older lady named Ms. Alan, who seemed pretty uninteresting. And, to be frank, so were the other students. Steven was not very impressed, but decided that maybe his next class would be more exciting.
Period 2, Biology
Steven’s biology class was at least more interesting. There were actually people in his grade this time around. About 15 people were in this class, which would be small in any other school but in a boarding school it’s a little over the average class size. The classroom itself was pretty spacious, because of the experiments they’d do in the future. The teacher's desk was at the front of the class, sandwiched between two entrance doors. The teacher was a lively lady named Ms. Brianne. They had done an ice breaker, where they had to stand in front of the classroom and introduce themselves. Steven had done his standard token introduction. “Hello, my name is Steven Scriptum. I like data analysis.” Though it wasn’t very original, it always worked. Of all the other students, one had caught his attention. He was a tall boy, with purple hair that was kept to the side. He had snapped his fingers, to get the attention of everyone in the room. “Cato Pulmonis, the one who’s gonna thrust this world far far forward. I’ve seen too much of it in younger people nowadays. Laziness, I mean. Too much sitting around doing nothing waiting for someone to teach them how to fly. Well guess what? I am not like that. I am an intelligent hard worker who has the potential to do great. So remember the name, Cato Pulmonis. And say it with reverence. For one day, it will be engraved in that will last for eternity.” Cato walked back to his seat, clearly feeling proud of himself. Class had ended shortly after, and it was time for Steven to go from the first floor in building D, to the second floor of building B.
Period 3, Advanced English
Steven’s English class wasn’t too interesting. It was a standard classroom with desks, a window, and a teacher desk. Though, the class only had 9th graders, which made Steven feel pretty good. The teacher was a woman named Ms. Lection, who had told the students that this was her first year teaching. Steven just hoped that she wouldn’t be a lousy teacher. Once the period ended, he made his way to building C, on the second floor.
Period 4, Journalism
Steven didn’t really have a choice for his electives, nor did anyone at the school. The school’s motto had been “Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.” Like the students were fighting for their lives in the Marine Corps. Or perhaps like they’d gone back to the stone age living in huts. Steven was thinking about which of the two when he entered his journalism class. He wasn’t very interested in journalism...until he met the teacher. He was a tall man, with brown hair and a brown coat. “Hello students, my name is Mr. Noronake. I’m glad to see all of you here. Journalism is about printed news and whatnot. But to be honest, I don’t really think I’m gonna teach that. Too much work in my opinion. I might have the standard one assignment for each week, but don’t expect too much.” Steven thought that this class would be pretty interesting. It’d be like a free period. As Steven was simply minding his own business in the class, he felt a tap on his shoulder from the desk behind him. As he turned around, he gasped a bit. Behind him was a student who went to his old school. The student had slick black hair, and wore a leather jacket as if he was a greaser ripped straight out of the 60s. “Yo Steven, you remember me? It’s me, Marty Morpho from Ultimala Middle School.” Steven’s shock had turned into a smile of comfort. “Woah, hey Marty. I never thought I’d see someone from Ultimala this far from Veterra. We were only really acquaintances, but it’s kinda comforting seeing someone I’m familiar with in such a new environment.” Marty stuck a thumbs up. “Hell yeah! You know, you’re the first person from Ultimala I’ve seen here. And, I think you might be the last.” Marty rested his head on his desk. “So Steven, how has your time here been? Have you made any friends?” He asked, with a curious look on his face. “’s been fine I suppose, but I haven’t made any friends.” Marty snickered. “Let’s change that right now.” He eyed a red haired girl sitting in a desk to the right of Steven. She had two strands of hair that were longer than the rest of her hair.. “Yo, red haired chick! My friend Steven here wants to befriend you!” Befriend? Steven winced hearing that word. The girl turned to the two boys, revealing entrancing purple eyes. “Uh...weird word to use but okay.” She said, in a quiet tone. And Steven had agreed. Marty stammered “ know what I’m trying to say. He’s lonely and he needs a friend.” The girl had turned to Steven. “Well, hello then. My name is Iris Ingrene. I’m quite lonely as well, so perhaps we can be good friends.” Steven had cleared his throat. “Ahem. I do believe we could perhaps be good friends. I am Steven Scriptum, and my friend,” he pointed to Marty, letting him finish the sentence. Marty stared at Steven with a bewildered expression. “Oh! Oh oh! ‘Name’s Marty Morpho.” Iris laughed a bit. “So, what music are you guys into?” She asked us. Steven thought to himself. “Probably classic music from the 60s to 90s…” Iris had nodded her head. “Me too, though I like the more obscure bands from that period. It’s a little consoling knowing that not many people have listened to them.” Marty had put his hand on his chin, thinking to himself. “Maybe 90s...early 2000s rap music. It has a sort of charm to it I suppose.” That was about what Steven expected. The students talked a bit about other unrelated stuff, food and their last school and whatnot. Then, the period ended. It was time for…
The cafeteria had been in a separate building, one with only one floor. It was pretty spacious, but most students wouldn’t stay inside of the cafeteria once they finished getting their food. They’d usually roam around the school once they’d finish. And that’s what Steven and his friends did. They wandered to the different locations of the school. The library, which was riddled with all sorts of books ranging from classic novels to manga from Japan. The auditorium, which seemed to have spanned over a mile but it was in fact only about 150 feet in length. The courtyard, which was mostly concrete but was surrounded by beautiful flower beds with a giant statue of a man in the middle. The man was the first principal of the school, who died in 1933. The courtyard had connected most of the school areas. Then the running track. Steven could tell that he’d have trouble due to the sheer size of it. Their last stop, and next class, was the gymnasium.
Period 5, Gym
Steven had gym with both Marty and Iris. The gymnasium had a shiny floor, and was a basketball court. There were also two locker rooms on the side of the building, male and female. Standard affair. The teacher was a tall man, maybe about 6’5, with short red hair. His name was Mr. Rentson. “Alright kids, I don’t know what class you came from, but you’re gonna be working to the damn bone in here!” This was about what Steven had expected from a gym teacher. “I know you students must be pissing your pants seeing the size of the track, but don’t worry. That massacre will start on Wednesday, AHAHA!” Nothing else eventful happened in that period.
Period 6, Advanced World History
Steven walked into the classroom, not really expecting much. And it was a good thing he didn’t, because it was just a boring classroom in building D, second floor. Iris had the same period with him, so at least there was that. And the teacher seemed pretty nice. Ms. Heradot, she was an average lady of an average build. Not a surprise in such an average class. Steven hated history, it was so boring. Not the subject per say, he loved the past and learning about it. He just hated how schools taught it. He believed that they made it so that it was more about remembering random things students weren’t interested in than actually teaching the past. The class felt like a blur to Steven. And before he knew it, he was heading to the first floor.
Period 7, Spanish
This time, Steven was all alone. Neither Marty nor Iris had this class with him. However, he didn’t mind it much. It’d be just like how it was before he found them at this school. The Spanish class was really small, with only 7 students in there. Steven had guessed this was because they wanted to help students with this kind of subject, since it’d be pretty difficult. The teacher, who entered the class late, had short brown hair. She came in with a bag of donuts, and Steven knew exactly what kind of teacher she’d be. As she licked the icing off her finger, she introduced herself. “My name is Ms. Laura, and I’ll be your Spanish teacher.” Steven feared for his grades. As Ms. Laura explained to the class how she’d be teaching, Steven wondered how soon it’d be before she made a mistake that destroyed the grades of everyone taking her class. She didn’t even sound like she spoke Spanish. But that was a thought that’d be saved for another time, as class had just ended.
Afterschool, Steven met up with Marty and Iris, as they had planned. They spoke a bit about school, however Steven felt an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. “Guys...I didn’t sleep much last night and I’m tired. I’m gonna go back to my dorm to sleep.” He told his friends. He then walked over, and fell asleep the moment he made contact with his bed.72Please respect copyright.PENANA1TD3xBhGof