Step into a world where reality dissolves, and dreams weave themselves into existence. Lace of Midnight and Lightis a collection of surreal and otherworldly poetry, a journey through the veils of illusion and the vast expanse of the subconscious. Each poem is a whispered secret from the universe—soft echoes of forgotten memories, reflections in liquid moonlight, and the quiet hum of time unraveling.
Within these pages, midnight is not just an hour but a realm where shadows bloom, stardust lingers on the wind, and whispers of the unseen take form. This anthology invites you to drift through dreamscapes spun from silver and lace, where reality is but a flickering mirage and illusions become truth.
Let the night embrace you in its soft glow and lose yourself in the beauty of the in-between.
Copyright © 2025 by INKELLEAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any form without the express written permission of the author, except for brief quotes used in reviews or critical discussions.
This is a work of poetry inspired by surreal and dreamlike imagery. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. The content is intended for artistic and literary expression, and interpretations may vary from reader to reader.
Step into a world where myths breathe, heroes rise, and beasts whisper forgotten truths. Heroes, Beasts, and Destinyis a collection of timeless tales woven from the fabric of ancient lore, where fate is carved in starlight and echoes of the past shape the future. From noble warriors and cunning tricksters to legendary creatures guarding secrets of old, these poems bring forth the magic, the battles, and the heart of stories passed down through generations. Let the rhythm of legend guide you through realms unknown, where destiny awaits those brave enough to embrace it.
© 2025 INKELLE. All rights reserved. No part of this anthology may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.This anthology is a work of creative fiction inspired by folklore and mythology. While some references may be drawn from historical or cultural legends, all poems and interpretations within are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. The author does not claim to provide historically accurate accounts of any myths or folktales.
Beneath the quiet glow of the moon, love whispers, dreams unravel, and longing lingers in the night. "Lover’s Lament to the Moon"is a collection of poetry woven with moonlit romance, unspoken confessions, and secrets carried by the wind. Each verse is a love letter to the celestial guardian above—a keeper of heartache, passion, and the echoes of souls who dare to dream beneath its glow. This anthology captures the beauty of love, loss, and the aching desire to be heard by the ever-watchful moon.
Let these words become your own midnight serenade, a solace under the starry sky.
© 2025 INKELLE. All Rights Reserved.This work, including all poems and written content within, is protected under copyright law. No part of this anthology may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.
This poetry collection is a work of artistic expression. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is purely coincidental. The emotions, themes, and imagery are meant to evoke personal interpretation and connection.
In the quiet corners of the soul, where whispers fade into the dark, lies a world of hidden truths and veiled emotions. The Shadow’s Embraceis a collection of poems that delve into the mysteries we conceal—the words left unspoken, the wounds buried beneath smiles, and the love that lingers in silence. Each verse is a journey through light and shadow, where echoes of the heart dance between secrecy and revelation.
Let these pages hold the confessions of the unseen, the sorrows of the unheard, and the beauty found in the quiet embrace of the unknown.
© 2025 INKELLE. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations for reviews and other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
This poetry anthology explores themes of hidden emotions, personal struggles, and introspection. Some pieces may contain melancholic or dark undertones, intended to evoke deep emotions and self-reflection. Reader discretion is advised. The interpretations of these poems are open-ended and subject to personal perception. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
What happens when the mind unravels?
Into the Maelstromis a haunting anthology that plunges into the depths of madness, exploring the blurred lines between reality and delusion. Through poetry and prose, this collection captures the beauty of chaos, the whispers of the unknown, and the eerie embrace of insanity. Each piece is a descent into fractured thoughts, surreal nightmares, and the mesmerizing pull of the abyss.
Dare to step beyond the veil—where reason fades, and the maelstrom awaits.
© 2025 INKELLE. All rights reserved. No part of this anthology may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the author, except for brief quotations used in reviews or academic purposes.
This anthology is a work of creative fiction and poetry. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. The themes explored, including madness and insanity, are artistic interpretations and should not be taken as medical or psychological advice. Reader discretion is advised.
In the delicate embrace of decay, where beauty and sorrow intertwine, Dark Grace: The Art of Sorrowunveils the haunting elegance found in the eerie, the tragic, and the forgotten. Through verses steeped in melancholy and allure, INKELLE explores the fragile splendor of ruin—the silent waltz of ghosts, the poetry of fractured things, and the romance of shadows that refuse to fade.
This collection is an ode to the macabre’s quiet grace, where love lingers past the grave, memories whisper through the cracks of time, and even sorrow holds a kind of radiance. Each poem is a brushstroke on a canvas of twilight, painting a world where darkness is not feared but revered.
Step into the realm where tragedy and beauty are one.
Dark Grace: The Art of Sorrow© 2025 by INKELLE. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in reviews and critiques.
This is a work of original poetry. Any resemblance to real events, persons (living or deceased), or historical occurrences is purely coincidental or used in a symbolic and artistic manner. This collection is intended for artistic and literary appreciation and is not meant to promote or glorify themes of death, grief, or despair, but rather to explore their poetic and aesthetic depth.
Gecenin karanlığı Karen şehrini ışıl ışıl parıldatırken benim evim olan Marsel ormanını karanlık hapsetmiş sadece ay ışığıyla ve ateş böceklerinin ışığıyla parlıyordu. Her yerde uçan muhafızlardan saklanarak büyük şatafatlı köprünün altına atladım. Karanlık iyice bastırmış tüm o güzel gökyüzünün ışıltısı Karen nehrinin dalgalanan suyuna yansımış içimi bir nebze de olsa huzur vermişti.
Büyük çam ağaçlarının arasından geçerek Marsel ormanının derinliklerindeki evime gittim. Uzaktan görünen yanmış harabe evime koşarak bahçesinden içeriğe girdim. Karşımda bana doğru bakan bir çift mavi göz ile karşılaştım. Bu mavi gözler daha önceden birkaç kez öldürmeye teşebbüste bulunduğum büyük prensin gözlerinden başkası değildi. Burada kaldığımı bulduğuna göre tüm muhafızlar burada karanlık ormanın içinde bir yerlerde pusudaydı. Gayet rahat bir tavır takınarak ona doğru yürüdüm. Prens sorgularcasına tek kaşını kaldırarak evimi gösterdi.
‘’Demek kraliyet düşmanı Yuan’ın küçük kızı sensin… Ablana hiç benzemiyorsun. Aslında seninle bir derdim yoktu hatta canını bile bağışlamıştım. Benim sayemde hayattasın. Ama bakıyorum da tam bir aptalmışım. Anası ne olsun ki kızı öyle olsun. Benden pek haz etmediğini hatta öldürmek için her şeyi yapacağını biliyorum. Yani duygularımız karşılıklı… Ama kötü haber… hahahahahhh. Sen beni öldürme şansını büyük bir arayla kaybettin küçük kız…’’
Gülerken baya eğlenen prens eliyle öldürün işareti vererek birkaç muhafızı uçarak kolumdan tuttu. Sadece kin ve öfkeyle prense baktım.
‘’Sen ve o lanet krallığınız batsın. SEN GÖRDÜĞÜM EN BÜYÜK KORKAKSIN! Beni bile yenemeyecek kadar güçsüz olduğun için muhafızlarına güveniyorsun. Annemi öldürüp, tüm ailemi katlettiniz. Bir de pişkin pişkin beni bağışladığını mı söylüyorsun! Asıl sen büyük arayla beni öldürme şansını kaybettin. Kendi ayaklarınla ölüme hoş geldin prens!!’’
Takındığım tavır prensi hiç etkilemişe benzemiyordu. Hatta eliyle muhafızlarına hızlanın işareti verip arkasına döndü. Bu sırada kraliyet muhafızına savurduğum tekmeyle kenara fırlattım. Diğer muhafızın bacağına sapladığım kılıcımın keskinliğiyle yere düşmesini sağladım. Ardından kafasını kırmamla prense doğru uçtum. Prensin önüne geçtiğimde kılıcımı ona doğru uzatarak savunmaya geçtim.
‘’Bak küçük kız hala şansın varken bırak savaşmayı yoksa sende…’’
Daha lafını bile bitiremeden Prense doğru zıpladım ve kılıcımı ona sapladım. Gözlerine büyük bir öfkeyle bakarak:
‘’Artık ölmek umurumda değil. Ama yanımda senide götürmekten büyük onur duydum büyük prens!’’
Prense sapladığım kılıcı daha da derine sapladım. Ağzından çıkan kan yüzümü boyarken arkamdan bana da saplanan kılıçla yere düştüm. Tüm muhafızlar etrafımızda toplanırken prens de yere yanıma düştü. Onun suratına bakarken bana savrulan kılıçlar kolumu ve bacağımı kesiyordu. Acıyan vücudumun tüm parçalarına rağmen prense doğru elimi uzattım. Muhafızlar prensi kaldırmaya çalışıyorlarken sapladığım kılıcı tüm gücümle geri çektim. Prensin vücudundan çıkan kanlı kılıcım yere düşerken prensin gözleri kapandı. Herkes onunla ilgilenirken vücudum yeterince kan kaybetmiş artık intikamımı almış onurlu bir şekilde ölüyordum. Tüm muhafızlar prensi götürürlerken ormanın içinde tek başıma ölüyordum. Etraf artık çok sessizleşmişti. Yüzümdeki gülümsememi hiç silmemiştim. Ruhum artık istediği gibi huzura kavuşuyordu. Gözlerim artık bana çok ağır gelmeye başlamıştı.
Ben Yuan’ın kızı Elisa ailemin intikamını sonunda aldım….
|ONC 2025|
When Freddie reads of hauntings at Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in Ontario due to a mysterious lullaby, "Lucilla", he drags the gang on an unexpected canoe trip, where he's determined to prove that not only do ghosts exist but also that not every villain hides under a mask.
Freddie, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy are leaving soon for college, which causes them to fear that their mystery-solving days are over. As the gang leader, Fred takes matters into his own hands and tracks down one last mystery for them to solve--the legend of the Ghost of Ontario in the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park.
While canoeing on Lake Anima Nipissing to search for clues, the gang runs into an amnesic hermit who claims he's only ten winters old and has never heard of the Ghost of Ontario; yet, whenever he's around, strange things happen, such as unexpected storms and angry spirits. It looks like he may be the gang's biggest mystery yet, but is this mysterious hermit a masked villain or something more? And what is this "Lucilla" that everyone in the provincial park keeps discussing?
It's up to the gang, Scooby, and one brave young man to solve this mystery--for all of Ontario.
*Don't ask... LOL!**FYI: This story is based on a TV show, so expect a screenplay-like writing style.**Moral Lesson: "Some people are not what some people think they are."
Prompt Used: #91 - No one believes you. But you are the only one who can solve this mystery--for all of them.