I panicked and immediately shot up from where I was and dashed for the door. That's when the window opened, and the monster got inside. Off the top of my head, I threw the empty bowl at the monster, and it started to bleed but when its blood hit the water it turned blue There was no time to think at all because the monster dashed from the window to the door. In a nick of time, I opened the door and slammed it shut locking it from the inside. That's when I ran for my life and to room #212. The monster bashed the door down and was on my tail. I then found the door and banged on the door.
That's when Apollo opened the door and started to walk with his eyes closed. He was in his wolf form as well. The monsters were seconds from them, and Apollo was still just standing there. Then the last 3 seconds Apollo's eyes opened with confusion, and he immediately slashed the monster in half and cut its arms off.
"How did I get here? Oh Z, you're here, what's wrong other than the monster that tried to attack you?" Apollo said looking into my horrified eyes.
"What's going on out here?" Alfred said and saw the monster chopped in half and simply took a breather and turned around
"I'm going back to bed."
"How did you know that monster was coming!?" I said was surprised and interested to know.
"Well, I'm just that cool!"
"That's not it, at all."
"Wow, I didn't know you were so hurtful. Anyways I must have been sleepwalking. That's what happens when I'm in my wolf form and I go to sleep. If I didn't wake up from that sleep, I would be dead by now. That's why I don't care what that old geezer says but I'm sleeping on that bed. Whether he likes it or not!"
"You're age is that far apart."
"No. But it's one of the nicknames I call him that makes him mad at me. Anyways, now I'm going to claim my spot on that bed."
That's when I noticed what Apollo was wearing, boxers with little bones on them.
"Well, you might want to wear more than boxers when sleeping with another man. At least not boxers with little bones on them." I said, laughing his ass off, making Apollo turn a new shade of red.
"Alright if that's all you need then good night, Z," Apollo says marching into his room and muttering under his breath about how manly he is.
CHAPTER 3: Friends - 3
I then walked back to his room and laid down on the bed again and thought to myself, what are those things? They haven't explained what they are at all, let alone told me the best way to defeat them.
If I want to get stronger, I have to stop running. I need to learn about my enemy and learn how to fight back! I'll do that tomorrow, yeah tomorrow. Right now, though, I need my sleep. With that, I went to sleep and got to have the rest of his night monster free.
When it was morning, I heard something at his window again. That's when the window opened, and I started to run before I heard a voice.
"Don't run away from me yet, we haven't even had breakfast yet!"
That's when I turned around and saw Apollo there this time dressed and ready to go in the frame of the window seal.
"If I wasn't so tired, I would push you," I said, calming down and walking towards Apollo.
"Yeah yeah, hey If you can speed up this getting ready process, I would appreciate that. We have a lot of ground to cover and are fully stocked with food and water. So, we're waiting for you so we can find some breakfast to go and keep on our way."
"Okay, fair point. I'll be down in a second. Don't give me a heart attack next time we see each other?"
"Can't make promises!" That's when Apollo fell backward off the window seal.
"He's crazier than... I don't even know!" I thought to myself before making sure to clean the room I slept in and walking down the stairs.
"There's the man of the hour! C'mon, we don't have time for dilly dally we must be ready to leave right around, oh now!" Alfred said in a grumpier manner than usual.
"Don't mind him, this is what I like to call pre-tea Alfred. Do you get it? It plays on the fact of him not getting his morning tea and the fact he acts like he's a pre-teen?"
"Ha. You know what Apollo this has to be the funniest one yet. It's so bad that it's good."
"At least you laughed, didn't need to know why though," Apollo said with a half-crushed soul.
"Like I said we have to go. Now start moving soldiers! Move! move!"
"Okay! Okay!" The two boys said getting a move on
"It's starting to get dark outside, and I'm getting tired. So, Apollo could please let me on your back please~? The moon is just enough for you to use it." The man,
"Geez, didn't I tell you, to only drink tea and not to drink alcohol. You're a mess right now, then again, we never get to see this side of you either. Pay attention to a once and a lifetime experience."
"I'm paying attention, are you?" I said as Apollo looked around for the old man and then saw him sitting on the floor where they previously were. "This old drunk. Fine, hop on!" Apollo then turned into a Wolf and gave the old man a piggyback ride.
"You're a nice pillow as well!"
"I'm not a pillow!" "Shh Pillows don't talk"
"Good thing I'm not a pillow!"
With that, they take their final walk forwards.
"Finally, we're here! We reached the city of Venzor. We can take the city station here. It will be faster than everything." Apollo said with a sigh of relief in his voice as he walked to the station turning off his Wolf look. "Let's Go!" The drunk old man said.
"Hello, sirs! 3 Tickets?"
"Yes please!" "Right on time, the train was just about to take off."
"Guess I'm lucky. It is the year of the dog!" Apollo said before turning around and going on the train and me scurrying after him. "
"All abroad! All the heck, We're Going!" The conductor said before the train went off.
"This is so cool! It's moving! How is it moving!? " I said
"Wow, you have sparkles in your eyes! Alright, I'll tell you the magic but you can't just go around telling everyone how it works."
"Okay! Okay! Tell me! I really want to know!"
"It's called a train and all it does is take us from place to place," Apollo said with a shrug as he placed the old man down on one of the train seats.
"You're not surprised by this? This is beyond my comprehension!" I said in utter disbelief.
"If you think this is cool wait till H.Q! It truly has the peak of all technology there. I think. Anyways your eyes are glowing with energy!" Apollo said with a laugh that's when I sat down and felt warm and closed my eyes.
"What happened." Alfred asked, yawning and putting his hands towards the sky.
"Well, you drank. A little bit too much." Apollo said, with a little laugh.
"I did? My bad." Alfred laughed.
"You're bad for sure. However, the kid was asleep and we reached our final stop."
"Well carry him on your back until we get, there."
"Do I look like a taxi to you guys are something? You think I'm giving out free lifts?"
"Thanks, Apollo, you really are the best!" Alfred smiled to Apollo.
"I didn't even say... Never mind."
"Z? Z my dude? Z the little ass?"
"Don't call him that!"
"It's true!"
Was the first words I heard when my vision came back to me, I didn't know what was going on, but I was being carried by someone.
"We made it to our, home."
That's right, I remember now. I was hoping that was some sick dream but, I knew it just couldn't be.
We stopped in front of a cosmetic shop called Gary's Glasses which had a discounted sign on the front of the door. Now I'm sad and disappointed.
"You said there be high-end technology! Food, water!? People?" I said in a tired voice that couldn't go that high, but you can hear my disappointment.
"Alright! Stop your yapping! If we were a known agency, you would have heard of us by now. But we're not a known agency! We're a secret agency so the base we have is secret!" Alfred said before going inside.
"Don't mind him, this is his after-drinking alcohol phase he goes through," Apollo said following Alfred with me still on his back.
Still, my expectations of what they were saying weren't matching the actually place. It looked like a rundown glasses shop, with outdated wallpaper and glasses that looked like they haven't been touched in a long time. The place was littered with dirt here and there and I could see drabbles of mold here and there. I'll have to say, however, for a place that isn't running anymore It was way more intact than it had business being.
"Oh, Alfred! Apollo! Who's that behind you?"
"Ahh Aza close down the shop and meet us downstairs we have a new member," Alfred said to the girl.
"Okay, whatever you say, old man."
"Now Apollo come to the entry with the boy."
With that Apollo went to a dressing stall that was closed off and needed two keys two enter. Alfred grabbed his double key and opened the stall to reveal an elevator that wasn't powered. Then Alfred went inside and clicked on this panel and typed the numbers 1,4,5, and 8 into a keypad and it powered the elevator.
"Funny enough the code is my birthday," Apollo said as he stepped in with me still on his back.
"This is so cool! You guys weren't lying! There is high-end technology!" I said in utter shock and now fully awake.
"Well don't say that just yet," Alfred said clicking the lowest button on a panel of bigger buttons.
"Get ready Z! We're going down!" Apollo said with a menacing laugh.
With that, I felt a huge drop in my stomach, as we did a full drop
downwards. It felt so long even though it was so fast. When it stopped Alfred and Apollo acted like it was nothing while I was still in shock.
"That was... Awesome!"
"Glad you like it! You'll be doing it for a while!"
"Take it away Alfred," Apollo said as the door opened with a cool sound and I laid my eyes on the space in front of me.
"Welcome To H.Q. The Home Of The Undershow Agency!" Alfred said.
===========EXTRA SCENCE===========
You don't have to read these to understand the story. These are just for fun and will happen in chapters like this, where it's deemed necessary.
Any fight or deaths will not have these and if they do it's got a good reason (for fun breaks) . Again these are for fun and show other plot points happening without them being in the chapter or being in the same time period.
"Alright scoot your boot. I'm getting in!"
"Fine, fine... So why little dog bones?"
"Because I... To be honest I thought it was sort of cool since I was a wolf. Now I'm looking at them, they are embarrassing. However, I'll wear them with pride since I bought them."
"I mean do what makes you happy. Can I ask for a favor?"
"I have a feeling I know what it is and it's a no."
"But the window right there! All you would have to do is shift and I can have a fluffy pillow!"
"See that's exactly why! You condemn me to the floor and now you want me because of the benefits."
"Pretty please?"
"Pretty please with a cherry on the top."
"Is that cherry a steak?"
"When the diner is having a deal on them then yes."
"That sounds good to me! However, my sleepwalking might happen if my ability is up for too long."
"That is true."
"As long as you can guide me back to bed before anyone sees me, I should be fine."
"I promise! Now do the magic thing!"
"Alright, alright."
"Thanks, Apollo you're a real friend! I could fall asleep in seconds with this!"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Good nigh...t"
"Wow, you really did go to sleep quick... Life going to change isn't it? Z, that's the name of this boy. He reminds me of you D1."
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