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ns I was working on finish up the next shipment of iron tools for the farm hands when I heard shouting from the field. I drop my hammer sending it crashing to anvil with a clang. Besides me is my beat up Remington 700 .30-06. I grab it assuming the mutants had attacked and take off towards the sound. Two family members from the Smith family lay on the ground despite no signs of trauma. There are clearly signs of a firefight, but no blood and no bodies. The men were still conscious, but were speaking gibberish. I instantly began cursing to myself. This will tear the village apart. Craig is already here tending to his kin. I could see the rage in his eyes, but there is no one to cast his ire upon. Instead the anger turns toward the crowd that gathered in the field. The man begins barking orders and telling people to return to their duties. The village is in a state of panic after that. The doctor comes out to give them his diagnosed of heat exhaustion but with a warning of skepticism. He really didn't know what had caused it. I returned to my work but kept my eye on the village.
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The following week saw increase in security, fear, and a drop in demand for tools. The farm hands didn't want to till the fields. I knew eventually a strike was going to happen.
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It was two weeks later that I remember the next event happened. I remember earlier that day mayor David Burg schedule a meeting for the village families. Gathering there, I saw the Hans, the Smiths, the Barons, the Jones, and the Garths. It was quite the turn over. Dozens of people had turned out from all of the major families. Of course the Barons lead the meeting. The craftsman and builders who gained great wealth from their knowledge of the craft. They always demanded special treatment. The Hans were head of security and had lost dozens of family members to mutant and raider attacks. They rather shoot the Barons than look at them. The Smith were farmers who worked with members of the Jones, Barons and countless others nameless people not part of the larger families who till the fields. The Jones were scaveys, a nick name for scavengers. They had the worse job with the highest casualties and the least respect. Lastly were the Garth, business leaders and merchants.
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I step into the massive assembly of angry people. The meeting was being held outside where a large amount of chairs had been set up in semi circle. I walk in on the Barons practically declaring themselves gods while the Hans were about to kick them from the meeting. The rest of the families were watching with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. The head members of Garth had enough and stood up. "Would you kindly shut your mouths." It's spoken by Peter Garth, the eldest of the Garth. "We got attacked by gods know what and your bickering about self entitlement. We want to know whats being done about the attack."
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Craig Hans is already standing, his forty old cheeks flushed with anger. Two of my family were found in a catatonic state like nothing we've ever seen before. If another attack happens during a mutant attack, we could be in real trouble. Bipedal humanoid tracks have been found. Many homo-mutationem species exist but nothing like this. We need an expert. For now we're increasing security. We need a scaveys to get help from Fairfax. Outcries from the Jones.
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"Why should we risk our necks?"
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The Mayor takes a steps past Craig. "Please everybody," the mayor says raising his hands to get everybody's attention. "If we didn't get help, it's only a matter of time before these things strike again."
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"What about these rumor of demons?" It's spoken by one of the Smith to the annoyance of the mayor.
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"Despite the world ending only a few decades ago, most people can't remember how it happened. Some say demons invaded the world and that a great battle between good and evil took place. But there is no evidence to support these claims beside the horrific beasts that stalk the lands. It's just superstition. The most likely cause is a great final war. The sheer amount of radiation sickness is evidence of that. This is another beast or some new sickness. There is no cause for alarm." His words fell on death ears. The meeting fell into chaos when the members started accusing one another of having a self serving motivation. I half expected the Jones to take charge. But they were disgusted by the other families' behavior. It left only one other scavey left.
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"I'll go," I screamed. The room fell silent
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