"Happy one year anniversary!" Yelled Allie as she jumped on John.
"For what?" Asked John.
"It's been a year since we left on this journey," said Allie.
"Already?" Asked John
"Yeah, it's surprising-" Allie was cut off by a loud noise.
"What was that!?" asked John. The giant mountain they were passing by was suddenly completely destroyed. There was a huge wind pressure they felt from the crumbling mountain.
"Let's go check it out," said Oliver. John manifested a big sword with mana and laid it on the ground.
"Get on Allie," he said, they rode it like a hoverboard, she was standing behind John holding onto his shoulders. They flew through the air at extreme speeds and got to the scene almost instantly.
"You have really good control of your mana now John, keep practicing and you might just make it to that black mana you were talking about," said Allie. Oliver and Jax finally catch up.
"You're getting too fast for us old people John," said Jax with a laugh.
"Your skill with your mana has flown through the roof, I am truly proud of you," said Oliver. "And not just that, your combat skill and strength have only gone up as well."
"And I don't know how you did it, but I still can't believe you managed to get up to 150% Harmonization, just one step closer to black," added Jax.
"Yeah but I haven't really gotten the chance to use it in battle so I don't know if there are any side effects yet," replied John. There was another giant rumble, a giant section of the ground they were standing on was destroyed, creating a giant canion that looked like it spanned for miles, "I got you guys," said John as he used his mana sword to fly and grab them all.
"It looks like someone cut the ground using an attack, but who around here would have that much power?" asked Jax.
"I don't know, but we should definitely check it out, so no one gets hurt," replied Oliver.
"Then let's get going, get on Allie," said John. He grabbed her and pulled her on the sword again and they flew off.
"Try and keep up," Allie taunted Jax and Oliver.
"They're getting quite a big head aren't they?" Jax said, smiling.
"That they are Jax, that they are," Oliver and Jax laughed together. They follow after them. They caught up to John and Allie.
"What is that down there?" asked John. There was a group of guys in black cloaks that looked like they were forcing people into some kind of machine one by one.
"It looks like they're taking the life force from people and collecting it," said Jax. John stopped and let Allie off a little ways away, he continued on his own.
"Let go of me!" A woman screamed.
"Oh don't worry, this will only hurt for a second," said a man laughing. He kept a tight grip on her, pulling her over to the machine, "Aaahh! My arm!"
John had jumped off of his sword in mid air, thrown it in between them to split them up, cutting the man's arm off. As he landed he kicked the man in the face, sending him flying into the machine, destroying it. The other people in black cloaks panicked and formed a group in front of the machine.
"Alright boys," says a voice from the back, he continued as he walked to the front, "looks like we've got ourselves a little hero, let's show him who he's messing with."
John smiles as they rush him, he easily evades the 9 of them, and with pure brute strength and speed he decimated them all in the blink of an eye.
"It was definitely none of you guys who destroyed that mountain, you're all too weak. Who could it have been?" John asked himself.
The person that John had sent into the machine previously came out of the rubble, "oh that mountain? That was our leader, Kate. So she's the one you're looking for, even if you were to find her, you couldn't win."
John suddenly appeared behind him, "you're going to tell me where she is," he said in a stern voice.
"How did you get there so fast?" Asked the man.
"Tell me! Where is she?" The man cowered in fear.
"I'll never tell you," he said.
"Ok, if you won't tell me then I'll just kill you," John recalled his giant mana sword from the ground and back into his hand. He raised his sword.
"Stop! Wait, I'll tell you," said the man with fear in his eyes.
"Alright tell me then," John replied, his sword shrinking back into its katana form.
"We have a hideout one mile directly north of the destroyed mountain, but let me warn you, she is extremely powerful, especially since we've been extracting all this life force for her-," John pushed his katana through the guys gut as he put his hand on his shoulder, with a smile.
"Thank you for your cooperation," said John as he smirked. He pulls his sword out of the man and he falls to the ground. His sword goes back to its big form and John rides it back up to where he left Allie, with Oliver and Jax. "I got them to tell me where Kate is, she is making these people gather life force for her."
"I assume it's to make her stronger, what could they be planning?" Adds Oliver.
"So we need to kill her before it's too late," says John.
"Now we can't just go rushing in like always, we have no idea what she could be capable of," says Jax, "but I agree, she does need to be stopped."
"Then let's go," said John, in a hurry.
"Stop John, first we need to make a plan, then we can go," said Oliver.
"Fine, but we should at least scout ahead so we know what to plan for," adds John.
"That's a good point, but how do we scout without being seen?" Asked Allie.
"I have an invisibility spell I can use on John, so he can scout, he's the fastest one here so it only makes sense," explains Jax.
"I agree, that sounds like the best option," adds Oliver.
"Alright John, with this invisibility spell, it only works for 12 minutes, I can only cast it on one person so you have to go alone, if you touch anyone else it will cancel out the invisibility. You have to promise you'll only scout, don't attack until we have a plan, deal?" Asked Jax.
"Fine, deal," said John.
"Alright, here," Jax touches John's shoulder with his hand and John instantly turns invisible, "and don't forget, they can still hear all the sounds you normally make so tread lightly," added Jax.
"I'll be back soon," whispered John. He created his giant mana sword to ride on. "My sword's invisible too, nice," said John, "alright guys, I'm off." He took off on his sword.
John came up to Kate's lair, it just looked like any ordinary house. "I should probably walk from here, don't want her hearing me," thought John. He snuck into the house, trying to make his footsteps as light as possible. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary," he thought.
"You know. With these new abilities-" said Kate from behind John. He turned around.
"Who is she talking to?" He thought. Kate continued.
"I can see you... John." John deactivated Jax's invisibility.
"So this invisibility is useless then," John smiled. Ten other people surrounded John.
"But now my soldiers can see you too," she said.
"No matter, I'll take you all on," said John.
"Get him," ordered Kate. The ten of them attack simultaneously, "don't underestimate this kid, no holding back," said Kate.
"Yes ma'am," the men replied.
"Harmonization 25%," said John. He stomped on the ground, destroying a giant area and throwing the men off balance. He swiftly attacked them all at once, taking five of them out and wounding the others. "So you five must be a higher level than the others, just the fact that you survived that means you're strong, this is going to be fun," John smiled.
"How, impossible, there's no way he's that strong, even after all that power we stole from those people he just wipes us out like it's nothing," thought one of the men. "What are you?" Asked one of the other men.
"I'm someone here to save this place from the grasp of people like you," replied John.
"Lets show this guy what real power looks like boys," said Kate.
"Yes ma'am," replies the men. Suddenly, they start to merge together, they make a supper mage.
"Combination attack: beastly charge," says the mage in a demonic voice.
"That spell seems to enhance their physical prowess," thought John.
"Bring it on," says John as the demonic creature charges at them. The creature threw a punch right into John's face, destroying the back half of the building and decimating the hills and mountains behind him. He turned his head back and looked at them, pushing their fist back with it, "is that all you got?" With a smile on his face, he returned the favor by punching a hole clean through their chest, killing the creature in one blow.
"No, he can't, it just doesn't make sense, how is he so strong," they thought as they hit the ground.
"That was quite the display you put on their John, you have gotten quite strong, but are you strong enough," Kate attacked John, he went to counter, but he missed,
"How's she so fast," he thought. She appeared behind him, about to land a killer hit.
"Oh no you don't," the wall came crashing in, it was Oliver, he punched her, sending her out into the open plane, this collision brought the rest of building down. Jax came in right behind Oliver
"To be honest, we were a little confused when your sword appeared by itself, but we thought that meant something might be wrong, and thank god we did," said Jax.
"Thank you guys so much, now lets finish her off," he said.
"Don't think it will be that easy," Kate had appeared behind them, "let's see if you can withstand one of my strongest attacks," she snickered as she attacked them, "Universal Demolition."
"Harmonization 80%," said John. Everyone else dodged the attack, John manifested his giant sword and used it to block the attack. The energy from the collision destroyed the surrounding area and shook the earth. "That all you got, Kate?" said John. The dust cleared.
"You are quite strong aren't you John, I guess that means no holding back anymore," said Kate.
"Harmonization 100%" said John.
"You're not very smart are you John, you know I can copy that right? Harmonization 100%," said Kate.
"No, he won't be able to beat Kate like that, we need to help him," said Allie.
"We can't, that much energy being dispersed by the two of them would eat away at our life forces, we can't risk it unless it's absolutely necessary, we're just going to have to trust that he can do this," replied Jax.
"Your friends don't wanna join in on the fun?" Asked Kate.
"They know I won't need their help," replied John.
"Then let's rumble," Kate attacked John as some kind of dark energy enveloped her hands. They fought so fast that you couldn't even see them, just little flashes of light from their collisions.
"You're getting slow John, just face it, you can't beat me like this," Kate boasted.
"You're completely right. I can't beat you like this... Harmonization... 120%."
"How, where did he get this kind of power? No matter if I just copy it it'll be like it never happened," she thought... "Wait a minute, why can't I copy this?" John attacked and sliced her arm clean off.
"My arm!" Yelled Kate
"Your body has not been trained to the level of mine to be able to withstand going beyond 100% of its own ability. This is where you lose," replied John. He swiftly attacked Kate again, she blocked it, but that wasn't enough, his sword continued through and cut her head off.
"Even with all that power I accumulated, I still couldn't beat the chosen one," thought Kate as her head hit the ground.
John Harmonization powered off, he fell over. Allie came over to aid him, "120% really takes a toll on your stamina," John laughed, it turned into a little cough. Oliver and Jax walk over.
"Good job kid, now you've seen what all your hard work has done," said Oliver.
"Thank you sir," said John in a weak voice.
"Now let's keep moving, I'll carry you until your stamina recovers," said Oliver.
"Thank you Oliver." He picked John up and put him on his shoulder.
"God, you're a lot heavier than you look," they all laughed as they continued on towards the sacred crystal.
"Are we there yet? It's been days," John complained.
"If you can complain, you can walk," Oliver dumped John on the ground.
"Ouch, what was that for?" Oliver didn't reply and kept walking. "Fine, I'll ride my sword." John manifested his sword and sat on it, he rode along beside them.
"Everyone stop, we're here," said Jax.
"Finally," said John.
"We have to be careful, there is a guardian of the sacred crystals, if he doesn't deem you worthy you will not get a sacred crystal," explained Jax.
"Deem me worthy?" Asked John.
"You will have to fight him," said Oliver.
"Easy peasy, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get a sacred crystal," said John.
"It won't be that easy, I was hardly able to get a sacred crystal, even in my prime," said Oliver.
"Then no holding back, right?" Asked John.
"Yes, don't underestimate him," said Jax. "We can't go any further than this, you'll have to go the rest of the way on your own." John looked at them and nodded, he turned and started walking.
"Good luck, come back with a sacred crystal for us," yelled Allie as John walked up a path in the mountain. The path led to a cave, he continued walking until he came across these huge doors.
"Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" Thought John. He took another step towards the doors, but his foot sank down, "a pressure plate?" Ten doors opened, revealing monsters, "they look really strong," John thought as he smiled.
"We are the ten protectors of Gene, indomitable warriors, unmatched fighters, what is your business here?" Said the one at the front.
"I came to get myself a sacred crystal, are you gonna stop me?" Asked John as he smiled.
"Well then, another one of you humans that thinks he's worthy of a sacred crystal, this is your first test, get through us first." Suddenly the heads of five of them hit the floor. "What!? How? I didn't even see him move!" Thought the monster. A killer aura started flowing from John, making the rest of the monsters tremble in fear. "Where is this deadly aura coming from, there's no way it's his." John attacked the monsters again, instantly appearing behind the leading one. He conjured his sword and took them all out in one blow.
"Pfft, easy, if all the tests are like this then this sacred crystal is all mine," said John. He continued walking into the next area. As he got about halfway through, multiple sections in the walls opened, "Lava? What is this?" John stood in the lava like it was a pool of water, and continued on. "These tests are way too easy, when will I get a challenge?"
"You want a challenge? I'll give you a challenge," said a strange voice.
"What's happening to me? I feel super weak," said John as he fell to a knee.
"Power-hunt, it steals the power of my opponent and gives it to me," explained Gene as he laughed.
"I see, then I guess I'll have to use a little more power, you're a strong opponent, I can feel it," said John in a weak voice. "Harmonization, 100%."
"Ah? What's this? You can use harmonization, that's quite impressive," Gene stopped laughing.
John held his sword up, "bring it on." He attacked, going straight for the neck, "I'm going to end this now."
"Not so fast," a giant sword appeared in front of Gene and blocked his attack.
"How did he do that? He didn't even use his hands," thought John. He took a closer look, "A ring?" Said John.
"You are correct, this is the ring of all, I can create and destroy any weapon I desire and control them at will," explained Gene.
"If you can control all those weapons at will, then I'll just have to get faster," John smiled. "Harmonization, 130%" John's power overflowed, the mountain started to fall apart, "I'm gonna need a little more room to play," said John with a snicker. He flicked the wall and the entire mountain came down.
"I need to teleport before this mountain buries me," said Gene. The mountain came down and the dust cleared.
"You had to teleport because of a measly mountain?" Yelled John as he bursted out of the rubble on his sword. Heading straight for Gene. When he got close he jumped off his sword, grabbed it by the handle and threw it at Gene.
"You're trying that again? You know it won't work," Gene laughed and created a sword to block it. When the sword fell away John was gone. "Where did he go?"
"You think I'm dumb enough to try the same thing twice?" Said John.
"Behind me?" Thought Gene. John kicked Gene and sent him into the rubble, destroying the surrounding area. "How is he so strong, and how did he manage to go beyond 100%? That should be impossible," thought Gene.
"Had enough yet?" Asked John. White aura flowing off his body, overflowing with power.
"Yes, I can tell that you are worthy, and powerful enough to wield one, I will give you what you desire," said Gene. John's aura went away.
"Yesss!" John threw his hands in the air as he fell over. "130% even worse than 120%," John gave out a weak laugh. Gene stood back up.
"That's what I thought, going beyond 100% kills your stamina, while it is very useful in battle it has a great drawback, be careful with that, it could be the end of you if you don't use it cautiously," explained Gene. "On a different note, follow me, I'll show you to your sacred crystal, I think I have a perfect match for you."
"Let's go then," said John trying to stand up. He manifested his big sword and crawled onto it to follow Gene. As they moved forward the mountain started rebuilding itself. They made their way to a weird looking room. With hundreds of weird crystals sticking out of the walls.
"This one," Gene points to a black crystal, "touch it, and if it glows it means it's chosen you, it will turn into your desired weapon and become yours."
"Ok." Says John as he reaches out to touch it, it starts to glow.
"Wow, first try, that doesn't happen very often," Gene was surprised. The crystal formed into a pitch black sword. Suddenly a black energy beam came off the sword and attached to John's head. "Now you'll get to meet the past user, don't let their soul possess you or I'll have no choice but to kill you, good luck in the dream world," said Gene. John passed out, Gene caught him and laid him down carefully. "Good luck, I'm rooting for you kid," said Gene. John woke up and sat up to look around.
"So this is a dream world," he stood up and started walking, eventually he saw this figure in the distance. "What is that?" He kept walking towards it, as he got closer he heard its voice.
"What is your business here?" Said the creature.
"I came here to beat you and use your sacred crystal," said John
"And you think it will be that easy?" Asked the creature as it lifted its finger and shot an aura bullet at him. John manifested his big sword and deflected it back at him, knocking the creature back.
"Well I was hoping so, but I guess I won't know until I try," said John. The creature stood back up.
"I like your spunk kid. Alright I'll give you a chance, if you can best me in combat I'll let you use my power," said the creature.
"Then let's get going," John manifested his sword.
"You know what happens if you lose, right?" Asked the creature.
"Yeah, but I'm not worried," said John.
"I like that blind confidence of yours, it'll make you a great opponent to slaughter," the creature smiled.
"Bring it on, harmonization 100%," John stood in a fighting position.
"Harmonization? You really are an interesting fellow, you would be a great vessel to control," the creature ran at John, unsheathing his crescent blade swords, he swung down on John, "go all out, I wanna see that power of harmonization in action." John put his sword up to block the creature's attack.
"He's so strong," thought John, struggling to block the sword. The ground below John's feet started to break, "I'll need more power to take this guy on." John looked up to see the creature's face right in front of his, with a big smile.
"If you entertain me enough maybe I'll let you watch as I control your body," the creature laughed. John smiled back at the creature.
"Harmonization... 200%," power flowed from John's body and shook the dream world.
"He's gone beyond 100%? That shouldn't be possible, just his pure amount of power is able to shake the dream world. This kid... is a monster," thought the creature. John started pushing back on the creature's sword and threw him back, sending him flying into the ground. "If it wasn't for the fact that I'm dead, this battle would already be over. He has so much power, it would depleted an average person's life force in minutes, how could he accomplish something like this, especially at this young of and age-" the creature was so eager to kill John that he hadn't noticed till now, "that mask... that scar... he's... the chosen one," the creature was in such shock, he was too distracted to notice that John had already cut his head off.
"John, John!" yelled Gene as he was shaking John. "Get up, you did it." John's eyes opened.
"Where am I?" He sat up quickly and looked around in confusion.
"You did it, you beat the original user," said Gene. "The sacred crystal is yours."
"Wow really, that's so cool, I can't wait to use it," said John.
"Now go and get stronger with your new sacred crystal," said Gene.
"Yes sir!" Said John.