The last thing I want to do is get in the middle of a fight especially if they have some kind of history together but I also don't want to leave them alone if shes hitting him, what should I do? What should I do? Eve mind races with thoughts and possibilities but she just stands there staring at them, they stare back with dark dangerous eyes. Hunter let's go of francesca's wrist before taking a couple of steps towards eve but Francesca pulls him back i don't know what it is about him but everytime I see him I feel something tug from inside me, the dangerous look in Francesca's eye fades as she waves excitedly "hey, eve! Come join us" ummm absolutely not, not in a million years instead of moving forward eve just waves instead "actually I should get back to my room, I just wanted to get a look around before class tomorrow, have a good afternoon!" Well that last part was an serious over statement, eve starts to walk away trying not to let it turn into a run while still thinking about Hunter that's when the prickles rise on her neck says he's watching her walk away.
Eve ignores the feeling that's in her stomach whenever he shows up it's nothing it doesn't matter, he doesn't matter i'm not about to crush on a guy so complicated i'm not going to put myself through that in the middle of her thoughts Hunter appears next to her with eyes sparkling with interest and hair blowing in the wind "what's the rush" he's works his way in front of her so he's walking backwards eve slows down forcefully I should ignore him I just told myself i'm not going there eve rolls her eye and steps around Hunter trying to put distance between them again "hey! Wait! Are you not at least going to talk to me?" "we have nothing to talk about" eve shouts back to him but once again hunters right there next to her keeping the same pace. "Hanging out with kaleb isn't keeping your head down" just keep walking, just.keep.walking. "I'm only saying making friends with a dra-" Hunter breaks off and cough before speaking again "making friends with a guy like kaleb is..." "WHAT? Being friends with a guy like kaleb is what" eve looks at Hunter with anger running through her which he can see as he looks taken back "i'm just saying it's like painting a target which is the opposite of keeping it low" "oh really I didn't know that, so what is hanging out with you then?"
Hunter goes quite for a second and his face goes blank but then he speaks "utter and complete stupidity" it wasn't the answer eve was expecting and the bluntness in his reply slips over eves head. "Yet here you are" "yeah, here I am" "why" "I wish I knew why" both eve and Hunter stop walking not knowing what to say next. Finally Hunter breaks the silence and stillness but not the tension by taking a step closer to eve and another and another until his closeness sends chills up and down eves body, he takes one of eves gloved hands and runs his thumb up and down her palm. "What were you and kaleb talking about at the party?" Is he only doing this to get information out of me? I don't remember so much has happened since then, I should make something up. " just school and things, he wanted to know how I was getting on" "oh yeah? What did you say" "if your wondering if I told him about you trying to get rid of me since day one, I didnt" "thanks for the reassurance but thats not what I was asking about" Hunter smirks and it kick starts eves brain "what were you and Francesca arguing about."
"My brother" the piece start fitting together inside eves head and then her heart plummets "caiden... was your brother?" "Who told you about Caiden?" "Francesca did, we had tea together she said her boyfriend had died a few months ago" eve stops talking when she notices the icy coldness in hunters eyes. He wants to protect me from what hurting him and how much pain he's in but I've been there, I spent weeks doing the same thing, he can't fool me. I should tell Hunter that i'm sorry and that I want to comfort him "i'm sorry" eve reaches for hunters hand her fingers wrap around his wrist and back of his hand "I know it doesn't mean anything but i'm really sorry your hurting" Hunter watches her his hopeless eyes just staring as seconds slip by "what makes you think i'm hurting?" "Aren't you?" Eves greeted with more silence as Hunter seems to be weighing his answer "I don't know" he heart starts to ache and her breathing becomes faster as she watches him fight with his demons which she knows all to well. Hunter shakes his head and takes a step back stopping whatever moment was happening between them "it doesn't matter anyway, I have to go" eve reaches for him again automatically "wait just like that?" He doesn't say anything but he lets eve hold his hand for a few more seconds before he turns and walks back down the path so fast that he's nearly running expect this time eve doesn't follow if ive learnt anything in the few days it's that when Hunter wants to disappear he will. Eve turns and starts walking back to the castle. The walk seems faster compared to eves original outing but she cant shake the feeling that she's being watched, the feeling stays until she gets back to the dorm it's not until she's bck in her room and taking off the layers of clothes that the warmth hits her. Hang on, lia and Hunter weren't wearing jackets today.
Several hours later eve is getting ready for the snowball fight with lara "come on we don't want to be late or we'll get ambushed" "ambushed with snowballs... sounds harmless. How bad can a snowball ambush be, I mean it's just a snowball right?" "youve obvious never need a snowball fight the was kaleb does it" "i'm from ohio i've never seen a snowball fight..." "well, then this should be an interesting exercise it will also give you a good chance to meet all of his friends" "all of his friends. How many are going?" if I wasn't nervous before i'm definitely nervous now oh my hearts beating a little too fast "I don't know at least 50 I think" "50 people at a snowball fight? How's that going to work?" "Very well but there's still a fear of being ambushed as i've already said so get a move on will you" "how about hunter will he be there?" "hunter jaxson..." by the time lara gets to the second part of his name her voice is squeaky and strained. "Why you asking about him?" "I don't know we have met a few times and I was wondering if he would be coming to the snowball fight" "you've met hunter Jaxson? Where? When and how?" "errr I don't know it sort of kinda happened by running into each other" "nothing with that boy just 'kinda' happens" "if you say so but it did I was in the hallway, he was in the hallway it's no big deal." "But that's what I'm trying to say it's a very big deal hunter is-" again lara breaks off and looks everywhere but eve.
suddenly she's hearding eve out the room, "why do you keep starting sentence but not finishing them or half way through you change what you were saying all together" "I don't-" "yeah you do and your doing it right now it's starting to feel a little weird, like theres a secret i'm not supposed to know about. What's going on!" "That ridiculous eve, nevermoor is just like every other school with weird cliques and social rules. I just didn't want to bore" "but you want me to commit social suicide" "of course not but it's the last thing to worry about here" "so what do I have to worry about then?" Lara sighs which is long and low and a little bit sad "all I was saying is that Hunter is not a friendly person he's only friends with people who are in the order" "that's a ridiculous name and he must have other friends anyway what's the order" "it's nothing really" "it sure doesn't sound like nothing" "it's a name that the most popular boys in school have becuase there always together." She must be talking about the boys hunter walked into the party with, they were also the same guys in the hall with him the day that kaleb was helping me to my room. "Have you met the others too?" "the other guys in the order? No i've only ever met hunter" lara now doesnt just look worried she looks down right sick, both the girls reach the main stair case and lara looks at eve with her eyes filled with worry.
"Only. You mean he's always been alone?" "Yeah why?" "oh god what did he do? Are you okay did he hurt you?" "Lara of course he didn't hurt me he just helped me, why would you even think that!" "Becuase it's hunter he's sort of a one man demolition team" what is she talking about he can be a jerk but he's never hurt me "well i've havnt seen him destroy anything' "you know you don't have to lie to me right? You can tell me if anything happened and I promise i won't tell anyone I know he's dangerous...very dangerous Hunter has and will always take what he wants" i've been here for 3 days and I know that's not true this is ridiculous and unfair to hunter I can't keep letting lara think he's a bad guy "i don't know how hunter is with everyone else but he's never tried to hurt me, he's the one who kept marc and quinn from trying to kill me he didn't do it becuase he wanted something from me he did it to help and protect me. He even threatened them if they came near me again" "wait! He's the one!" "Why would he do that if he's a bad guy?" "I have no idea but just because he helped you out once doesnt mean he'll help you again, you need to be careful with him okay?" "You do know that he's not the one who tried to kill me" "well youve only been here a couple of days eve give him time" "thats a really awful thing to say" "it may be awful but it's true" "is this how everyone feels about him?" "Don't worry about hunter jaxson unless your trying to work out how to stay as far away from him." Something behind lara catches eves eye and suddenly her mouth dries up... "Yeah well, that might be a problem."
"why is that exactly?" "Because i'm not going anywhere and eve isn't either" lara squeals but hunter just raises his eyebrow to eve the look on his face shows a little assument a lot of wicked when eve hears lara hissing at her "seriously you couldn't tell me he was there?" "she didn't know" hunter looks eve over from head to toe for a second before a smile touches the depths of his eyes. "Braving the snow twice in one day huh I've got to admit i'm impressed" "don't be yet i've still have to make it through in one piece" Hunters smile drops just as quickly as it came, "your playing kalebs game?" "ummmm, I don't think kaleb invented it but yes? He invited me and i've never been in a snowball fight before" "you should probably skip this then and keep the streak going" "that's a weird thing to say" hunter doesn't answer he just leans against the wall and just stares at eve until she feels like her heart is going to explode. "We should probably get going" hunter ignores lar as she grips the wall harder before leaning in and murmurs something in eves ear "your determined not to listen to me, arent you" "hunter...I don't know what you mean and you can't tell me what to do it's just a game! Why shouldn't I go?" "I thought you figured it out" eve nearly suffocates on her own tongue at the intensity in his eyes "figured what out" "that nothing here is just a game" Hunter takes a lock of eves hair and stretches it out before letting it fall back into place "you shouldn't go to the snowball fight with kaleb, and you sure s hell shouldn't be wondering the school grounds on your own I already told you you're not safe here." "I'll be fine plus I will be with a group the whole time" "that's what i'm worried about" "Hunter your worrying for nothing I can take care of myself" his eyes darken as his face fades to a blankness "don't say things like that when you have no clue with what your dealing with" "what's the supposed to mean" this time he doesn't asked but he doesn't look away either, eve shakes her head and walks down the stairs Hunter climbs down behind her. At the entrance eve turns to face him "you know if your that worried there is one solution" "yeah? What's that?" "If you want you can join the game" "join you?" "It'll be fun and i'm sure kaleb wont mind" "your sure he wont mind?" Suddenly he's back to being assumed expect for his eyes theyre still completely empty "because i've got to tell you i'm pretty sure he will" "why would he? He's invited tons of people, he invited me and he barely knows me" Eve glances at Lara for confirmation but she's gone as white as a sheet what's wrong with these people, every suggestion I make seems worse received than the one before.
Before eve can speak kaleb walks up behind her and places his hands on her shoulders "looks like your ready to get your snowball on" eve turns to around grinning at him because it's impossible for her not to. "I am! I was just trying to talk Hunter into joining as well" "oh? Really, what you say jaxson wanna fight?" Kalebs smiling but eve can tell it's not a friendly invitation when three other boys show up surrounding her in a semicircle behind Hunter these must be the other members of the infamous Order Lara was telling me about, kaleb stiffens and shifts his weight onto his toes like he's waiting for Hunter to throw a punch at him I don't care if thers's enough testosterone here to start a war but it's not going to happen, no way am I going to let these guys fight while Lara and I are in the middle of them should I step in and stop this fight before it starts? "Come on Lara, let's go and figure out how to win this snowball fight" suddenly Hunter and kaleb are both focused on eve again "big words coming from someone who's never seen snow before you got here" eve signs in relief as she feels the tension fade a little "yeah, well you know me all about the bravado" eve grips firmly onto Lara as she starts to wind her way around the testosterone filled boys "is that what you call it bravado?" Hunter whispers the words in eves ear, his breath is warm against the side of her neck. A shiver runs down eves spine as she passes him "eve" i can't breath all I want to do is touch him, hunters hands comes up and hovers between the pair before he leans into her but before anything can happen the main doors fly open breaking the spell they were under. "Let's go" the words from lara seemed strained and when eve looks at her laras eyes are wide "yeah let's go!" hunter watches as kaleb shuffles lara and eve towards the open door but just as eve turns and takes her first step outside he shouts "don't forget to build an arsenal" "an arsenal?" "It's the most important part for winning a snowball fight, find a base you can protection and focus on building your arsenal, only attach when your sure you have enough ammunition to win." "Umm thanks for the advice but you could always join me and we can build a bigger arsenal, we would be stronger as a team" "and here I thought that's what I was doing" "what does that mean?" Hunters already turning away and walking off while eves left staring at him damn it! This boy and his famous disappearing act is going to be the death of me
Eve steps out into the snow and the cold slaps her in the face "Hunter jaxson huh?" "Don't start kaleb" kaleb puts both hands in the air mockingly surrendering "i'm not, I promise" he falls silent for a minute as the three of them focus on making their way through the snow towards everyone else "I just didn't know that the 'fucked up and obnoxious guy' was your type" what is with everyone just assuming that Hunter is fucked up? I want to defend him "I thought you weren't starting" eve gives kaleb the side eye as she heads towards a group of students in the distance, "i'm not i'm just looking out for you as Hunter is-" "Not Fucked Up!" "I noticed you didn't even try and deny he's obnoxiously though did you and no offence buy your still new here you wouldn't know who's fucked up and who isnt" "and you do? You don't even talk to hunter" "I do know and so does lara right!" lara doesn't answer instead she just keeps walking pretending like she can't hear them, i wish I could do the same "all right all right I get it I won't say anything else about the golden boy execpt to warn you to be careful with him" "hunter and I are friends kaleb" "take it from somebody who knows hunter does have friends." he fires that back like a parting gift right before he steps up the pace.
Eve reaches the ground gathered by the trees and her jaw hangs open, lara definitely undersold me on the amount of people she said probably like 50, more like 100! Kaleb walks to the middle of group like he invented the game to get everyone attending its clear everyone wants his attention they have all gone quiet they must want to hear what he has to say. Kaleb goes through the rules quickly and shoos the crowd until everyone has dispersion, lara starts the 5 minute timer on her phone before grabbing eve and pulling her forwards the thickest section of trees. "Right we have 2 ½ minutes to find a good hiding are and another 2 ½ minutes to get ammunition sorted then all he'll breaks lose" "okay but what if everybody finds a spot what do we do then?" "Don't worry about that, right lara" "yeah there's a bunch of dicks at this school who would never think of hiding just hit them" "makes them arrogant dicks in my mind, you know kind of like hunter." Laras phone rings out alerting the group that the 5 minutes are up suddenly people start dropping from the trees and snowballs are flying furiously in every direction, other people from the group are running at super speed throwing the snowballs In a kamikaze style at everyone around them. "Are we going to hide back here the entire time or are we going to show them what we're made of" "by all means lara have your shot" kaleb nods at lara to go first as eves watching she can't help but think laras got a throw like a war machine so much so that it practically shakes the snow off of the nearby branches. All right it's time to jump in on the action i'm not being the new girl who hides away my strategy should be stealth and ambush.
First eve hangs back while she watches what the others are doing nearly everyone is more athletic than eve is especially in how deep the snow is and how eve doesn't know how to walk in it properly yet. I'm going to have to be stealthy and quiet if I want to be able to win i'm definitely not too proud to ambush everyone here, a group of students come running towards the area eve, Lara and kaleb have claimed as there own "come on let's get them!" Lara and kaleb run straight towards the intruders but eve ducks behind the nearest tree as she loads her coat with as many snowballs as she can, snowballs are flying fast between Lara and kaleb and the others but eve stays where she is until they run out of ammunition then eve jumps out from behind the tree and fiercely destroys all the members of the enemy team with all the snowballs she had "woohoo! That's my cousin!" "Hot damn new girl you got them all!" "I did didn't I?" Eve can see the members of the other groups gather more ammunition and reinforcements, "there's too many of them, we'll never win" kaleb yanks off his hat and scarf them starts to shovel snowballs into them "what are you doing? Your going to freeze out here!" "I'm fine this is our chance to win" kaleb turns his scarf into a handmade bag "how?" "By climbing the trees" before eve can even express her utter belief at the thought of climbing trees that are this size lara runs straight up the trunk of one of the closest tres, she jumps and kicks out soaring up several feet at an angle, arms extended to grab and swing from the nearby branches. lara hangs there for a moment before swinging back and forth to get a momentum then thrusts herself up and onto another branch. "Umm, did I get concussed from a snowball or did you just parkour against the tree?" "It's not big deal" Lara reaches out to catch the snowballs that kaleb sends flying her way, "that's freaking awesome!" "Want to know something else that's awesome? Hold on" eve lets out a scream as kaleb throws her over his shoulder "quiet down or your going to give away out hiding place." Kaleb starts climbing the tree, his hands and feet are sticking to the tree like a monkey and he carries eve up the trunk how is he even doing this? 30 seconds later eve is straddling a tree with snowballs in hand as she waits to ambush the people who come looking for them, kalebs on a branch several feet up standing with a huge grin like balancing on a snow packed branch is the easiest thing in the world to him "someone's coming!" Eve reaches for her snowballs and waits for the team to be below them when a strong wind comes and knocks her off balance she grabs the tree and manages to hold on while the tree shakes "hold on eve! Im coming to get you!" I should probably hold on tighter and tell kaleb to check on Lara first "Lara! Are you okay!" "I'm fine, don't worry about me just hold on tight" "believe me, I am!"
Another gust of wind hits the trees this time it has a errrie sound to it and the red starts to sway eve gets more nervous "kaleb go get her!" "wait don't!" But then Lara screams and as eve twists around terrified to see Lara falling to her death another gust of wind hits, the worst one by far and eve loses her grip on the tree completely she scrambles to grab onto something but the wind is too strong and the branch eve is balancing on snaps. Eve braces herself for the bone breaking impact but before she hits the ground kaleb grabs her pulling eve into his chest and spinning around in mid air, kaleb hits the ground back first and eve lands on him her face buried into his neck "AHHH!" I should make sure kalebs okay "oh my god, kaleb are you okay!?" First he doesn't respond eve starts to panick and shakes him before slapping his face "i'm beginning to think I should have let you fall" "OG MY GOD YOUR NOT DEAD?" Eve quickly scrambles off kaleb so he can jump to his feet in one swift movement "why did you jump after me you could of been hurt" kaleb doesn't answer he just stands there watching eve with a weird look in his eyes he doesn't look concerned or annoyed but instead his expression looks like shame he just save me from a concussion or a couple of broken bones what does he have to be ashamed of this doesn't make sense "what was the alternative to him jumping after you, letting you get hurt?" "Lara... are you okay?" "I'm fine" "and you kaleb are you really okay?" "He's fine and thanks to him so are you"
Lara looks at kaleb with a grateful look "thank you so much flint" oh no, i've been so busy worrying about and yelling at kaleb I forgot what I should of done all at the very beginning I need to thank kaleb for saving my life, "I don't even know where to start or what to say kaleb" "you don't have to say anything" eve waits to see the easy grin kaleb gives her but it never comes in fact kaleb wont even look eve in the eyes "I absolutely have to say something" eve moves to kaleb so she's in eyeline with her this way he can't help but look at her "thank you for saving me, really. I know I yelled at you and i'm still terrified at the idea that something could of happened to you but i'm so grateful that you saved me thank you so much" "your welcome" the smile that eve is still hoping for doesn't show and although kaleb is looking at her for a few seconds he's now back to staring over the top of her. What on earth is so interesting behind me eve turns as the talking amongst the group quieten down and people start parting like the red sea and withering on the spot at the look of coldness in hunters eyes. The fact that is gaze is completely at kaleb and not on eve is the only thing keeping her knees from caving in, the look on his face is absolutely terrifying hinter has five guys behind him - the whole group of the infamous order.
Oh no another reason for Hunter to say i'm not safe why is he so mad at kaleb anyway god I don't want to get caught in another potential fight, hunter looks more livid than eve has ever seen him he can't be mad at kaleb for saving me can he? "Shit! Something really bad is about to happen" even kaleb who hasn't reacted to hunter i'm the past turns a little green when Hunter reaches him, "what the hell do you think you are doing?" i may not understand all of this but its obviously hunter is livid and more than ready to take it out on kaleb which doesn't make sense since kaleb saved me but I should probably stay quiet he seem so angry I don't want to make him any angrier "I did what I had to do" "and exactly what does that involve other than nearly killing eve?" "thats not what happened hunter he saved eve right kaleb?" Eve expects kaleb to agree with lara but instead he's stay quiet she reaches out to touch his shoulder "what's wrong are you hurt after all" a small tremor runs through the earth a tiny earthquake that shakes the tree branches one more but doesn't do anything else "im fine eve" eve looks at lara but she looks just as confused and way more terror as for everyone else their loving the drama, eyes glued to hunter as he's watching kaleb who continue to obviously watch hunter back. "We should get back to our room eve make sure your really okay" "thats the best idea Ive heard all afternoon ill walk you back to your girls" the crow recoils at this people draw back with their eye wide a sort of gobsmacked expression what's the big deal here? It's not a real fight because kalebs taken himself out of the equation I should leave with lara and Hunter so nothing else happens, the look on hunters face tells eve the best thing she can do for kaleb is to leave with him "are you really okay kaleb?" "he's fine aren't you kaleb" "yeah. I'm fine. You guys should go" eve reaches out a hand to touch his shoulder again but hunters there between the two prevent eve from touching him, hunter starts herding eve and lara towards the school putting more space between them and kaleb before eve knows that she's going. The three of them walk towards the castle eve half expects the rest of the order group to follow but they don't move.
I'm beginning to feel a lot like Alice in wonderland things just keep getting 'curiouser and curiouser' eve, Lara and Hunter all walk in silence when eve starts to notice that every step she takes she maybe didn't escape the fall after all now that the adrenaline is wearing off her ankle is hurting a lot. I dont want Lara or Hunter knowing i'm hurt and that i'm limping "what were you even doing out here I thought you didn't want to join the snowball fight Hunter?" "Good thing I was though considering the state kaleb got you in" "Hunter, kaleb didn't do anything he saved my life, it's no big deal he had me" eve tries to ignore the pain as she's walking "kaleb very much didn't have you, you didn't fall out that tree you were knocked out of it in fact-" but Hunter then breaks off and stares at eve with narrowed eyes "what's wrong?" "Besides not being able to figure out why your so bad" eve clenches her teeth and tries to not whimper at the fact that her pain is now excruciating "what's the deal with you and kaleb anyway? Why do you guy hate each other? "Eve-" "and don't try and lie to me i've been here long enough so stop treating me like i'm crazy" Hunter suddenly stops walking and turns to face eve before looking at her from head to toe "what's hurting you?" "Your hurt eve?" "It's nothing just got the wind knocked out of me" "it looks more than just being winded to me so now tell us what actually wrong" "i might of twisted my ankle in the fall" Hunter kneels down at eves feet before she can finish her sentence he's gently poking at her foot and ankle through the boot. "I can't take your boot off out here otherwise you'll get frostbite but does it hurt when I do this?" Eve gasp is the only answer Hunter needs he stands up and helps eve to her feet then suddenly swoops her up into his arms, eve stares at him with her mouth wide open as her brain stops working, am I really in hunters arms I mean it just can't be. His smell is like snow and orange it pushes eve over the edge and has her wiggling against him like a madwomen as they enter the entrance hall, if he keeps carrying me like this all t through he school looking and smelling like he does i'm going to be a mess.
"Can you please stop wiggling around so much please" "just let me down then you can't carry me all the way back to school and to my room" "watch me" eve glances at Lara for help but she's staring at both eve and Hunter like she might be sick "Hunter please be reasonable it's a long walk" "what's your point" "my point is i'm too heavy and your going to hurt yourself, chivalry isn't worth it" "hurt myself? Are you trying to make me laugh also i'm never chivalrous" "what do you call this then?" "Pragmatic, you'll hurt your ankle more if you walk on it" "you can't carry me all the way back to-" "eve?" "What?" "Shut up" I guess there are worse things in the world than being carried by a sexy god instead of struggling in excruciating pain, I should allow Hunter to carry me to my room as Hunter is carrying eve they move three times faster than if eve was hobbling along being them I really can't believe i'm in hunters arms it feels super romantic, i've never been carried like this by a guy before having Hunter hold me bridal style feels crazy but also feels really good thought it is totally unfair that his face looks even more gorgeously from every angle befor eve knows it she's outside her room. "Here, let me unlock the door for you, go on in Hunter" Lara holds back the curtain of beads and crystals that have been known to shock everyone but eve "thanks macy" Hunter smiles at her and she chokes from the shock seconds later Hunter places eve down on her bed "thanks Hunter, I appreciate the help" eve figured that would be the end of it but then Hunter shoots a look at her saying are you kidding me "you don't really think i'm just going to leave you here do you?" Hunter reaches down and gentle pulls of eves boot "I can take it from here" he shoots another look that tells eve to shut up again god, that's so embarrassing i'm going to pull my foot away and thank Hunter eve pulls her foot away and starts slowly taking off the double layer of socks she had on "I sprained my ankle Hunter i'm not dying of consumption" "the night is still young" "what's that supposed to mean" "you've been here three days and this is already the second time i've had to save you"
"seriously? Your going to blame me for a windstorm now?" He wraps hand around eves calf and gently eases her leg off the bed so he can look at her ankle "you didn't see Lara fall out her tree did you?" "Sorry i'm not good at holding onto a tree but if you didn't notice my branch did break" "oh, I noticed" "so what am I supposed to do exactly just not fall off" "that would be nice" eve tries to yank her foot away as Hunter pokes at the most painful spot but he ignores her though his touch is already soft he makes it even gentler. "There's no swelling luckily and only a little bit of bruising which means I don't think it's broken" "I already knew it wasn't broken" this time Hunter gives eve a half amused look which tells her not to push her luck. "Should I get some ice for the ankle" eve turns to answer Lara but quickly realises she was talking to hunter "ice would be great thank you" Hunter smiles at Lara when she suddenly freezes in place "oh, do you also happen to have any bandages that I can wrap her ankle and foot in" Lara doesn't answer "ok, Lara!" Still Lara doesn't answer eve ends up rolling her eyes I should shout Lara names to snap her out of this trance "LARA, EARTH TO LARA!" And suddenly Lara snaps back in reality "yeah ice, right i'm on it" "and... the bandage's" "oooo I have some actually" Lara starts rummaging through her draws she finally finds the bandages in the bottom draw the only ones she's got though are bright hot pink "will this one work hunter" "they are perfect thank you" lara lights up under his appraisal, eve just rolls her eyes again i should tease lara with hows shes being "wow how times do change huh lara?" "i have no idea what your talking about" however lara ducks her head while she blushes so eve knows thats not true, "thanks for getting the bandages" eve reaches out tontake the bandages from lara but hunter gets there first "i can do it really" "maybe i want to do it for you" lara heads to the door to get ice while making a sound like shes melting from the chemistry. Should i let hunter wrap my ankle?
Do i want his help? Should i do it myself? I have to be honest he said a smooth line "what your not protesting" absolutely not, not when he looks at me like that all intense and sexy "are you going to wrap it or not?" Hunter lowers his head and starts wrapping eves ankle without answering but eve can just see the small grin on his face, his fingers are cold as he's wrapping eves ankle but she cant help relaxing with his gentle touch especially when he strokes her calf with one of his fingers. "Hunter" "eve" this time his hand becomes a little firmer as he begins to lean in his sexy scent fills eves nose and makes her mouth water while her hands ache from wanting to touch him so badly i wonder how he was react if I buried my face into the side of his neck and just breathed him in Hunter leans in more making both their bodies touch slightly but its enough to send eves heart wild. "Eve" this time he's says her name more like its a promise, making eve gasp and causing her to full on melt his hands softly cup eves cheeks while she closes her eyes and leans into his touch when out of nowhere the door crashes open making eve jump out of her skin.
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