There was one female elite, Jow Brospher. She’s the only Female Elite Zealot. She got the rank from bringing in a Spartan four with barely any scratches.
She was on a mission to bring in Master Chief alive but okay if a little injured. It started when she got called onto High Charity by the prophets themselves.
“Hello. We have an extremely dangerous and important mission.” Said The Prophet of Truth.
“We need you to bring in the demon. We will supply you with whatever you need to capture this monster.” Said The Prophet of regret.
“Now, go!” Said the Prophet of Truth.
She was surprised and happy that they trust her with such a dangerous assignment, but was also worried.
“We have intel on the demon!” Yelled a Minor elite.
“What?” She asked.
“He’s going to be attacking this base in bout…1 hour!” The Minor elite said.
“Okay.” She said.
55 minutes until the Chief arrives
She requested a few jackal snipers, five Hunters, and a few elites that are good at infiltration and abduction. Once she got the units, she placed the Jackal snipers behind the trees on the hills behind the base.
40 minutes until the Chief arrives
The forces arrive
30 minutes until the Chief arrives
Tells forces inside the base not to fight the demon
25 minutes until Chief arrives
She also hid the hunters behind a lot of crates stacked.
15 minutes until Chief arrives
The elites abduct Kelly and get her back tot he base
10 minutes until Chief arrives
The elites and Jow Brospher beat up Kelly and even shoot her with stun guns and painful stuff a few times.
5 minutes until the Chief arrives
”Bind up the Spartan and toss her from the entrance of the base away!” She commanded, confident, but a little worried.
They did as she said and everything was just right. She could almost see the Spartan, riding a mongoose.
Chief has arrived
”Kelly?” Chief said in surprise as he stared at her.
He ran over to her and slid down into his knees, testing her pulse.
“You’re alive, pulse a little weak. You’re also bleeding.” He said as he got back up.
(Whisper over com channel) Now, Hunters! Burst through the crate sans aim your weapons at the Demon, but don’t fire unless he makes a move!” Jow Brospher the female elite said. She watched from behind a few crates, on the side of the base as the Hunters burst through the crates.
(Whisper over comms) “Now, Jackals! Aim at the Demon but don’t fire!” Jow Brospher the female Elite Commando said.
She watched as the Jackal snipers did as she told.
“What the HELL?” Said the Chief, confused.
“Get down on your knees, demon!” Jow Brospher commanded.
“No.” Said Chief, defiant and stalling, trying to think what to do.
“I said, NOW!” She said as she grabbed his shoulders and shoved him down.
“Bind him, elites!” She said as she looked him up and down, surprised that he wasn’t that hard to capture. ALIVE.
Jow Brospher laughed as she thought about the look on the Prophets face as she walks in, Chief behind her.
“What’s I funny? How I played you?” Chief asked.
“No. Just thinking about-wait. What do you mean?” Jow Brospher asked, a little worried.
“Nothing.” Chief said as she kicked his helmet.
“Time to load him into the ship!” She said as she got the others to help her lift him up into he ship.
At High Charity.
Jow Brospher entered the same where the Arbiter WAS claimed the Arbiter (don’t know the name), with the demon walking behind her.
“WHAT?!” Exclaimed the Prophet of Regret, shocked to his CORE that, her FIRST attempt. Fist attempt ever fighting a Spartan or any UNSC soldier. Already caught the Demon.
“HOW?!” Exclaimed the Prophet of Truth.
“It was actually easy.” She said. Everyone in the room started to cheer.
“I actually got two Spartans by mistake.” She said as two grunts dragged behind them Kelly, a trail of blood following her.
“WOW. THATS-that’s-this-is-that-ok-I-wow.” The Prophet of Mercy stumbled over his words, unable to speak.
“Kelly!” Chief exclaimed, getting worried about her.
“Throw them in a cell!” Yelled the Prophet of Truth.
“Yes!” Exclaimed the Prophet of Regret.
Chief and Kelly were guided by four brutes and two elites, with ten grunts following behind them, to the cell they’ll be sharing.
They were tossed in like they were garbage, and Kelly laid on her back, groaning in pain. Chief walked over to Kelly and sat down on his knees.
“Kelly?” He said.
“Wh-what?” Kelly stuttered, it difficult to speak and move for her as she was BRUTALLY beaten.
Chief gently placed her head in his knees and placed his hands over the wounds and injuries that were bleeding most, trying to STOP them from bleeding.
“J-John?” Kelly weakly said.
“What?” Chief asked.
“If..if I…*coughs a bit of blood onto her visor* If I d-die…” she trailed off and didn’t finish.
Meanwhile back on the UNSC INFINITY.
“WHERE ARE CHIEF AND KELLY?” Asked Fred, worried since they’ve never disappeared like this.
“I DON’T KNOW! MAYBE ON HIGH CHARITY! A COVENANT FLAGSHIP?!” They scrambled around the ship to find them, but couldn’t.