"A long time ago, I encountered a child. He was only just born, and you could tell."
"You could tell?" She asks.
"Yes. He's around the same age as you as of today. At that time, I put him into a foster home."
"Why didn't you just adopt him?"
"Hon, I'm way to old. I'm lucky I was even able to have you. I have, in no way, any desire to have another child, whether adopted or blood."
"What was his name?"
"I don't know, but he had a tag on him that said Dàrek."
"Kid, you can't continue past this point. Just look ahead of you, and think before you walk." Said a military officer. A cliff stood in front of him, with a military checkpoint in front of him, and a mob of rioters behind.
"It's urgent."
"You got a ticket?" The officer said.
"You gotta have the right credentials and a military authorized ticket. Otherwise, beat it. You might need't go soon anyways, just look at the mob, you might get squished under them." The Military man said, while half worried and joking.
"Sir, I don't think you understand. I'm going in, but I would rather be givin' authorization to go in." Darek said.
"If you think this way so much, enter through one of the currently being built fences. Nobody can stop you in that case. If you care so much, enter through there." The Military officer said, straight-faced, dead serious.
Unfazed, Darek says, "I need to enter this way."
"Well, you aren't getting through, no matter what you say to me."
So, in a very short time frame, while the Military officer is busy saying his peace, he runs under the arm of the man and runs for the cliff. The officer grabs Dareks foot, and the shoe falls off.
"What are you doing?" Due to the shoe falling, he got loose and made a bolt for the cliff, and before the officer could grab Darek's foot, he leaped off the cliff.
"NOOO!" The military officer yelled in sheer panic. It was a cliff drop into water.
But it was long enough to usually kill someone.
But Darek was unnaturally resistant. That's how, despite bleeding out, he didn't die in the car.
It's not because he had the scar, or "power" now,
But because it was built in his bloodline.
"I'll be fine, trust me!" Darek yelled, before plunging into the water. He needed to enter the water through there, because everywhere else, the cliff's distance compared to the water were exponentially longer than the Military checkpoint. The other places, he might have survived, but the Military checkpoint was an area he knew he would be fine jumping from.
Darek bobbed his head up to give a single to the guard.
"How are you alive!?" The military officer yelled, before being pushed from behind.
"Damn corrupt military officers! Not even watching the checkpoint!" A rioter yelled.
I haven't tried this, but it's worth a shot.
Darek, imagined his hand becoming longer, like how back in the car, he wished to live.
Just then, Darek's hand, grew in length by unnatural amounts. It grew to the length of about 60 miles, 1/6 the full length from East to West of Washington. However, not even in the slightest, did it grow in width. That is when he learned, he could grow specific parts of his body, but he was completely incapable of changing the size during it. His hand stretched so far, it reached space. But using this, he was able to, barely, use his thumb to break the military officers fall.
"What are you?" He asked, still feeling the pain of the fall.
"A kid who has made mistakes due to his own selfishness."
"If thine valor is of great lengths, then one shall't use valor for own gain, if'ten do so, it'not valor, it'is self righteousness of upset reason." Which, kids such as Darek, had read in grade 10. It was a highly analyzed quote from the 2030's. Historians didn't know necessarily whether or not it was from the old ages, or something someone in the newer generations had made, but the goal, was for someone to find reason in the quote to make it fake.
"Your courage is brave kid, I give you that. But, I'll look away this time. I think I know what or who you are, but I'll turn a blind eye."
"I have dignity not to harm a man who has done nothing but non-selfishness for someone who was just previously against him." The military officer finished.
Darek calmly lowered the officer down away from the crowd of rioters, now looking at the spectacle down below with the incredibly long hand stretching from.
"Is that the monster..."
"Everyone run!"
Everyone started running. It was good they did, because who knows, maybe the transformation could cause chaos.
"Leave as well officer. You could possibly get hurt soon."
"I think I'll take your advise." He says, getting in his military jeep and taking his leave.
Darek thought he heard the officer say, "good luck!" Out his window, but he wasn't sure.
After about an hour of swimming, and an hour of diving to avoid normally patrolling FBI helicopter's, he finally reached far enough out, where he felt turning, he could angle his landing into the water.
"I'm sorry if anyone is hurt or dies due to this, but I will give the people the revenge on who really are the ones at fault."
"The gods who let this happen," he said. He didn't even notice he was saying it aloud.
In that second, in the flash of an eye, he disappeared. anyone who somehow saw him, also witnessed him vanish. Then, all they had to do, was look up.
I'm back, and I remember it once again. He thought. This damn void, it happens every time. Last time I was here for, what, 5 years? I don't even remember the amount of time previously, I just knew it was long. I am mentally 23 here, while mentally and physically 17 there. I still don't, and will never understand it.
He sat there, for what he estimated, was about 6 months. His phone had frozen in time, but he used pieces of falling off threads and scratches on the back of the phone to mark time. he roughly counted sometimes, and sometimes made random guesses. But he came to the conclusion of 6 months. Until, finally, he saw the purple door again. It disappeared faster this time, not slowly disappearing, but disappearing at a very large rate. He was able to grab the doorknob and barely go through.
He was back on, or at least above earth. Every time he transformed, he felt there was something going on that he just could not remember.
He felt his body getting hotter as he entered the atmosphere. People started looking up, and seeing the man again. Alarms went off, people evacuated nearby areas, but as he got closer and closer, people noticed the giant was heading straight for the center of the water. Nobody would get stomped on, but insane tsunamis were going to occur. People continued to evacuate.
"RUN! GRAB EVERYONE AND RUN! HITCH RIDES, JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" Loud intercoms said, spewing from the top of military grade jeeps.
This time I will not kill as many people. That's a nice thought.
He plunged into the water, which was wider than his feet due to the backlash of the initial explosion from the first time he transformed. He bent down in a weird way, attempting to retain momentum. He bent his knees, with his feet to his crotch making the shape of a rhombus. Then, he straightened his legs while straightening his back to go upwards. The tsunami wave hit areas around Washington. He launched upwards, and reached forwards, closed his hands together palms in dolphin formation. Then, as fast as possible, opens his hands wide, and a bright purple light peered from the area he split open.
His body couldn't fit through the spot he opened, so, he decided to test his luck, and made himself small. Luckily, he could breath in the atmosphere.
He jumped in, and the purple light closed behind him.
Hes looked up, after the initial panic throughout the world, and said, "Well, I'll be damned. It looks like he did go to space." He said.
"The giant? What are you talking about Hes?" Someone said.
"Simple. I know who the giant is."
"A friend."