I’m going to hide here so I can play my game. Those two freaks won’t find me here. Chase said to himself as he ran to the barn. He plugged his charger into the only electrical socket within his reach. It had two sockets, thankfully, he thought, and he unplugged the cord in the lowest socket, just close enough to be able to charge my tablet.
After an hour or so of undisturbed playing of his games, he started to make his way back to the house. Then he remembered his power cord and he turned back to the barn to get it. If I forget that chord I won’t have enough charge on it to play again after dinner.
He ran into the barn and grabbed his cord just as Maureen started her obnoxious screaming and hollering for him to get himself in the house. He had chores to do before supper and if he didn’t get them done then she would see to it that he got into trouble.
Chase came in and checked the board for his chores this week and found that he had barn duty.
Leah came in and looked at the board to find she had floor duty. She didn’t mind that chore for some reason she liked to clean the floors.
It always appeared that the two monsters never had any chores to do. They always were just sitting around being uglier than ever. Chase wondered sometimes if they were some sort of evil creation that just happened to walk the earth in this house.
Grams and Gramps never seemed very happy either. Chase figured it was because of the evil sisters and the fact that they had two more extra mouths to feed now that he and his sister was there.
Their parents were busted for drugs and sent to jail a month ago and things didn’t look like they would be getting out anytime soon.
“It’s just as well,” Grams said one day. “These kids deserve better than what they were getting and thats for sure.”
But Chase wasn’t so sure about that. At least his folks acted like they loved them, some times he thought, anyway.
He remembers the day of the bust quite frequently. He can see it all happening just like it was yesterday.
He heard a loud noise at the front of the house, he and Leah were in the kitchen. They had just got done eating some macaroni and cheese for dinner and was about to wash their dishes when it sounded like the front of the house was caving in. Chase and Leah got down and got under the kitchen table for shelter.
The police stormed the house and busted in the front door and the back door at the same time. There was so much hollering Chase and Leah didn’t know what to do. Leah started crying and clutching on to Chase. He just held her and they stayed under the table until a couple of cops pulled them out from under the table and they carried them outside.
The cops had masks on that made them look like firefighters and astronauts. It was hard to understand them when they talked. And there was so much commotion they couldn’t understand what was happening.
The cops put them in a police car and asked them their names. Leah wouldn’t stop sobbing and Chase answered all the questions. He is Chase Anderson and he is ten years old. His sister is Leah Anderson and she is eight years old. And yes this is their house.
The cop gave them both a blanket and helped wrap it around them. “It’s ok guys you don’t have to be scared. We’re going to help you.”
Their parents had given fake names to the police in the raid so they had Chase and Leah to point them out of a line up. The cops had all the people from in the house line up right there on the street with all the police car’s lights shining on them.
Leah was so scared she couldn’t stop crying. Chase pointed to his folks. When he looked at them he realized he didn’t really know them at all. His mom and dad didn’t look the same. They actually started acting strange and stopped acting like they used to months ago.
The cop helped them back into the police car and told them that all the people in the line up couldn’t see them because of the car’s light shining in their faces so no on knew that they were even there or even picked anyone out of the line up.
After a while a lady cop came and introduced herself to Chase and Leah and told them that she was going to find a relative and see if they could spend a couple of days with them. She asked them if they knew of any. But they didn’t know where any of their relatives were at. They had just moved here.
Chase told them they had Grams and Gramps but wasn’t sure where they lived. He hadn’t seen them in along time, years intact.
After a couple of days at a foster care home Chase and Leah were released to their grandparent’s custody for who knows how long.
They got to fly to Oklahoma from New York with Grams and Gramps. It would have been a great adventure except for the sadness in their hearts as they boarded the plane.