The next day a servant came to Jade's cell.756Please respect copyright.PENANAFJdEZfDHgf
"It's time for you to start working." He said, roughly grabbing Jade by the arm. He led Jade down a dark hall into a busy room. After only a quick look it was obvious this was the kitchen. Everywhere there were people chopping, washing and cooking various foods that Jade recognized from his families farm. The servant brought Jade to a smaller counter that was just short enough for jade to reach over. On the top there were carrots and a long knife. The servant told him to chop them and promptly left. Jade awkwardly fumbled with the knife as he chopped the carrots, somehow unable to get each slice the same size. After a few minutes the kitchen seemed to get much busier. People whispered worriedly to each other and hurried their work. Suddenly everything seemed to hush. Jade looked around wonder why but could find no reason. Soon people began to finish their work.756Please respect copyright.PENANAwvJBjqQOE3
"You!" Jade turned to see Darius staring at him. "Why aren't you finished."
"I'm trying," Jade said. It came out more aggressive than he had intended.
"How dare you talk to me with that tone!" Darius yelled. He came over to him and grabbed his arm. "You need to learn your place!" He threw Jade back and his head hit the table as he fell. He grabbed the back of his head which was pounding. Darius looked at him coldly.756Please respect copyright.PENANAevdE4cVjMr
"Now finish up quick."
At that moment Peter walked into the room with a harsh look on his face. He fumed as he approached Darius and Jade.756Please respect copyright.PENANA7Vt7ETK1GQ
756Please respect copyright.PENANAEXbEvD0XGX
"Darius! What is this boy doing her?"
"I put him to work so he wouldn't just waste space." Darius replied.
"Well don't do so in the middle of the day. Puella has asked for him to take lunch with her and I've searched half the house trying to find him."
Darius stared into Peters eyes as if trying to provoke him before realizing it was no use.
"Fine! take him! He's no use in the kitchen anyways." Darius said. Peter huffed to himself as he pulled Jade out by the hand.
Jade sat on the ground breathing slowly, in and out. His wonderful idea didn't seem as good anymore. He looked over at Puella.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." She said.
"No." Jade said. "I want to see what you're capable of. It's just..." He couldn't put the words to it.
"Just do it quickly and it will be over soon." She said. Jade clutched the end of the knife feeling ever ridge. In one swift movement he raised it and sunk it into his thigh. He cried out and looked in horror at the wound. Puella carefully clutched the knife and pulled it out sending another surge of pain through his body and making him cry out again. The blood quickly started to pour out. Jade breathed in and out, fighting the urge to faint. Amidst the pain he felt two tiny hands clutch the wound. He saw Puella close her eyes and focus all her efforts. After a second the blood stopped and after three the pain left him. He looked at Puella as she opened her eyes. Overcome by relief he reached over and hugged her. She seemed surprised at first but then but her arms around him without touching her bloody hands to his clothes.756Please respect copyright.PENANAK9vswennXr
"You're a miracle." He whispered as the sat their, locked in embrace.756Please respect copyright.PENANA5iIahCX5e6
756Please respect copyright.PENANAoIZnCfWU7t
That night Peter was woken by a young servant.756Please respect copyright.PENANAddv8Ro9WcE
"The girl is asking for you." He said.756Please respect copyright.PENANAxlnkZVHIR3
Peter was astonished but followed the servant to her room. The servant waited outside as Peter went in. As he entered at first he couldn't see her. Finally he noticed her tucked in her bed with her blanket up to her chin, her red eyes wide open. Peter bowed.
"You asked for me."
"I can't sleep." her face was as cold as ever but her voice was that of a helpless child.
"Would you like me to tell you a story?" He asked, unsure of what to do. Puella paused for a moment then nodded. Peter crouched so that he could see her face to face. He told a story of a magical land and a princess and a prince. It was an old fairy tale every child heard growing up but Puella, having never heard it before, was completely enthralled. She asked for another, then another until her eyes were heavy and Peter told her to go to sleep.756Please respect copyright.PENANAUwPMoE7C8v
"How do you know so many stories?" She asked.
"I used to tell them to my children when they couldn't sleep." He replied with a smile.
"What happened to your children?"
Peter's smile faded. He looked down and gulped. "Let's just say something very bad happened to them."
"Did they die?" Puella asked.756Please respect copyright.PENANAbSajoBaxEN
"What happened to my parents?" She asked earnestly.
"There was a fire." Peter answered carefully. "It was a horrible accident. We tried to save them but we couldn't."
There was a pause while Puella digested the information.
"You need to rest now or you'll be tired in the morning." Peter said. He tucked her in like he used to do with his children and then wished her goodnight.756Please respect copyright.PENANAM1HUwGxCtt
756Please respect copyright.PENANAC9OxMbnyAU
Over the next few days Puella improved a great deal. She could go much longer without her filling with red when Jade provoked her and Jade soon found there was no need to practice healing as she was already an expert. However no matter how hard they tried she could never stop her eye from filling completely.756Please respect copyright.PENANA7zYnxhN3b1
One day Puella and Jade were talking when a servant came in to refill their tea. Jade saw it before it even happened. The servant stumbled and before they knew it the pot was on the ground in pieces and Puella was covered in tea. Jade looked at Puella as her eyes started to fill. The servant saw it to and quickly fell to the ground, begging her to spare his life. Puella hummed to herself and rocked back and forth feverishly. Right as Jade though it was all over for the servant however her eyes went back to normal and she cried out falling to the ground. Jade got out of his chair and put his arm around her. He turned his head to the servant.756Please respect copyright.PENANASaNkFLJj9s
"Go." He said.756Please respect copyright.PENANAUq3yv8lAnl
"But... How..."756Please respect copyright.PENANAz2zMr9y9sV
"Go!"756Please respect copyright.PENANAEourRFOzvV
The servant got up quickly and ran out the door. Jade continued to comfort Puella who was on the floor sobbing and trembling.756Please respect copyright.PENANArfh2Ztsbog
"What's wrong?" He asked her.
She gasped in for air. "It hurts everywhere." She said. Her voice shook and she could barely talk.
"It's okay." Jade said. "You're going to be okay."
She didn't look okay though. She was pale and was shaking like nothing Jade had ever seen.756Please respect copyright.PENANAiPHgyn5CT7
"Can't you heal yourself?"756Please respect copyright.PENANAvF8ciwK1tz
She shook her head frantically. "It's different. It's inside." She said.
Jade put his arms around her and she leaned into him still trembling. Slowly he felt her stop shaking and whimpering. When he looked down at her she was asleep.756Please respect copyright.PENANAu6xfecOGSS
756Please respect copyright.PENANABM7A9stfqi
That night Puella was more fatigued than usual. When Peter walked int to give her supper she was already asleep by the window. Peter smiled. When she was asleep she really was a beautiful child. When her eyes were closed it seemed she could have been a regular little girl. She had certainly inherited her mother's golden hair and smooth skin. She looked like a little porcelain doll.756Please respect copyright.PENANApofp3KXHpj
Peter went over to her and picked her up. He slowly moved her to her bed, careful not to wake her. He lowered her and pulled the blankets up to her chin. In her sleep she stretched and pulled the blanket against her cheek. Peter smiled, remember his own children. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before shuffling away.756Please respect copyright.PENANAzo0KCylmmF