As the sunlight filled my room I couldn't take the sun blaring into my eyes. I covered my head as if I were a vampire being woken up by the light of the sun. I got two more hours of sleep before I finally decided it was time to wake up. I looked around my room and listened and didn't hear any movement in the house. Normally the twins would be shouting to the top of their lungs or Jax and Jacob would be arguing about something crazy like who ate the last box of Resse's puffs. But I heard none of the sort going on early this morning. It wasn't until I looked at my clock and noticed that it wasn't early but it was a little after one o'clock. I thought to myself and might've even said it out loud, "OH SHIT! WHAT IN THE HELL WAS I THINKING TO SLEEP THAT LONG." I began racing around looking for all my things for class because I knew I was late. I kept looking for my keys to my 2019 Lexus GX and kept coming short I decided to check in the boys' room, my keys were on top of their dresser, I stopped and questioned what my keys were doing in there. I looked around to see if anybody was in the room that was half clean and half dirty. You'd think since Jax was the clean one and a gamer and Jacob was the jock naturally the jock's side of the room would be the dirtiest, but it was the other way around completely. I still couldn't figure out why my keys were in their room. I know that Jacob had his car and Jax didn't. Jax has a license but no car so how could my keys be in their room if no one is here, I thought. I started walking out of the room and as soon as I reached the doorway Jax appeared from a secret place inside the room and asked, "Hey sis, what are you looking for? " "Where the Fuck did you come from Jax." "Oh, my secret game room within the walls," said Jax. "How did you manage to create that without anyone finding out dude? I started to ask more about how and why he had created a secret hideout in the walls of our house but then I remembered that I had to get to class, I wondered if Jax could make me a secret room as well, so I could read all night long? As Jax was explaining I stopped him and said, "Jax I would love to hear more but I have to get to class." "Sis, you don't have class today," Jax responded. I looked at Jax and asked him, "What do you mean I don't have class today isn't today Friday?" "No, today is Saturday. You have no classes on Saturday, you normally go to the city library and read until it closes." "Let me see your phone, Jax," I asked. Jax opened his phone and gave it to me, there in blue and white print it said "Saturday". I gave him back his phone and told him thanks. I get ready to leave but not without asking him the two questions that have been nagging at me since I saw him step out of his hidden man cave, "Hey I have two questions for you one, can you make me a secret room too, and why were my keys in your room? Also, where are Jacob, Mom, Dad, and the twins?" Jax answered, "Firstly that's three questions and secondly, I went to the store to get some snacks so I can game all night. Jacob is still at basketball practice, and Mom, Dad, and the twins are at the Smithsonian, which mean we'rebabysitting River. We'll talk later about how you want your hidden room to be." I rolled my eyes at Jax and told him okay as I walked back to my room to lie back on my bed for a few minutes. My mind began to go over the things that happened last night, and I started to draft to what was said in the park, I know I don't know who the two gentlemen were talking about but the money that they were talking about would work in my favor If I could take that money and use it for a new car or I could take it to my dad and have one of his life insurance guys invest into it then I'll be set for life with that million dollar policy that'll be growing into a well over a two million dollar policy. A sneaky little smile came across my face as I kept thinking about all the other things I could be doing with that type of money. But as quickly as my mind started to think of all the things that I could do, Mom and Dad knocked on the door. I answered, "Yes come in!" My parents entered and greeted me with a smile, "Hello mi lirio de agua, what time did you wake?" "Oh, about a little after one o'clock, Why was I supposed to do something?" "No, we're just asking is all. We tried to wake you but you were in a dead sleep, so we just left you there looking so peaceful amar." I look at my parents with a sign of appreciation. I knew I needed to sleep because of the time I'd gotten back home. Plus there was the issue of the gray Ferrari still in my mind. Mom ended the conversation by saying, "Geni honey I'm about to get started on dinner. What would you like?" Papi turned, walked out of the room, and went directly to his office space. "Tamales and Tacos would be nice mami, thank you."
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I waited about a good five to six minutes before I went in and talked with my father. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Papi opened the door looked down at me and asked, "What can I do for you, my love?" I looked down thinking for a minute so I would have the right words to say to him without raising his suspicions. "Papa how do you find out if someone is following you and before you ask, NO, no one is following me I was just wondering. He looked at me concerned, as though he was trying to figure me out. Although he kept looking for an obvious sign that I was in distress or need of his help he found none at all.
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