I never quite liked tea parties.
Tea parties were for little girls with fluffy dresses. Not me. Not now. Not when there was a mountain of cheesy romance movies and nachos waiting for me in my bedroom.
But sadly, that had to wait.
“Mm, this brie really is splendid.” My mother commented, dabbing her mouth with a napkin. “Adelaide, dear, you have got to try some.”
I eyed the cheese warily.
Just a taste and your mother would so delighted, my polite and logical side reasoned. But of course my brutally honest and spiteful side did not agree.
Just look at that yellow, mushy stuff, who in their right mind would eat that?
I shuddered.
“No thank you.” I declined politely, taking a sip of my tea.
But in my mind I was gagging and rolling around the floor.
“So, what are we discussing?” I asked.
“Well first, someone has to find a boyfriend.” My best friend announced, looking at me pointedly.
I coughed.
“You’re absolutely right.” My mother clasped her hands. “We must look into that immediately.”
I internally rolled my eyes. Of course.
“If any boy tries something with my daughter I swear I will rip off their faces.” My father grumbled under his breath.
My mother glared at him.
“What was that?” She asked accusingly.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” My father straightened up.
“Thought so.” My mother turned back to me.
My father winked at me.
I grinned.
“I have a couple suitors in mind. We’ll have a ball and invite them. You’ll pick your favorite. Of course, you’re too young, so you won’t be marrying them. Yet.”
I stared at my mom in horror.
“What? You can’t do that!” I argued.
“I just did.” My mom replied casually.
I slumped back in my chair and crossed my arms, annoyed.
“Posture, honey.” My mother reminded me.
I sighed and sat up again. I knew arguing with her was impossible. This was Queen Caitlyn Jane Halsey who gets what she wants. So, despite what I wanted, I had to comply.“Okay, I’ll do it, whatever. Can I leave now?”
My mother glanced at the clock.
“Fine. Don’t forget, you will have a ball this sunday.”
I frowned but nodded reluctantly.
“Go see Lola out.”
I took my best friend’s arm eagerly and dragged her out the door and down the hall.
“So, think you’ll find a good suitor?” Lola asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me when we got out of the balcony.
I rolled my eyes.
“Definitely not.” I groaned. “I don’t see why my mom keeps trying.”
Lola shook her head at me.
“You never know.” She winked and exited the palace.
I stood there, pondering over her words. Perhaps I will finally find a boyfriend?
I snorted.
Ha, as if.
I shook my head at myself for even thinking about it and turned to make my way to the elevator.
Yes, we have elevators. We might look fit and all that but we’re lazy as heck. Even my mom.
When I got to my room, I flung myself onto my bed and drowned in its fluffy pillows and soft mattress.
If only I could date my bed. It would be so much easier.
I asked Corrie, my personal assistant, for some nachos. I snuggled into my covers and put on Titanic, the plate of nachos conveniently next to my hand and a box of tissues.
Heaven knows I’m gonna need those tissues. My eyelids grew heavy as I yawned.
“Thirteen meters; you should see it…”
I awoke to the sound of a crash. My eyelids stirred as I groaned. I could hear the soft sound of titanic still playing in the background.
My eyes snapped open. I gaped at the scene in front of me.
A teenage boy wearing a dark hoodie and jeans was currently holding one of my lace bras with petite roses on the rim. His eyes were wide as he stared at the ground. I glanced over to wear he was looking and I gasped. My jewelry box had toppled open and my favorite ring that was made out of glass was on the floor.
I whimpered.
I whipped my head back to the boy, fuming.
“You.” I snarled.
The boy turned and his eyes widened as he realized he was caught.
My anger grew. How dare he come in my room, take my bra, break my stuff, and then curse in front of me? Twice?
As you can tell, I despise cursing.
“What the heck?” I screeched.
The boy held up his hands.
“I’m just gonna leave now…” He backed away slowly.
Oh heck no.
If he thought he was getting away with this, he had another thing coming.
In a flash I was up. I grabbed my half eaten nachos and threw it at him. He stumbled, clearly not expecting it. I quickly pounced on him, pinning him down with my body on top of him, straddling his waist.
His startled expression suddenly twisted into a smirk.
“I like this position.” He whispered seductively.
I glared at him menacingly.
“What the heck are you doing in my room?” I demanded.
He rolled his eyes.
“Calm down princess. It was a dare.”
I stared at him incredulously.
“Someone dared you to break into my room, steal my bra and destroy my things?”
“Yup.” He grinned cheekily, popping the ‘p’. “Well, it was really just the bra part. So can I leave now?”
I scowled.
Suddenly, I was being lifted into the air.
“Too bad, I am not losing a hundred dollars.” He said, setting me down on my bed.
I was still shocked by what just happened that I sat there, unmoving, not noticing he had grabbed my bra and was heading towards the window.
I quickly snapped back to my senses.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I snapped. “You’re not allowed to do that!”
He paused, his leg over the edge of my window.
“Sorry princess.” Then he smirked. “Eh, not really. We’re delinquents. I’m pretty sure this is exactly what we do.”
I glared hard at him.
“That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you get away with it!”
His other leg swung over.
“That’s too bad then. Because as you can see, I already have.”
He winked at me, then disappeared.
I rushed to my window and looked out into the night. I saw him running towards a motorcycle and jumping on it. Before I could do anything, he drove off.
With. My. Bra.
And let me just say, nobody is allowed to take my bra.
And if he thinks that he’s gotten away with it…
Well, let’s just say he has made a very bad decision.