"I've got the ice. I even crushed it for-" Lara stops dead in her tracks with eyes wide open when she sees what's going on, she tries to back out of the room but the moments gone as Hunter stands up I should see if hunter wants to stay or maybe I should just say thank you as I don't want lara to be left outside "I should go" "thank you for... well you know" hunters lip twitches into a slight smile before returning back to his usual blank face, he turns around to the door and places his hand on the door handle "stay away from kaleb, eve, he's not who you think he is" "Hunter, kaleb is my friend and in case you forgot he saved me today" "kaleb is a lot of things but he's not your friend" "you can't tell me who to be friends with just because you don't like him" eve excepts hunter to reply with a quick shot but instead he just tilts his head and watches eve for a long few seconds "okay" eve narrows her eyes "okay? That's all I get, I didn't think it would be that easy" Hunter gives eve a look, the one she's already coming to hate "this will be a lot of things but easy isn't one of them eve" and just like that he's gone. "Oh my god, OH. MY. GOD. oh my fucking god, omg, what just happened" "let's see I moved to Montana, learned that snowball fights are dangerous and then I fell out a tree" "you know what I mean, seriously what happened here" "look it's no big deal" "actually it's a huge deal, it's a momentous deal, gigantic even and you need to start paying attention to it" "to what? The trees?" "More like that the two most popular boys in this school are totally obsessed with you" "Lara! Are you insane, I wouldn't say they're obsessed we're just friends. I've only talked to them each a couple of times" "yeah a couple of time in only a couple of days I guarantee you that for hunter it's a records, if you haven't noticed hunter doesn't talk to many people but he does like talking to you" eve burrows her head in her coat in an effort to hide her bright red checks "aren't you the one who warned me to stay away from hunter" "yeah but that was before" "before what?" "Before I saw the way he looks at you, before I saw you two just now" Lara closes her eyes and makes a sound very similar to the one she made when Hunter smiled at her "I wish cam would look at me like that" "you want your boyfriend to look at you like an arrogant prick who always gets his own way" "no! I want him to look at me like it hurts him not to be touching me" "Lara, hunter doesnt look at me like that, seriously we're just friends wait you really think he looks at me that way" "yeah, with friends like that who needs cold weather clothes" "oh my god stop it!"
231Please respect copyright.PENANAqMsKQRGVqT
Eves whole body feels like it's burning up "is it hot in here?"
231Please respect copyright.PENANADEBZ4iyvQI
Eve limps into the bathroom to take off her clothes when Lara follows in after "after three days of watching you be miserable in the cold I never thought you would ask if it's hot, guess all it took was to get close and personal with nevermoors most dangerous boy" Lara starts getting changed into her pajamas as well. "So now that you have procrastinated long enough, spill the beans" "there nothing to spill didnt you say that cliques dont mix?" "Well... yeah but you aren't in a clique yet so I guess the rules don't apply to you, you've been here only 72 hours and i've spent most of those hours with you dont forget" "which is why you know nothings going on" "I wouldn't one hundred percent call it nothing, kaleb was definitely throwing vibes at you at the snowball fight." "I promise nothing happened him and I are just friends, he's never done anything is you would even consider unfriend like" "so you don't mean like carrying you up the stairs or making sure your invited to the snowball fight? Also diving out of the tree to save you?" "Lara there's nothing between me and kaleb" lara just looks at eve nodding. "Fine but I noticed you havnt said the same about you and Hunter" "mmmmm hunter and I... I mean we're.... Uhhh...hunter is... I don't... mhhhh" eve continues going back and forth while her cheeks start turning red and laras eyes are massive watching eve "wow that serious huh?" laras gone to school here a lot longer than me so shouldn't she know a lot more than I do about hunter aswell if I ask her about him and get a little bit of knowledge it could help me get closer to him maybe I should just tell lara that things are complicated between the two of us. Yeah i'll do that. "me and Hunter are complicated right now you know what I mean?" "Hell yeah I do, everything about that boy is complicated, just look at the boy. Even trying to get close to him would be an exercise in majorly advanced psychology to me" eve doesn't take offence to this statement because she knows laras not wrong and also becuase there's something that eve needs to ask lara "complicated is one thing but ummm what you said before he's not actually dangerous is he?" Eve holds her breath while she waits for her cousin to reply "eve, whether you want to admit it or not I think you already know the answer, which is hell yes and you should stay as far aswell as possible how ever that said, there's a lot of layers to hunter the best thing to do if you want your questions answers is get through them layers to see who he really is on the inside."
231Please respect copyright.PENANAFPMk2zIOWV
"That's what i've been trying to do because he's never been anything but gentle with me" Lara grabs eves hand and squeezes silently reassuring eve but it only makes her more nervous like shes waiting for the other shoe to drop. "I'm glad he's been good to you but he is dangerous maybe not like 'silence of the lambs or hanabal lecture' dangerous but dangerous, he's not going to drop you down a well and starve you to then kill you and wear your skin..." "omg seriously!? That's what you come up with? He's not going to kill me and wear my skin?" "I did also say he's not going to drop you down a well and starve you" "Lara is that supposed to be reassuring me?" Lara just shrugs before giving eve a hug "truth, Hunter isn't like anyone else i've met before" "hahaha I know you can say that again, but eve you say things are complicated, do you like Hunter?" Like is too calm of a word there's something about him that calls to me like deep in my soul, I think it's because he's broken and it fits with what's broken in me. Maybe talking it out with Lara will help me actually understand my feelings for him better. "I do Lara I really do honestly i'm obsessed all I do is think about him" eve breaks off as she realises she's told more than she thought she would "wow that's pretty great since you've only just got here" "yeah, I know aswell that if I wasn't the one in this I would think it was crazy too" "eve I don't think you're crazy" "but you can't admit that it's strange and weird can you." Lara shrugs again just like before "hey, I know before I told you to stay away from him... only because he's not a good guy to be around but with you he's different. I know it's very cliche and like any bad boy good girl romance film but he really is different with you however I'm still worried you'll get hurt. Do you know what his feelings are?" "If only I could read his mind I could find out and know for sure but I do know he doesn't feel dangerous with me he feels right" "that's a lot like wow like that's a lot alot." Eve goes quiet and shy unable to look at lara "I shouldn't of told you that I wasn't planning on saying it all."
231Please respect copyright.PENANAtCthAGW3YF
Eve limps to her bed and lara gets her settled in under the quilt and blankets she then sits on the edge of the bed and holds eve's hand "you know you don't have to keep things from me, things will be weird for a while as you settle in but I promise we're not going to be weird even if you can't trust anyone else i'll always have your back we're family." Just like that eve has a sweet sized lump in her throat and tries to swallow it down again, i didn't realise how much I needed to hear that from her I didn't realise how much I missed having some one who was in my corner no questions asked. "Thank you lara you've done everything for me since I got here I don't know how to pay you back" "Don't be stupid your my cousin and best friend ill totally always have your back" "i've got yours too you know you can trust me right?" "of course I do id never doubt you!" Lara gets up and walks over to their mini fridge "there is something I want to talk to you about and i'm pretty sure your not going to like it."eve looks at Lara warily while she sorts through her fridge "exactly how much am I not going to like this?" Lara holds up a tub of ice cream while making a winning sound "is it really that bad?" Lara chucks a spoon at eve and opens the tub so eve can have some eve waits for Lara to tell her what's on her mind but she just eats the ice cream "I need to warn you about something" "yeah I know i've been waiting for you to tell me... you've already warned me about Hunter so is it no more snowball fights cuz I gathered that." "Well it's more seriously than snowball fights but yeah no more snowballs either" "that sounds ominous" "if you really like hunter which is totally cool with me unfortunately you can't keep hanging out with kaleb, it wont work" it takes eve a second to process lara's words as it's so far what from eve was expecting to hear. "Lara why wont it work, Im not dating either of them so why I can't I be friends with both of them. I don't get it, they don't have to be friends and I dont expect them to get along "that's what i'm saying they can't do it" "this whole Hunter and kaleb thing is so ridiculous just because they're in different groups, do you know how many people have been nice to me since I got here, 4 people! You, kaleb, Hunter and Francesca. So now i'm hearing that I can't talk to one of the only four people who are nice to me and doesn't treat me like I have a contagious illness" "has it really been that bad eve?" "Well it hasn't exactly been a picnic and I haven't even started classes yet but i'm sure it will get better, it has to get better. No one knows me but they sat are at me all the time" "im sorry it's been like that" "like I said it'll get better they just have to get to know me" "of course it will, there just being like every school cliques. "Shouldn't knowing each other for so long though make it easier to get along" "I don't know how to explain it but some bad things happened about a year ago and since then it hasn't been the same, on the surface we all look okay and fine but if you dig a little bit you'll find all the damage." Lara's explanation gets eve thinking trying to piece the puzzle together is this about what happened with hunters brother and Francesca, could kaleb be tied into it as well and that's why's they can't be friends should I ask macy maybe she can help me discover what damage has been done "is this about what happened with hunters brother?" "How do you know about Caiden?" "Remember Francesca told me her boyfriend died and then Hunter told me his brother died and I put two and two together" Lara can't help but look shocked that eve starts to doubt herself "isn't he? "Well but hunter doesn't talk about it the whole thing nearly killed him i coukdn't imagine him discussing it with..." "...a total stranger?" "Not really because you guys aren't total strangers anymore" "sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger and tell them the worse thing you've gone through than it is talking to someone you know, it doesn't hurt as much because they don't expect anything for you" "I kinda get that, it older makes sense" "maybe that's why hunter is different with me because he understands the pain I've gone through." "Maybe..." Lara still looks she learns in to hug eve "just be careful eve, okay. The last thing I want for you is to be chew toy for hunter and kaleb" eve tries to ignore the words but when she's in bed her mind races thinking that lara's words are more of a premonition rather than just a warning.
231Please respect copyright.PENANARoIedB9NIp
Eve wakes up in the morning to the sound of her phone vibrating with a text coming through,
231Please respect copyright.PENANAlgxWdxes0N
Mystery tester
231Please respect copyright.PENANArhE98kc0Tc
Hows the ankle????
231Please respect copyright.PENANAV81pKgGNkX
Omg should I text back asking who it is I don't normally text strangers back eve puts her phone back and ignores the text why can't people just identify themselves or just don't get, eve waits expecting to get another message but she doesn't finally when she's had enough waiting eve texts back.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAL8YULnbCuu
Mystery texter
231Please respect copyright.PENANAOXmHNslG65
Hunter?? Is that you??
231Please respect copyright.PENANAFvqkcZs442
Don't you know you should never answer a strangers texts.
231Please respect copyright.PENANA65aW2VRXSm
Eve can't help but laugh hmmm hunters actually funny over text he hasn't shown this in person yet I should joke back with him and see if he continues it.
231Please respect copyright.PENANADfMlpvSXPN
231Please respect copyright.PENANAWXkRMi5W8i
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh
231Please respect copyright.PENANALglVUAIBTq
I didn't realised that octopi can laugh
231Please respect copyright.PENANAePs1oZAd6e
That's pretty much the reaction I was expecting from him although I do want him to play along
231Please respect copyright.PENANA2kZ4kGaeFP
Come on... play along with me
231Please respect copyright.PENANAkIB0hlQocn
All I wanted to know was how is your ankle
231Please respect copyright.PENANAi3PSxoBmkk
Take a guess mr serious and i'll tell you
231Please respect copyright.PENANA2P7ysJQSEu
Theres a long pause which gets eve thinking she most of lost hunter.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAdz7TtUE7az
231Please respect copyright.PENANAD5r7VCHhaO
Wtf 17 really!?!?!
231Please respect copyright.PENANAwZQoDoSFlS
Well it's clearly not going to be 8 cuz then it wouldn't be a joke so why would it not be 17
231Please respect copyright.PENANAwB2sz38mfW
Lets try again, please... how many tickets does it take to make an octopus laugh?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAniuB1piNn8
How many?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAABnVjk9vOf
231Please respect copyright.PENANAY8v0F7eWVP
That's...awful, but actually pretty good at the same time
231Please respect copyright.PENANAPWcHycjlVq
Wow I get high praise
231Please respect copyright.PENANAiwyakJxudd
Don't let it go to your head eve
231Please respect copyright.PENANA6ANUuLzz8g
Trust me it won't.
231Please respect copyright.PENANARjodW9AwYG
What are your plans for today?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAaLcDEFl9Ek
Im probably just going to lay in bed and feel sorry for myself
231Please respect copyright.PENANAsORuwkUbii
Sounds like a it's going to be fun times
231Please respect copyright.PENANAGOlcgmHwC2
Yeah well as it turns out my ankle hurts more than I was wanting it to
231Please respect copyright.PENANAQTo7LUlPzd
You okay though?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAONvdvj2Zrv
.... of course I am
231Please respect copyright.PENANAVqMRGugsHk
If you dont count the fact that I lied to hunter about how my ankle hurts so badly I want to cry
231Please respect copyright.PENANAphmKNKiEGE
231Please respect copyright.PENANA5V6vKu3RdH
Eve uses the promise of painkillers and hobbles into the bathroom on the other side of the room and just like she told Lara hunter is on her mind again wondering if he will show up to check on her today at all he's been texting loads what if he wants to check on me eve looks in the mirror and sees that she looks like a mess I should change into something sexy and silky just in case he does come by maybe I can distract him into doing more than just leaning into me. Eve feels her heart start racing as she thinks more about Hunter and her near kiss yesterday I wonder if he's texted me again eve looks at her phone but is disappointed when she sees there no text from Hunter, why am I even bothered so much I hardly know him. Eve grabs 2 paracetamols and a bottle of water before making her way back to bed.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAdb4IrgXFIz
231Please respect copyright.PENANAAgkhqenb32
I'm back sorry that took so long
231Please respect copyright.PENANARoxlpjyXzK
Eve stomach starts to growl at her when she realises she hasn't eaten yet, she tosses her phone down before going to the fridge to see what she can have when there's a knock at the door I wonder if it might be hunter, come on eve common sense it's probably uncle reily coming to check on me after the accident but when eve answers the door its not uncle reily or hunter but a women carring a tray loaded with food. "Eve?" "omg is this for me? Thank you so much!" "it is, where would you want me to put it?" "is the bed okay?" "of course it is" the lady walks to eves bed and puts the traybat the bottom of it "is there anything else i can get you?" "this is amazing thank you" trust lara to get me food and look after me even when shes in class, shes the absolute best in the world. The only thing is when eve gets back to the bed she sees a small back envelope when she opens it she looks for a name.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAKnmmswjZJH
'I don't know what you like but i will figure it out i thought you would be hungry so enjoy. Stay off that ankle eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANATqe4C0avLB
231Please respect copyright.PENANAYTnrVGuLHt
Eve grabs her phone and quickly sends Hunter a text, I can't believe he sent me breakfast now I get why he didn't text me back I should send him a thankyou before devouring this food.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAJCD6Zz9vPD
231Please respect copyright.PENANAFGbfOBd2Om
Omg!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! Your a lifesaver!!!!!
231Please respect copyright.PENANABzeAuYiair
Hunter doesn't answer right away as he's in clas so eve starts digging around the food seeing what he had the school cafeteria bring her. On one plate there is scrambled egg with sausages and some toast and on another plate there's a cinnamon roll along with a stack of waffles with whipped cream and fresh strawberries which fills the room with an amazing smell, eve then notices a small ice pack on the side of the tray which she knows is for her ankle omg I don't want to eat any of it I just want to look at it and smell it but I suppose I should maybe i'll start with the scrambled egg save the sweet treats for after, omg there so soft and fluffy my dad used to make them just like this,
231Please respect copyright.PENANAHe90nw6zqY
231Please respect copyright.PENANAooniQtdv1w
Sorry, I was in the middle of a test
231Please respect copyright.PENANA7cyL1PlpHG
What did you like more?
231Please respect copyright.PENANA3B3dmAlg1A
I have to say eggs all the way.
231Please respect copyright.PENANADpN6CxDMDM
Yeah I thought you might like them more.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAkMzPS7pOdA
Have you used the ice pack I put there for you eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAqk6Q25uxzC
Yes I did, mr bossy
231Please respect copyright.PENANAhjdgzHIeKP
How about you do you like eggs or waffles more?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAZDQmcG13ys
I don't like either.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAhw2iw2wQky
What the hell do you eat then?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAFpv4DNeUiQ
When eve hits send she freaks out thinking it was a bad idea to ask him what he eat, that sounded very suggestive either hunters going to think i'm a freak of he's going to eat something really gross and I don't think I can get involved with that. Please don't let him be gross he's perfect in every other way.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAsLAkC6UEhS
231Please respect copyright.PENANAGGbCY9myMk
I dont think were that close yet but im sure we will get there
231Please respect copyright.PENANAWCc89w2Qfp
Relief crosses over eve okaay, right answer, way to hunter for a minute i was worried, Eve spends the rest of her morning laying in bed watching netflix and waiting for hunter to text inbetween classes or whenever he can. Lara stops by after a couple of her classes around about lunch time but she stops short when she sees the tray of left overs on eves bed "where did you get waffles from they only do them on a thursday and its definately not thursday! Omg and whipped cream is only for special occasions!" eve tries to ignore the way her body warms up from what shes hearing "apparently its thursday for me" "i cant believe my dad had them make you..." eve starts to smile a cheeky smile while blushing just a little "wait this idnt come from my dad did it?" should i tell lara the truth or should i tease her and pretend uncld reily had this made? "Hunter may or may not have sent it for me along with an ice pack" "hang on, hunter jaxson, sent you breakfast in bed, the hunter jaxson" "well i wouldnt really call it breakfast in bed." lara keeps eyeing up the tray at the end of eves bed "you know what i mean, he was just being nice since he knows how bad my ankle hurts" "yeah because hunter has always been known for being nice" another knock at the door has lara flipping round and looking at eve in shock. "can you get that my ankle still hurts" "yeah sure plus i want to be the first one to question and intergate hunter anyway" "its not going to hunter" omg what if its hunter im hoping its hunter the idea of hunter being at the door starts to make eve sweat with excitement but just like eve said it wasnt hunter it was another women this time carring a large yellow parcel. "Hey roni whats up" "hey im supposed to deliever this for eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANA4EqPGb1Dtf
Lara whips around to look at eve before taking the parcels and throwing it at eve playfully, every ounce of eves attention is on that parcel until she sees her name scribbled on it in the same writing that was on the note with her breakfast HUNTER, THIS IS FROM HUNTER. As eve is looking at this parcel lara starts shouting "open it, open it, open it!!!!" eve ripsmof the seal and a large book falls out, Legacies? He sent me a copy of legicies lara bursts out laughing as she stares at eve and the book eve joins in until they voth cant breath "he sent you legicies?" "i guess its kind of funny but i like it, im obsessed with the show and didnt even realise there was a book first and i love that he sent me a romance" "oh yeah me to, another classical hunter move" lara says while trying not to laugh still. Eve opens the front cover to find another note stuck to it
231Please respect copyright.PENANA6tHjW4D1tk
I said it would of been better if we werent friends not that i didnt want to be theres a massive difference.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAzAdvKh9mP3
Lara who is still chuckling places one hand on her chest and one on her forehead and pretends to swoon, "im telling you now if you dont kiss that boy im either going to kiss him myself ir disown you as my bestfriend" "how about you keep your lips off hunter and on your boyfriend, im pretty sure Erick would have something to say about that dont you" "shhh you know what i mean you need to stop worrying about all the small things and kiss that boy before someone else does" "dont you have classes to go to?" "trying to get rid of me now?" "yeah i am i want to start reading" "oh i bet you do..." as lara starts to leave she looks back at eve before making kissy faces to her and giggling to herself "oh hunter, i love you so much hunter" eve throws a pillow at lara in an attempt to get rid of her but lara just picks it back up along with her backpack throws the pillow back at eve and leaves. The second the door closes eve settles back down into bed while holding the book tightly to her chest. Hunter sent me a love story i know its about vampires, wearwolf, witches and dragons all living together in a school but its still a love story i need to text him back for the book, eve pulls out her phone and texts hunter
231Please respect copyright.PENANAeET1pWSypT
231Please respect copyright.PENANAqhF1k6Atlc
231Please respect copyright.PENANAt8QDWAuKlD
Dont get too obsessed.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAcH2gC3eLrs
Its supposed to warn you eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANArYDv8bOVF6
Warn me about what?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAmvZvRJc9cn
About the things that go bump in the night eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAqGPkuuVQYd
You can never be to careful.
231Please respect copyright.PENANALivTLQGNxD
Another thing about me is that inlike things that go bump in the night.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAUX4zn6dxFF
I like scary stories and films.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAJSrudCVLMz
Do you like the monsters in them though.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAAfVQQydYJF
Well it depends on the monster how scary they really are.
231Please respect copyright.PENANApYXDP4rFI4
Hmmm, we will see then wont we eve.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAEZqy7LSGig
Indont understand what you mean.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAt7sZRBbz5H
Theres a knock at the door interupting eves intriguing conversation.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAAxmcAP3E1C
231Please respect copyright.PENANAdi11VzwLvp
Have you sent me another thing?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ1Mnt9xxt
Why dont you open it and find out?
231Please respect copyright.PENANAsc6WCz6wlG
Hunter, you know you dont have to keep sending gifts but bybyour answer that sounds like a yes.
231Please respect copyright.PENANAqWeBtorQPR
Eve, just open the door.
231Please respect copyright.PENANArBbmk5yGcU
How do you know i havnt opened the door already...
231Please respect copyright.PENANACbTmIpCFkE
As eve gets out of bed and goes to open the door phone in hand waiting for hunters reply "dont you think i would of noticed if you had opened the door" eve squeals as she hears hunters voice coming from the other side of the door "hunter!!!"
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231Please respect copyright.PENANArRvm1n2QfZ