Location: Jimmy's Bar
We haven't heard any of those voices for a while. Maybe they left? Or disappeared?
Jimmy's thoughts run through his head as he makes a cocktail for a customer. "Anything else for you ma'am?" He pours the drink into a cocktail glass as the lady replies with a no before having the cocktail handed to her. As she walks away, his childhood friend, Dice, begins to sing on the little stage the building has at the back of the area. Some jazzy blues always makes the bar lively.
The fire boy raises he head to check the time of the clock on the wall; almost 9:30. Chips and Wheezy should've arrived a half hour ago... where could they be. Jimmy stares to space towards Dice for a long moment. Listening and vibing to the song without knowing how long he'd been out of the zone.
Time passes by after a few songs from Dice. The con man over somewhat jogs his way to the bar counter where Jimmy was, knocks his knuckles on the counter, which gives Jimmy a reason to snap out of his little trance of zoning out. "Oh ho ho, what a blast! Nothing but good jazz to take worries away."
Jimmy agrees with a sigh followed after, he turns around to grab a glass from the wall to make Dice's usual Whisky. Dice rests his elbow on the counter, one leg crossed over the other, turning his body to the side to get a view of the entire area. "Wheezy and Chips aren't here yet?" He questions, dipping his head back.
"No. They haven't showed up at all. Any ideas where they could be?" Jimmy nudges Dice's shoulder before placing the glass of whiskey next to Dice.
"Not a single clue. Thanks." Dice answers, taking the glass into his hands. "I'll probably go 'round the neighborhood to see if the two are nearby."
"Not while your drunk." Jimmy affirms Dice as he leans forward on his elbows, having Dice groan as a response.
"I'm not that stupid, don't worry."
"You said that last time when the two found you on the ground."
"I said that I wouldn't do it again, didn't I?" Dice pouts, taking another sip.
"Well don't come crawling to me for help. I'm not going to drag you back here." Jimmy stands back up, whipping a cloth over his shoulder as he ambles away towards the kitchen area to get some time to himself.
The man stretches his arms before looking across at a small box on a small stand that's connected to the side of the wall. Jimmy observes the box, once again deep in thought Chips wouldn't have any reason to look for her with Wheezy. His hands reach for the box to lower it down from the stand. Observing it as he continues, Jimmy opens the box, revealing a small candle lit with blue fire. The fire burns low, the latter sighs before closing the lid. She's too far away to be even near the isle. What the hell are those two doing?