Steven awoke to another sound of a far off explosion. “Jeez, they gotta get a better time to have car accidents. I’m in the middle of sleeping damnit.” As Steven finished getting ready for school, he opened his dorm door. However, the door didn't open all the way. "Hmm," Steven went. He looked and saw a box, addressed to him from a sender who didn't put their name on the box. Steven brought the box inside and began to open it. "Ohohoho, what is this, some cash?" He opened the box and saw that there were...guns, bullets, and grenades. Steven looked at the box, completely dumbfounded. "What…" He noticed there was a note at the top of all the contents. He picked it up, and the note said "Take something from this box to school today." Steven had been a little scared, but he was rational enough to understand that this must be a warning. He put a tommy gun, bullets for it, and a grenade in his book bag.
Period 3, Advanced English
When Steven entered class, he expected for it to be the standard boring days in that period that he'd had since school started. But then, Seven entered the room. "Hey Steven. They switched my schedule again, but only this period. What a lucky day," he told Steven. Steven pointed to the desk that was next to him, and said, "Seven sit in this seat next to me, I have to tell you something." Seven did so, and said "What is it?" As class started, Ms. Lection started teaching about some reading method that was taught to Steven in second grade. Steven leaned over to Seven, and whispered to him, “Today I got a box with a note telling me to take the box’s stuff to school today. The contents were guns and grenades.” Seven gasped, loud enough for the rest of the class to hear. “Mind sharing your little conversation to class, boys,” Ms. Lection said to them. Steven responded fairly quickly, “Yeah we were talking about how we remember learning this in 2nd grade. Ms. Lection, isn’t there anything more worthwhile you can teach us?” A female student with orange hair and a boater hat stood up. She said to the teacher, “You know, this is the problem I have with English class. What’s the purpose of any of it? We just learn the same stuff over and over again.” The other students started joining in. “I’ve got a life, I don’t want to waste it learning about what a main idea is for the 9th time.” “I swear every story we’ve read since 3rd grade has been the same 6!” “Yo I did my work late and I got a zero. Can I turn it in for late credit?” Ms. Lection had it. “OKAY OKAY, I get it! You guys hate this class, but what does that have to do with me? I don’t make the curriculum. I-'' But then someone from the back of the class interrupted her. It was a dark-skinned female student, with long braided hair that was a mix of green and black. “Shut the hell up! Stop making excuses. If you really gave a shit you’d speak against it!” Ms. Lection went silent. “I quit. I’m going back to being a cashier at ‘Gas For Gary!’ I knew it was a bad idea getting that doctorate degree in academics.” And she stormed out of the room. “Sheesh, that was partially my fault,” Steven admitted. “Man...I feel really bad,” Seven said. “Don’t be, if she quit on the fifth day of teaching then she wouldn’t have lasted in this kind of environment anyway,” Steven comforted him. The two had almost forgotten about… “Oh wait, you have that gun in your bookbag don’t you,” Seven whispered to him. Steven nodded, “I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling something really bad is gonna happen…”
Period 4, Journalism
Steven informed Iris and Marty about the situation. “The hell are you doing, call the cops,” Marty insisted. “No no no,” Iris dissuaded. “With all of these signatures I don’t think the cops would be able to do anything.” Marty snapped his fingers in frustration, “Damnit…” “So students,” Mr. Noronake went, “Time to present your projects.” He then put the smartboard on a team’s presentation. Seven raised his hand to say “Uh, Mr. Noronake. I haven’t been here.” Mr. Noronake responded, “I’ve already written that down, this is a free grade for you. Lucky you, huh?” So all the students, except Seven, presented. It was pretty standard. And the four friends weren’t worrying about what happened that morning too much anymore.
Steven had been checking the clock the whole day. He was relieved when nothing happened when the final bell rang. “I was really scared, but nothing bad happened. Thank goodness,” He told his friends when he met them at Mr. Noronakes room. “What a relief,” Seven said. They all hung out in his room, doing what they always did. This time, Iris had brought a portable pool table to the room. “Wait, how did you even get this up to the second floor,” Marty questioned. “There’s an elevator in all the buildings with multiple floors. It said that in the informational video,” Iris explained. “Alright, the first two people to play... I say me and Seven. This game requires skill not luck, so I think I’m in the clear. I used to always play with my dad.And of course beat him but I don’t want to brag,” Iris said. Iris positioned herself and closed her eyes. Using her signature she calculated the perfect way to shoot the cue ball. And then “PANG!” The cue ball hit two striped object balls into pockets. “There’s no way you can win now, all of the balls are scattered.” Seven didn’t really know a perfect strategy. He lined up a shot that would only hit one solid object ball(5) into the pocket. But then, he sneezed, and accidentally, but with a lot of strength, shot the cue ball towards another nearby solid ball(7). The ball hit all the other solid balls, and they were all hit into pockets. The 7-ball hit the 8-ball, and landed in a pocket a mere millisecond before the 8-ball did. “God damnit…” Iris muttered. This meant that Seven had won. “Well guys, I’m gonna go use the restroom,” Seven excused himself out of the room, while Steven and Marty picked up the pool sticks. As Seven was walking down the hallway, his footsteps were echoing throughout. As he approached the bathroom door, a student wearing a black trench coat with a large duffle bag exited the bathroom. Seven went into the bathroom and uh...used it. “Sheesh, I feel like I’ve been holding it for the whole day…” As he finished and was washing his hands, he heard the student in the hallway yell “Damnit I forgot my diary!” The student was a ways away from Seven. Seven looked down and saw the diary on the bathroom floor. The diary was titled “Diary Of Peterson Combust(Keep out!).” Seven thought to himself, “Peterson is his name huh? I should probably give this back to him.” He picked it up and began heading out the bathroom. But suddenly, he tripped. His shoelaces had been untied. “Ow…” He groaned. He tied his shoelaces, and was about to pick the diary back up. However, the diary was opened and the contents were jarring. It was a crude large handwriting that said “THIS SCHOOL SYSTEM SUCKS. TOO LONG I’VE BEEN BULLIED. I WISH EVERYONE WOULD GO OFF THEMSELVES. I’M GONNA CHANGE THIS SYSTEM! I’VE BEEN GIVEN A GIFT, MY SIGNATURE PUMPED UP KICKS ALLOWS ANY BULLET I SHOOT TO BLOW UP ON CONTACT WITH A SURFACE.” But what was next was even worse. “TODAY I’M GOING TO SHOOT UP THIS HELLHOLE! I NEED TO PROVE A POINT.” And Seven tried, he did try, but he couldn’t stop himself from letting out a blood curdling scream. “HUWAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The scream pierced through the ears of Peterson, and he began running back over to the bathroom. Seven quickly picked up the book and dashed back towards his friends. He couldn’t go the way he went to the bathroom, since Peterson was blocking that way. He had to go the long way. He went down stairs on the path away from the shooter and up stairs the way behind the shooter. He ran and opened the door to Mr. Noronake’s room. “Damn that’s kinda sad,” Marty told Steven, nonchalantly as he hit the cue ball on the pool table. Steven responded, “Yeah but like if 5 days if enough for you to-” Seven interrupted their game. “There’s a school shooter nearby, and his name is Peterson Combust!” His friends were shocked. He closed the door and slammed the book on the pool table. “LOOK! It’s in this diary he was writing! It says it right here that he’s gonna shoot the school up using his signature, Pumped Up Kicks!!! I think he found out I saw his notebook and now he’s coming for me!” Steven read the diary, taking out the School Almanac as it wrote down the information about his signature there. “Damnit…” Marty said to himself. “Damnit damnit damnit. What do we even do???” As if on cue, an explosion could be heard in the background. Steven opened his backpack. “Whoever gave me this must have known this was going to happen. It’s clear that I’ll have to use it to protect us,” Iris closed her eyes, and using Slide Zone, she saw that Peterson was in the hallway, and was walking towards each door. As soon as he opened the door, he would shoot inside and “BOOM!” “Steven, give me a grenade,” Seven said. “I feel this is partially my responsibility for bringing him into this hallway.” Steven passed the grenade to him. “BOOM,” another explosion went, this time louder than the last. “He’s coming…” Iris revealed. “He’s checking every door and exploding the rooms expecting for you to be in one of them hiding.” “BOOM,” an explosion interrupted her explanation. “Steven, load bullets in that gun. As soon as he comes to open the door, you’ll have to immediately begin’re gonna have to-” “BOOM,” another explosion interrupted. “You’re gonna have to-” Another interruption, but this time it was the school speaker. “Licktis, lockdown. I repeat. Licktis, lockdown. Take active assailant precautions. This is not a drill.” Iris took a deep breath. “You’re gonna have to kill him.” “BOOM,” an explosion went. “I think I’m ready for that,” Steven said, as he loaded his gun. Marty looked at the window. He seemed to be contemplating something. “Marty. If you want you can leave out the window. Your signature allows you to fly doesn’t it? You’ll be safe if you,” Marty interrupted her, “No!” Another explosion, this time it seemed really close and it shook up the room a bit. “BOOM!” Marty explained, “How could I leave my friends to fight while I just run away. I would never be able to forgive myself. That’s why I’m gonna stay.” While Iris and Marty were talking to each other, Steven finished putting the round, though it did take him a while to get it right. He stood up right in front of the door, and aimed the tommy gun forwards. “Ok Iris,” He said, “tell me when he’s here.” “BOOM,” went into an explosion, in the room right next to them. They all took a deep breath, steeling themselves. “He’s here…” Iris whispered. They all had some kind of way to protect themselves. Seven had a grenade in his hand, with his thumb in the pull ring. Iris had a pool stick, which she intended on using like a spear. Marty planned to just use his fists. And of course there was Steven, who gripped onto his tommy gun for his life...which was very much at stake. Peterson opened the door. Without hesitation, Steven pulled the trigger before Peterson could even realise what had just happened. “TATATATATATATA TATATATATA” the gun resounded. The bullets went straight through Peterson’s trench coat and came out drenched in blood. “TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA,” Steven continued shooting. Peterson was being pushed backwards by the bullets, and his back made contact with the big window that was across from the room. The window broke from the bullets, and he fell down from the second floor to the concrete courtyard, where he died. This was the true start of their journey. Seven Trecidecim, the student with the signature, Wonderwall.Iris Ingrene, the student with the signature Slide Zone. Marty Morpho, the student with the signature Lose Yourself. And our main character, Steven Scriptum, with the signature Eclipse.