"Harmonization, 100%" Black aura completely enveloped John's godlike physique.
"Bring it on," Cifer smiled. John leaned forward, in an instant he took off towards Cifer, destroying a section of the ground where he was standing. "You've gotten faster," John appeared behind Cifer and landed a kick in his side, sending him flying. The moment Cifer touched the ground he instantly appeared right in front of John, following through with a punch, John caught it and threw Cifer in the air. He jumped up and punched Cifer back into the ground, creating a crater in the ground. Cifer stands up out of the crater, "and after five years, you're ready." John's black aura went away.
"Finally, I did it," said John in relief.
"And you didn't even use your sword," added Cifer. John looked down at his sheathed sword.
"You're right, I didn't," he said.
"You're ready to go back to your world now, there's nothing else I can teach you," said Cifer.
"Thank you so much Cifer, your training has really given me a huge push, I can guarantee the safety of my friends now thanks to you, what could I do to show my thanks?" Asked John.
"Only use this power for good, always, that's all the thanks I need," said Cifer.
"You got yourself a deal," John smiled and reached his hand out to shake Cifers.
"Protect your friends, never give up, always remember that John."
"I will," answered John. Cifer taps the ground twice with his foot and a portal opens up next to him.
"This is your way home, now go, keep your friends safe," said Cifer. John nodded his head as he walked through the portal. He took a step through and he fell straight down.
"Why did he put the portal in the same spot!?" Screamed John as he fell through the air. "Wait, the gravity here feels like nothing, it's like I'm barely being pulled to the ground," he thought. He landed on the ground gracefully, barely making any noise. "It's almost morning," thought John. He walked back into their hideout and knocked on the door.
"Jax, Jax wake up," said Allie.
"Yeah yeah I'm up, what do you need?" Asked Jax.
"John appeared on your orb again," she said. Jax paused for a second, still processing what he had heard...
"Yeah, and it looks like he's heading straight for Darren right now," said Allie.
"Why would it show him to us now?" said Jax.
"It doesn't matter why, we need to go. Now!" Said Oliver.
"Why are you going for Darren on your own? You're going to need your friend's help," said Rognor.
"I don't need their help. They don't believe in me anyways, so if I tried to get their help they would just tell me it's not time, so I'll kill this bastard myself," said John.
"Now, now, calling me mean names won't fix anything," Darren had appeared next to John, flying along with him.
"Where'd he come from, I couldn't sense him," thought John.
"What? Too fast for you?" Teased Darren. John landed and Darren followed.
"Feed from my power Rognor," black strings of mana came off John's wrist and went into the sword as he unsheathed it.
"You think just because you've powered up a little that you can beat me, ha," said Darren.
"Exactly," John had appeared next to Darren again, he attacked with his sword, Darren barely dodged it, John left a giant cut in his torso.
"You're even faster now, I'm guessing you trained with Cifer, that's the only way you could get to this level," said Darren smiling.
"I did, but that doesn't matter, all you should be worried about is staying alive," said John as he smiled.
"I really didn't want to have to use this but it doesn't look like I have a choice," said Darren. John gave a confused look. "Sacred crystal... Rose-Gold Sword," a golden sword with metal rose vines wrapped all around it floated down in a ray of light. The moment he touched it the rose vines wrapped around his arm and the ray of light went away.
"I can feel his power increase, it suddenly skyrocketed, how powerful is this sword?" Thought John. Darren went straight for an attack, John was fast enough to block it, the earth shook from their collision.
"What powerful attacks," thought Jax, watching them through the orb.
"How far out are we?" Asked Oliver.
"A couple hours at this speed," said Jax. They continued battling, their constant blows rattling the earth. They were moving so fast all you could see were flashes of light when they clashed swords. The earth started to crack from their battle.
"I need to use my domain if I want to harmonize," thought John. He crossed his fingers and called out to his domain. "Domain of Terror." They were put on a pitch black plain.
"God damn it," said Jax.
"What," said Oliver.
"He's gone again, I can't see him on the orb," explained Jax.
"Just go to the last place he was at," said Oliver.
"That sounds like the best option," said Jax.
"You have a domain? I didn't know you could use magic, Cifer must have put some work in for you," Darren laughed, "I might actually have to try now." His eyes turned a glowing green, he grew green horns, green stripes surrounded his body and he had green mana coming off his shoulders. John went in to attack at full speed, creating thousands of after images coming at Darren from all angles. He dodged them all with ease. They went back into battle, this time Darren was faster. John flew backwards and into the side of his domain, cuts all over his body, he was covered in blood. John stood back up.
"Alright, no more messing around. Harmonization, 100%," the domain shook, black mana flowed from John's body.
"That power! It's intoxicating," yelled Darren.
"Bring it on," said John. They continued fighting for hours, each attack shaking the domain. "I don't know how much longer my domain can hold out from all these attacks," thought John.
"It looks like your domain is too weak to handle both of our power. Let me show you a true domain," Darren stuck his sword in the ground and clasped his hands together, "Domain of Ageless Time," the once black plain that they stood on became green, with a red sky.
"His domain... Is more powerful than mine?" He thought. "It doesn't matter, either way I will still defeat you," said John.
"I wouldn't be so sure," said Darren, laughing. "I am unstoppable in here, you think you were buffed in your domain... you haven't seen anything yet." Darren appeared next to John.
"He's faster," thought John. Darren brought his sword down on John. The sword stopped right in front of John's face. John had manifested his big sword and katana to block the attack. John pushed off Darren and jumped back, the swords floating above him.
"How can you have two manifested swords at a time? It shouldn't be possible," said Darren.
"I don't know, but I've learned not to question these things," said John.
"Fair enough," said Darren. They continued fighting, their attacks still shaking the domain. "My domain has never struggled this much when I bring an opponent in, this kid is truly powerful," thought Darren. "Alright, let's end this," Darren's mana started covering his entire body, "I've never had to use this form before, so be proud of yourself kid, you really made it a long way, but this ends here."
"He has so much power," thought John. Darren attacked John in an instant, destroying his mana swords and leaving cut marks all over his body.
"Now for the final attack," Darren turned around and started walking over to John, who had fallen on the ground. "I'm sorry kid, but this is how it has to be," Darren lifted his sword to finish John off. Oliver appeared and punched Darren away.
"What do you think you're doing?" Said Oliver in anger, Darren stood up to see Oliver with his fiery hair and red mana, Jax and Allie standing behind him.
"Let me heal you John," Allie ran over and tried to heal John.
"What are you guys doing here?" Asked John.
"We couldn't let you fight Darren alone," said Oliver.
"Your wounds won't heal all the way but I did the best I could, you should be fine for now," said Allie. John started standing back up.
"I don't need your help," said John, "you shouldn't have come."
"I know you don't need our help, you're strong, stronger than all of us, but teamwork is how we will all get out of this alive, we just have to believe in each other," explained Oliver.
"Believe in each other, you expect me to believe in you, when all you've ever done is doubt me?" Yelled John.
"Aww, how cute, it's like a father and son arguing," said Darren leaning over on his sword.
"Is that what this was all about, you don't think I've ever believed in you, so you came to fight Darren on your own?" Asked Oliver.
"Yes, all I wanted was your approval, but I was never good enough," said John.
"Me believing in you shouldn't be important-" Oliver was cut off.
"This is getting boringggg. C'mon kid, keep entertaining me," yelled Darren. John turned to where Darren was, but he was gone. "Looking for me?" Darren had appeared behind Oilver and John.
"Watch out!" Yelled Allie. John brought his sword up and blocked Darrens attack. Oliver countered and tried to land a punch.
"Too slow," said Darren as he dodge Oliver's attack and sliced Oliver's arm. Oliver didn't hesitate.
"Raging sun-" he was cut off again.
"Lets keep you two from intervening," said Darren as chains came out of the ground and tied Jax and Oliver down, knocking them out with magic. "Now... Let's continue, John." Darren attacked John again leaving more cut marks and cracking his sword.
"Hey kid," said Rognor. Darren went to attack Allie but John used the last of his energy to block, catching Darren off guard and pushing him back. "You're going to need that third ability we talked about, that you could only use when you got to 100%, if you want to win," Rognor explained.
"What is it?" Asked John.
"Spirit union," said Rognor.
"What is that?" Asked John.
"It will combine our mental, physical, and magical prowess for a short period of time, giving you a giant power boost," explained Rognor.
"Let's do it," said John.
"Alright, all you have to do is yell, Spirit Union, and I'll do the rest," said Rognor.
"Spirit Union!" Yelled John as he went to attack Darren. Nothing happened. "Why didn't it work?"
"You have to desire the union, you must still not truly want it," explained Rognor.
"What was that, did you think you could scare me by bluffing," said Darren. John fell over, out of strength. Darren kicked him in the stomach, throwing him away from Allie. Oliver finally wakes back up, still tied down.
"John! I believe in you! But that's not important! What's truly important... Is that you believe in yourself!" He yelled. John's eyes widened but Darren ignored Oliver.
"All that power you mustered up, just to lose to me in the end... Now you get to watch your friend die by my hand," Darren laughed as he stuck his sword through Allie's chest. John was so out of energy that he couldn't say anything, all he could do was cry as he watched Allie's body go limp. Darren turned around and started walking towards Oliver and Jax, "now you'll get to watch me kill the rest of your friends." Suddenly Darren felt this extreme pressure, "what is this, he shouldn't have any power left." Darren turned around to see John standing up, streams of black aura rose from his body, his eyes wide open, staring at Darren with rage, and an antler coming out of the left side of his head.
"It worked!" Said Rognor.
"Your aura. It feels different," said Darren.
"You bastard," said John.
"Now this is going to be fun," said Darren. John attacked insanely fast.
"Condensed dimensional slash," said John. Darren raised his sword to block it, but John cut straight through Darrens sword, following through, cutting Darren's head clean off. The attack was so powerful it shattered the domain sending them back into John's domain. John stood in silence, still in a rage. The chains came off of Oliver and Jax. Oliver came running over to assist John.
"We won, you have gotten my kingdom back!" said Oliver.
"Of course you just have to ruin everything!" Yelled Jax as he stabbed Oliver through the back with a giant black spike. Oliver fell over.
"Oliver!!" John fell to his knees next to Oliver.
"There's nothing you can do kid, he's dead," said Jax. John's eyes widened, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
"Why, why would you do that?" John asked in a weak voice.
"Why? Because of you, you just couldn't die like you were supposed to," said Jax.
"What do you mean?" Asked John.
"Darren was supposed to kill Oliver, and when he was weakened I would finish him off, then I would go home and tell our little story, that Oliver's dying words were that he wanted me to be king. Then I could rule over our world, but I couldn't just have Darren kill Oliver, he would have to kill the chosen one, you, as well, so you wouldn't try and take the throne from me, but you had to go and win, so I'm going to have to kill you myself. I didn't want to get my hands dirty but I guess it has to be done," Jax ranted on in anger.
"I won't let you get away with this!" Yelled John. He attacked Jax with his sword. Jax caught it with one hand.
"Kid. You're not near strong enough to beat me. Remember what Cifer said." John's eyes went wide again.
"How did you know?"
"Oh, c'mon, even Darren knew, it's pretty obvious, you would've never gotten that powerful on your own. And you haven't even begun to see the power I wield."
"But why would you do this?"
"Don't take it personally, I'm only doing what's necessary." Jax punched a hole straight through John's chest, ripping out his heart. "Rest in peace kid, you tried your hardest, but you were never destined to win." Jax let John drop to the ground, John's vision started to fade, his body went limp.
"Where am I?" John wakes up and opens his eyes to see that he is in his room. He sits up quickly and starts patting his body down, "I'm alive?" He hears his phone go off, he grabs it and checks it.
"Hey, John, do you wanna go explore the forest tonight?!" It was a text from Allie.