So my daughter told me about this blogging thing and said I might like it. I said I would right one post and see what happens, see if anyone is actually interested in the life of a mutant.
So... To start this off, hi! My name is Sara Parsons, and as I said, I am a mutant.
I'm not like most mutants you'd ever think to meet, I've been told by many of my colleagues that I am the only person with this kind of mutation on record. I have a mutation that has rapidly changed throughout my life. I have a range of different abilities at my disposal thanks to it. I've been told its like a cancer... I have no clue if it actually is though.
The down side to this mutation was that it made my skin poisonous. Wheb I was in grade school, I had my limbs completely covered in clothing, the only thing open the the air was my face. I can't fall in love or kiss my daughter good night. And you're probably wondering how I'm a mother then.
I adopted my daughter Katie when I was 18. My sister was driving me home from college when I saw her on the side of the road, just left there in a blanket. Katie grew up to be such a caring girl, even with the bullying she recieves at school. I'm so proud of her.
Well I should probably put a bit more about me...
I am 27 years old. I am an inventor and have a bachelor's degree in chemistry. I've made some pretty wacky stuff, from a mirror that can transport you to the future, to a fireplace bed for my sister's son who has to sleep in some pretty high temperatures since he has lava running through his veins!
My family is pretty dysfunctional, but hey, I love it all! I've got my baby sister living in the basement(thats a LONG story, basically she's a ghost.), Katie has a friend who just stats at our house since his family is never home, and then there is my cousin John.
John is a prick, there is no going around that. He basically has had a grudge against me ever since high school because I ruined his chance with the girl of his dreams supposedly. What was I supposed to do? She was my sister, so that meant he didn't know she was his cousin! He does whatever he can to mess things up for me and everyone who calls me a friend. He's stolen things from my lab, tried to kidnap Katie, tried framing me for murder that he committed, even went as far as taking control of the entire U.S. army and try to do who the hell knows what!!
But the thing is, my life may seem hecktic, but I am no different from the people of this planet. I am a human being, i smile, I love, I am not that different from you all...
Why do we have to be?