“What am I going to do?”
Corrie let out an exasperated sigh as she looked at me.
“I am a publicist, not a genius. You have to give me time.”
I slumped back in my seat in annoyance.
“Anyone?” I asked, glancing around the room.
“Adelaide, none of us are geniuses you know.” My father muttered.
“Except me.” Carter added.
I rolled my eyes.
“Got any ideas then, Mr. I-claim-to-be-a-genius-but-actually-an-idiot?”
Carter grinned cheekily.
“I think we should just confirm the rumors.” He turned to wink at me. “Plus, I get to spend more time with princess over here.”
I immediately shot out of my seat.
“Absolutely not!” I shouted.
My mother glared at me, silently telling me to shut up, probably because I was hurting her “precious eardrums”. I huffed in annoyance and sat back down.
“Well we can’t say it was an accident,” My father spoke up, giving me a look. “Because it obviously wasn’t.”
I looked at Corrie pleadingly.
“I think Carter’s right.” Corrie announced.
My mouth fell open. What the heck?
“We have to play along. You two can pretend to date, and then after a few weeks or so you can pretend to break up.”
I scoffed.
“I will never-”
“Great! It’s settled then! Carter, you may leave now. We have to prepare an interview to inform the public.”
I whipped my head around to look at my mother.
“What? But I-”
“Lauren, can you get me a cup of coffee?” My father called out to the servant standing outside the room.
“Guys wait-” I started.
“Of course, your majesty.” Lauren gave a little curtsy and hurried away.
“Hold on a minute-” I tried.
“Come now, we have lots of work to do.” My mother stood up, smoothing her dress.
“If you just let me-”
“Right, we have a meeting with the king and queen of Sierrania.” My father stood up and took my mother’s arm.
“Oh my god can you stop for a minute and let me-” I was cut off by the closing of the door.
“Great. Just great.” I threw my hands in the air in annoyance.
Corrie looked at me, amused.
“Nobody ever cares what I think.” I grumbled. “I mean, sure, whatever, let’s make Adelaide do everything she doesn’t like! Let’s make her date the most annoying, idiotic-”
“Hey!” Carter frowned.
“-horrible, disgusting guy ever for a few weeks! No biggie, right? Right?”
Carter pouted.
“You make it sound like a bad thing.”
I gave him one of my I’m-so-not-in-the-mood looks. Carter just grinned and blew me a kiss.
“Is there even anyone who cares what I have to say?” I complained.
Carter and Corrie looked at each other, then back at me.
“Eh, you don’t have much interesting stuff to say.” Carter shrugged.
Corrie nodded in agreement.
I blinked, then let out a scream of frustration. With a glare, I stomped off.
Once I reached my bedroom, I flopped down on my bed with a groan. I crawled into my covers, preparing for a pity party. Let the pitying commence.
“My life seriously sucks.” I complained to no one in particular. “It sucks so much I bet my phone’s going to go off and ruin my pity party.”
I paused to see if I’m really that psychic.
My phone rang.
I face palmed. Seriously? Hmm, maybe that’s a sign I should ditch my princess duties and run away to become a fortune teller! I wonder if I would get one of those nice crystal balls. I’d probably smash it the first day though...
“Hello?” I grumbled, picking up the phone, not before shooting daggers at it.
“Addie!” Lola screeched.
“What?” I asked, annoyed.
I heard a pause.
“Okay, something’s going on. The Adelaide I know is never that grumpy.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure I am-”
“You’re lucky you have me. I’m at your place right now and about to barge in and pester you for details!”
“Love you too! See you!”
Lola hung up and I groaned. Great, now I have to interact with someone.
Not a second later, Lola strode in, a determined expression on her face. She plopped down on the edge of my bed and narrowed her eyes at me.
I stuck my tongue out at her.
“Why are you acting so cranky?” She asked, poking me in the chest. “And you better tell me the truth young lady.”
I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m older than you.” I said flatly.
Lola blinked, then shrugged.
I rolled my eyes and looked down at my bed.
“My parents decided that I am now dating that idiot,” I explained, finally deciding to speak. “And they didn’t even let me say anything about it.”
Lola’s eyes lit up.
“That’s great!” She squealed, clapping her hands.
“No it’s not!” I scowled. “I don’t want to date Carter!”
But apparently Lola wasn’t even listening.
“Oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys are gonna get married and get eloped to Mexico-”
“Lola, no one is eloping to Mexico!” I shouted.
“-and have tons of cute little babies and I’m gonna be the godmother of twenty kids!”
“Twenty?” I asked, horrified.
“Just kidding,” Lola laughed.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh good, I thought you were serious-”
“You’ll have fifty!” Lola grinned.