"Looks like yer friend already met Luis." Elric mumbled teasingly, grinning.
"He's my student. A long with his two other brothers and this boy right here." My blush darkened as Alexander and Eli appeared behind Luis and so did Andrew's. I pushed my hair back behind my ear, toeing the floor.
"But aren't you a human?" Andrew asked softly, a smile lightly playing on his face. Luis nodded, grinning broadly.
"Very. But I'm a very accepting person. This whole town is tied together. But I'm a half blood. Me father was a werewolf and me mum a human." Me and my brothers gasped audibly, Andrew just grinning stupidly. He pushed me towards Luis, making me to tumble to the floor, on top of Luis. Our lips met as something sparked. I scrambled off of the older male as Alexander and Eli looked at me with a glare. I stuck my tongue out, giving them the finger.
I chuckled as Cristin gave Alexander and Eli the finger.
"Elijah, Alex! You're going to let Cris do that to you?" I pointed accusingly at the brothers, watching them exchange a look. Alexander grabbed Eli's and Cristin's individual hands before winking at Luis.
"Yes. Now we'll be in our room to talk to Cristin." Alexander replied quickly to my question, pulling his two brothers to their shared room. I started to walk after them before Elric grabbed my shoulder. A slight tingle went through my body, making me shiver in painful pleasure because of how tightly he was gripping me.
"B-but! I always go up with them!" I protested, pouting like a child. I really wanted to go with them. My father gave me a stern look as did Elric. I sighed in defeat and crossed my arms.
"Go on with them Luis, show them how it's done." Luis nodded at what Elric said, leaving after the brothers. "You too, Riley."
My father started grumbling, leaving out the house anyway. I was left with Elric but I started for the living room. Many of my pack was there, either standing and talking or sitting and talking. I sat beside the doorway, the floor cold despite me wearing jeans. Elric sat beside me with a smirk.
"I think Luis likes yer friends. And yer friends like Luis. Especially that Cristian boy." The older male whispered in my ear.
I nodded, closing my eyes. I touched his closest hand, taking it into my own hand. A tingling feeling spreaded through me. "Is this what it feels like?"
"Like what?" Elric mumbled, his hand gripping mine tightly.
"Being mates?"
So I'm going to post every chapter here then over in wattpad. Sometimes I'll update it on wattpad and transfer it over to here. So if you want any updates go to wattpad an search for the same story.