I have always dreamed of what my life would look like if only I had been born into a different family with another name, my mother tells me that dreaming doesn't get you anywhere in life, but dreaming about a different one is the only way I make it through this hardship of life. I was born into a hardworking family we didn't have much but we earned every cent that we made, of course, we had our faults, for instance, my dad is a financial businessman who always says "Trying is failing" Of course he would never admit that he has failed a great many of times in his life, but that type of pride runs in our family. My mother on the other hand is as kind as you can get a mother of 6 children, She's an elementary school teacher with a rather odd obsession with books, but that must be where I get it from. If I'm not dreaming about what my life could look like or drowning myself in work or school, then I'm reading in my library, I've always been fascinated with books ever since I can remember, and it's been an ambition of mine to become a famous author, mother says she has complete faith in me, but father says it won't come true if I only wish for it, he says that there has to be hard work involved or else all of my dreaming was just for nothing. As I am snapped out of my thoughts of how I can achieve such great things in my life I am interrupted by my little brother crying, and the rest of my siblings playing, there are the twins Zara and Zhavia, and then there's Jacob, Jax, and baby River, as I walk in to check in on baby River I pause, there's a figure in all-black standing at the window by a grey Ferrari. However, I have no idea who it might be so I brush it off and focus my attention on baby River, whose face lights up when he sees me, as I gently raise him from his crib and swaddle him back to sleep I sing the song I remember so fondly from when I was just a little one. He has fallen asleep instantly in my arms I carefully lie him back in his crib and silently close the door on my way out. I am met in the kitchen by Mother and Father having a moment, they have always been so in love. Ever since I can recall the house has always been filled with laughter and jokes from them, Although my mother says their marriage has had some hardships, I'd imagine that all good marriages do. I stand there watching them until I catch my father's attention, "Ah! Good morning lovebug", he says sipping his morning coffee, I respond, "Good morning papa" My mother kisses me as she says "Buen dia, mi amor", " Buenos dias, mama". My mother is a Latina woman so Spanish is often spoken in my house, after all, it had been my siblings and my first language. "Can you bring the twins to school today sweetheart I have to be to work early today" my mother said. "I can't I have a project due in class today and I can't be late either, Ask Jax, he has a car now too." I can tell she does not like the words that have just been uttered out of my mouth, so I agree to take them to school. When we arrive at their daycare, I walk them to their teacher and kiss them goodbye. " Ok, little one's mom is going to pick you guys up from school today be good". As I drive up to my university my face goes red when I see someone in a black Corvette parked in my spot, I try not to think anything of it and grab my coffee from the passenger seat. It's stuck in the cup holder I try to wiggle it out, but I fail and it splashes back onto me. "Hot hot omg, nooo", I rave. Now my clothes are ruined by coffee stains, I'm going to be late for class now. Luckily I always bring a spare outfit with me everywhere, and my windows are tinted so no one can see through them. I unbuckle and quickly change into the separate clothing that's in my bag. I get done and start racing through the campus to my class, and thankfully my professor hasn't started teaching I quickly sit beside my best friend Marcus, who is not paying attention, I bump into him and ask "What have I missed?" "Nothing yet but, where were you Geni I waited for you but you didn't meet me at our spot". " I know, I know I had to drop the twins off at daycare and then I spilled my coffee all over me so I had to change in my car", I say. As I start unpacking my books and other things that I'll need for class I see my professor talking with a student, as I try and sneak a peek I catch a glimpse of what the student looks like, he's tall dark and sexy, I cringe at my thought and try to look away but something about him is just so mesmerizing. He catches my eye, and I panic thinking, "Did he just notice me and why did I kind of like the fact that he noticed me?" "Alright class we have a new student joining us from Italy, his name is Callum Black, and he'll be joining us for the rest of the school year, so I want you guys to show him around and make him feel welcome," my professor says leaning on his desk drinking his usual morning coffee. Callum starts to say something, but our professor cuts him off by starting our morning lesson, so he has no choice but to find his seat, of course by my luck the only empty seat is right next to me. As he finds his seat, I slowly look up to notice that he's staring at me, as I catch a look I can see that his eyes are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen they seem as though they can see right through my soul with a piercing color of grey and a hint of brown mixed in with another color. My early thought was right he is "tall, dark and sexy as hell". He has to be at least 6'4, hes got beautiful brown curls and god that jawline cut probably cut through glass. I've given him a light smile as I can see he's staring at me too. He gives me a judgy snarl as though I've offended him somehow by smiling at him. I almost want to flip him off but realize he's not worth my energy. I got the memo he doesn't like me for some reason, but he doesn't even know me so how could that be? As I open my book to the page that I see everyone else is on I feel a pair of eyes on me I ignore the feeling and continue to read the page and finish up my work. I turn to Marcus and try and forget what just happend with Callum, we discuss what we are reading about and how we are going to turn in our project together. Before I know it the bell rings for class to be dismissed I pack up and head out for my next class I try and catch up with Marcus but he's already halfway around the corner by the time I decide to shout his name, It's no use he can't hear me with his loud music in his ears. I get to my next class and get settled in only to see that the rude new kid is also there too. I can tell he's as surprised as I am to see that we are yet again in the same class, he walks to the desk beside me and says " Hi I'm Callum Black we had Biology together last period, I tried not to show him any emotion since our last interaction with each other wasn't very subtle or too kind. I can't help but notice that his voice sounds as deep as the Pacific Ocean, it's so mesmerizing. I snap myself out of his trance. He reaches out to shake my hand but I just look at him and give a small snarl as though I can't bring myself to be nice to him anymore.I know I should've shaken his hand, but I was a little hurt about our first interaction being what it was. The rest of the school has had no problem with welcoming our new student in, and by the "rest of the school" I mean the girls, they are so obsessed with him like he's their new shiny toy and they can't get enough of him, every girl on campus has been talking about him and he hasn'teven been her for a total of 4 hrs. I sigh and roll my eyes, I'm used to his kind, the kind where they're used to getting what they want and have a bad boy complex, it's not new to me I have two brothers, who have that same complex, and it doesn't fool me. By the end of the class, I'd already decided that I wanted nothing to do with him, but of course, by my chances of fate, we ended up bumping into each other in all of my other classes. English lit, Ceramics, and Business and economic affairs. By the end of all of them, I had concluded that the world hated me and was trying to punish me for something. Finally, the school day was over and my favorite part of the day was starting, I was headed to my favorite cafe. I had always come here if I had a free period, it was my quiet place, my place of refuge, my peace. As I was walking into the cafe I caught a glimpse of Callum and the head cheerleader making out. This place had been my sanctuary and now he had turned it into his place for hooking up. My peace had been disturbed by him. I couldn't watch him make out with anyone anymore. Something in me just couldn't take it, even though I'd decided that he was no good for me I just couldn't quite that voice inside that was saying I should be jealous of what he had been doing right in front of me. I got up to walk out, but not before getting my favorite book from the cafe library. As I walked out of the cafe waiting for a clearing to cross the road I heard the cafe door open, It was Callum staring at me with intensity, I couldn't decide whether to walk away from him or just give in to what I knew he felt. After moments of staring at each other, I decided to take my chance and cross the street. When I got to the other side Callum was still standing there watching me with the same intense stare, I thought he'd say something to me, or run after me, like how they do in movies, but then again I didn't take him for the "cheesy" type of man, but nothing happened.
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